I understand we are now just friends. 

There's no need to be a stranger though. 


Three weeks later and Ben had yet to call Rita, not because he didn't want to; he did. He wanted to hear her husky voice and giggle so bad he dreamt of it every night. But he didn't call because each time he'd picked his phone to do so, he recalled her text message and it got him mad all over again.

It was the kind of fury that got him growling and snapping and he didn't want to growl and snap at Rita, she'd gone through enough already from his family. He was also angry with himself, because, despite travelling impromptu to Lagos to deal with shareholders who wanted out of Global Press to avoid the smear Uncle Zach had brought, he should have called her and found out how she was doing. Except, he'd been worried she'd give him a fake version...that she might feel uncomfortable about sharing anything with him and he didn't want that.