Chapter 14

June, 1986

It wasn't working. 

Kate discovered weeks later that Kenny had just settled in to being civil towards her. He said his good mornings and good nights, thank yous and excuse mes, as required. He didn't bother to hide the fact that he was still seeing Susan and preferred being with her. How did she know this? It was in the perfume surrounding him when he returned in the evenings. The feminine perfume persisted even when she did his laundry on the weekends.

As expected, Kate's heart was heavy. The entire situation would not have been this disheartening if Kate was not in love with her husband. Or, did not understand his pain of fighting his father's control. In fact, understanding his stance seemed to make it worse because she could not hate him. Kate was annoyed with him for acting out and behaving like a big toddler, but she could not hate him.