Chapter 26

February 1st, 1987 


He had searched. First at his father's house, in case the man had finally convinced Kate to leave him. However, she had not be there. Mr. Okpabi was livid. He blamed his son's stupidity as usual. 

For once in his life, Kenny didn't care. He was focused on finding Kate. She wasn't at the Matron's home, or Nsisong's home. And not at AK's either. He would have seen her in the one month he had stayed in his best friend's house. He would have perceived her scent in all those places, if she'd even been to see them before her disappearance.


Kenny realized that Kate had disappeared. Nobody had any idea where she was. He had come to this conclusion after hurrying to the village in his desperation to make sure all stones were uncovered. Her father claimed that he'd not seen her. The old man looked worried, so Kenny was assured that he was telling the truth.