The World of H.C.

A.N. This chapter will be an info dump! It will be full of info I never expounded when writing the original HDBFC. If history, familial ties and other lore are things you don't care for, please skip this chapter! Thanks to all who enjoy!


Hours had passed since Aveline had felt the spying eyes of her closest friends. The moon had risen and her bed was occupied by two warm bodies.

"This is the last night I can sleep like this for a while, Leen. Your parents should be returnin mornin after."

Aveline nodded, curling up into Kyra's open arms. When she found her comfy spot, she smirked as her eyes fell onto Kyra's cleavage. As they shifted upwards, Kyra gave a small kiss onto Aveline's forehead.

"You are the only person I would ever indulge in this way. Even them dumb bastards from the guild, all those years ago, wanted a girl to warm their beds. You, you're special. You silly thing."

Kyra rested her head above Aveline's, her breathing slowly becoming rhythmic.


Aveline snuggled a little closer, her cheeks flush with color in the moonlight. As she closed her eyes, she allowed herself to reopen them in Niall's room.

"Ah. You're here. Ready for the lore of Hero's Chronicle?"

Niall was laying on his side, seeming to be in his own version of pajamas. Aveline plopped down, her thighs smacking the ground. Her eyes were expectant.

"How about a review? I taught you a little, just enough to keep the tutors from coming back, but it was enough to keep you from needing other unnecessary lessons as well."

Aveline nodded. She enjoyed learning, especially when Niall was the one teaching her.

"Alright, so your father, Duke Thorin Synclair. A model citizen of this kingdom, as well as an ex-adventurer before he took over his father's place. We can skip over the basics, such as his Earth Aura and spearmanship. How and why did he take over from his father? Also, how did he get to this point, creating this Dukedom?"

Aveline's eyes narrowed as she began to think.

"Hmm. Gramps was an idiot. I know Papa tries to dial it back when he talks about it, but while he was adventuring Gramps decided to try and perform a coup d'etat. He was practically winning when Papa returned, having befriended the prince of the kingdom at that time, so Papa chose to stop his own. From there, he used his Earth Aura to check and open seven new mines in the area. This caused the king to increase Papa's rank and handed the Dukedom over to him. Gramps was jailed, then nothing. Papa is popular in and out of the Dukedom due to his kindness and willingness to work hard. He regularly heads into the mines and sells the ores to the kingdom and surrounding lands. Something he could only accomplish by being loyal to his friend, as well as the crown."

Niall gave an approving nod, quickly rolling into the next question.

"Now how far away is the capital? How do you get there?"

Aveline bounced, her excitement overflowing at the easy question.

"Two days South, by horse, we would need to travel around the Deep Forest. We would go up a cliffside, towering above the forest itself, then we travel South three more days. The capital is where Aunt Marie and Uncle Qwyn live, as well as teach at the Academy. I should be going when I turn sixteen. Papa also told me that I'd get to visit when I'm almost thirteen. Gotta get the right materials for something he wants to have made, while I get to spend time with Mama and Aunt Marie."

Niall smiled, winking as he spoke.

"Auntie. She gets upset if you call her otherwise. Now, further South of the capital?"

Aveline rolled her eyes.

"The Southern Plains, as well as the Southern Forest. They're practically side by side, but they are filled with different races. Kyra is from the plains, while many beastkin live in the forests. Past them are the Southern Seas, home of the Pirate's Kingdom as well as lots of fish."

Niall nodded.

"That was the basics. I'll teach you about the North, your mother and the Heroes. Yes, more than one. Each kingdom holds one, though this kingdom is mistaken. Orion was marked by Alvol, not the actual God of this kingdom. There are four kingdoms, so four heroes. Each is given incredible power, as well as the ability to attract allies."

Aveline shook her head.

"Nope. Don't care about that right now. What's Mama got to do with the North? I need the details!"

Niall let out a small chuckle.

"To the North, passed the deepest waters, there is both a volcano and a frozen mountain. The two are the Frost Fairy and Dragonkin Kingdoms. Your mother is not only from the Frost Fairy kingdom, but she is the blood sister to the current queen."

Aveline's jaw dropped.

"Mama is royalty!? Wait, she was married off, wasnt she?"

She began to pout a little.

"No. She fell in love after her sister was crowned. It is the same for Marie, their sister let them be free. The queen is also free in her own way, choosing to love a woman and adopt rather than birth her own child. That same adopted daughter is a conquest, but that is for another time."

Aveline fell onto her back and stretched out her legs.

"So that is why she has such powerful Ice Magic? To think that such a great person is my Aunt as well. Hey, Niall..."

Aveline rolled onto her side, her curves becoming incredibly sensual as she eyed Niall.

"It's safe to marry a woman? I was scared it wasn't allowed."

Niall nodded.

"It was adopted after the Icy Fairy Queen fell in love with a woman, choosing to change the norm. People were just scared to fight her over it."

Aveline nodded slowly, falling back onto her back.

"This is great news."

Niall could only smile before he stood over her, his hand outstretched.

"I think it's about time you woke up."