Chapter 1: I’m Fine (He says with tears in his eyes)

Loki was still here, that was good. It had been a week since Asgard had been destroyed. 4 days since Loki told Thor about the Tesseract and 2 days since Thanos had attacked and Loki had killed him. Since then Loki had been even more quiet than usual. But the fact Loki hadn't left was good, and Thor constantly told himself that despite the creeping suspicion Loki wasn't telling him something. Thor was used to this feeling of not knowing something that was happening with Loki so he decided to ignore it.

The reason for ignoring this feeling was mostly the fact that he didn't want to ruin the relationship that he and Loki were building with questions, because after almost losing Loki for the 3rd time Thor didn't want to waste another second over stupid arguments and petty battles.

Thor spent a good amount of his time in the Medical wing with Loki. He couldn't tell if Loki was enjoying his presence or not. On one hand, it seemed that Loki enjoyed that he was there and worried for him. On another hand, it seemed Loki didn't want Thor to see him in such a vulnerable state. He still had dark bruises surrounding his neck and his eyes were still bloodshot. The healer informed that no permanent physical damage was done but he could talk barely more than a hoarse whisper at the moment. Whenever Thor asked him a question he seemed to fight with himself about whether he should answer or not. On the rare occasion he did, it was in short phrases or in one-word responses. Thor was getting concerned Loki wouldn't speak as he used to. Despite Bruce's and Valkyrie's constant assurances.


When Thor had told him they were going to Midgard, Loki didn't know how to react, and then the Mad Titan attacked the ship and he hadn't given it another thought since then. Until Thor mentioned they were around 3 weeks from Midgard. Midgard brought back any memories that the arrival of the Titan hadn't. The nightmares started getting more frequent. More vivid. The worst part was that choking got added to the list of nightmare fuel. Causing sleep to become a rare activity for him lately.

Of course, Thor was unaware of any of this. He had enough to deal with without his little brother complaining to him (in Loki's opinion). As Thor had finally taken control of the throne and had to deal with the passengers on the Statesman.

Though, killing the Mad Titan had helped a little. Finally ridding him of the one who had taken advantage of him so many years ago.

But it doesn't change what happened, Loki had to live with that.

Of late, he barely speaks to anyone. He's sure Thor had questions about how he knew the ship or why he looked scared when he saw it. But if he did have questions, he didn't ask.


Loki was glad to finally get out of the Medical wing. He knew however that Thor would start asking questions soon now that he was on the mend. That, Loki was not glad about. No matter how stupid Thor could be, he knew Thor would recognize him trying to avoid a subject.

He also knew Valkyrie was glancing at him at random times during the day. He suspected it had something to do with the aftermath of him killing the Titan.

Thor was out cold and Bruce was trying not to hulk out, so Valkyrie had to help a half delusional Loki to the Medical wing. He knew that she stayed next to his bed that night to make sure he wasn't going to die. Loki suspected she had heard something from one of his delusions. Although she hadn't tried to talk to Loki about it, and he was hoping she didn't mention it to Thor either.

But he loathed the glances. Most times they were examining him but other times he caught a rare hint of pity in the stares. The more he got these glances from Valkyrie the more annoyed he became. His nerves were also still frayed from the recent encounter with the TItan causing him to start snapping at Valkyrie whenever she looked his way. Others took the hint and avoided staring at him for more than a few seconds. What didn't help his nerves was the fact they were only three days away from Midgard. Thor of course noticed Loki had been in a fouler mood than usual lately. So the big oaf tried to talk to him.

Thor entered his room and started questioning him about what was happening, and when that didn't work he tried to ask about Sanctuary 2 which Loki responded by promptly teleporting away. Thor didn't see him the rest of that day.


Valkyrie had a tense expression on her face as she walked up to Thor. Thor was a little thrown off by her behavior as she was most usually a little too relaxed.

"I need to talk to you about Lackey…Loki" She said anxiously as she approached Thor.

Thor gave her a questioning look "What happened? Did he do something?"

"No, he hasn't done anything," She said, her expression softening.

"Is he okay?" Thor asked as he started getting increasingly worried.

"I think," She said, not clarifying.

"Get on with it Val," Thor said, starting to lose his temper.

Val nodded "you know when he killed Thanos and you and Banner were, well, occupied…" She said hesitantly.

Thor nodded, still confused at what was going on.

"I don't know if this is my place to tell but… I'm going to because Lackey seems to need the help. Well, he fell asleep in the Medical wing after the whole thing which I get but Im getting off track aren't I?" She asked nervously to the air " Well he had a nightmare…." She paused.

Thor looked at her questioningly; this was the Urgent news?

Seeing Thor's expression she continued "He was talking in his sleep and kind of thrashing around. He was saying something but I couldn't really make out what it was cause it was really more of a whimper. Then it turned more into screaming than anything and then he woke up out of breath. He looked at me and flinched before his face went completely blank, void of all emotions" Val said quickly.

Thor was lost for words and confused. Val looked at him expectantly.

"You should talk to him about it," Val said.

Thor nodded.

"I tried talking to him already" He muttered quietly.

Meanwhile, while Thor and Val were talking, so were Loki and Bruce.

"So Loki have your eyes always been green or did you just feel like changing it up during new york," Bruce said suddenly as he walked into the room.

Loki tensed visibly at the words.

"Whatever do you mean Banner," Loki said calmly.

"What I mean is, why are your eyes Green? Not blue. I remember them being bright blue during the invasion. So either you changed your eyes at some point for an unknown reason or there's something you're not telling us about the invasion" Bruce concluded.

Loki didn't say anything.

"I'll take that as a yes," Banner said after waiting a minute for Loki to answer.

"Wait just a minute! You do not get to twist my silence to your will! You have no proof of… of anything!" Loki shouts suddenly losing his temper.

"No Proof! No proof! I may not have much proof Loki but I sure do have some! Where would you like me to start! Your eyes changing colors or the fear and knowledge of Thanos' ship! Or the nightmare Val mentioned to me." Banner said exasperatedly.

"Did she tell Thor?" Loki asked, looking suddenly nervous.

"That's what you choose to say!" Baner said exasperated.

"Did she tell Thor?" Loki hissed hurriedly.

"I have no clue. But the fact you're acting like this is confirming that I'm right." Bruce stated.

Loki rolled his eyes and started walking to his room door to leave.

"Don't leave, you need to rest," Bruce said.

Loki huffed impatiently as his face remained neutral.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Bruce asked as he sat in a nearby seat.

Loki scoffed and folded his arms as he walked over to his bed and sat down on the edge.

"Okay, then, well just know I'm here, so are Val and Thor," Bruce said as Loki cut across him with a scoff.

"Thor there for me? You must be joking, '' Loki said unhumorously.

"He left me after I got stabbed on Svartalfheim! Then again on Sakarr and again in Asgard after he told a Frost Giant to summon Surtur! A being made solely of fire! So thank you for the Offer Bruce" Loki spit out. " But I will be fine by myself as I have always been." Loki Snapped.

Bruce stayed silent, awkwardly looking at Loki whose eyes were glazed.

"Do you have any burns?" Bruce asked, breaking the silence.

Loki went rigid.

"Let down your illusion" Bruce demanded.

"I'm taking care of it!" Loki countered, panic creeping into the edges of his voice.

"Are you? Then why have I noticed you limping ever since you came back?" Bruce said accusingly.

"It's under control!" Loki snapped at Bruce.

"Is it? Let down the illusion then" Bruce said calmly.

Loki for once looked at a loss for words.

"Please Loki, I'm just trying to help you. I won't tell Thor ok? I'll let you do that" Bruce pleaded.

Loki hesitated a moment before a green glow washes over him letting the illusion down. Bruce felt nauseated as he saw the burns creeping up the left side of Loki's neck and face.

"How far do the burns go down?" Bruce asked concerned.

"About halfway down my thigh," Loki said quietly.

Bruce nods "I'll treat the ones on your face, neck, and torso and I need you to pay attention so you can do the ones on your leg" Bruce instructed as he heads towards the door.

"I'll be back," Bruce said as he exited the room.

Loki sat there quietly until Bruce came back with burn salve and bandages.

"Please take your shirt off," Bruce said seriously.

Loki nodded and compiled.

"Why are you doing this?" Loki said hoarsely after the silence started becoming too heavy.

"Because you're a part of the Revengers just like Me and Valkyrie and Thor, we look out for each other" Bruce said determinedly.

Loki made a little strangled noise that was a cross between a sob and a scoff. Then tried to cover it up with a cough. Bruce raised an eyebrow but didn't say anything.

"Ok, this might burn a bit," Bruce warned.

Loki laughed slightly and nodded. Bruce grabbed a rag and dipped the rag in the salve. Then he dabbed the burns with the rag expecting a wince. Loki's face stayed eerily neutral however as he kept slowly dabbing at the wounds. Once the wounds had an appropriate amount of salve on them Bruce started putting bandages on. He wrapped the bandages slowly around Loki's torso first. When he was done he started making his way to Loki's neck. He stopped his pursuit when Loki's eyes got wide and fearful.

"Loki? Are you okay?" Bruce asked, withdrawing his hands from near Loki's throat.

"I'm..I'm fine," Loki said, sounding out of breath.

Bruce gave him a doubting stare.

"I… Just… No bandages around the neck. Please." Loki said weakly, still sounding out of breath.

Bruce got hit with a sudden realization.

"Oh," Bruce said softly.

Loki looked at Bruce, the gears turning in his head.

"It's just a little sore is all" Loki said trying to seem nonchalant even though the panic could be heard in his voice.

"Ok, no bandage. Just try not to touch your neck" Bruce said kindly.

Bruce cleared his throat awkwardly.

"I'll leave you to deal with the burns on your leg," He said politely as he exited Loki's room.

Loki nodded and Bruce shut the door and walked away. Loki took care of the burns on his leg and put his illusion back up.

Just in time too as Thor had just entered his room.

"Did Bruce tell you to come in here?" Loki asked calmly, keeping the anxiety out of his voice.

"What? No…. Valkyrie said I should talk to you?" Thor said, confused.

"Oh," Loki said, his heart dropping.

"She told me about a nightmare you had after you killed Thanos," Thor stated.

"Oh, she did?" Loki asked, the panic finally starting to seep into his voice.

"Yes she did, and that got me thinking" Loki interrupted him and said, "That's a first."

Thor continued in a worried tone as if he didn't hear Loki "how often do you have nightmares?"

"That is none of your concern" Loki snapped.

"I think it is!" Thor exclaimed.

Loki stayed silent.

"Fine then tell me how you knew it was Thanos' ship then?" Thor said resolutely.

"Who's to say I did?" Loki stated airly.

"Well, you immediately knew what to do when his ship came," Thor insisted.

"And then of course you looked scared when you saw his ship," Thor said, not letting Loki speak.

"So I say you knew the ship" Thor concluded.

Loki paused and then said "Yes I knew the ship"

"That doesn't mean anything, however," Loki stated hurriedly.

"I think it does," Thor said.

"No, it doesn't" Loki insisted.

"Fine, I'll sit here until you tell me what's happening to you!" Thor said resolutely as he pulled up a chair.

"Oh please do. Have fun being bored," Loki said as he moved to rest his back against the headboard of the bed.

Thor nodded and crossed his arms.

They sat like this for an hour or two. Loki was getting drowsy despite himself and his eyes started drooping as he tried not to fall asleep. Thor was still watching him carefully and Loki knew what would happen if he fell asleep, it was not an option.

He couldn't fight against the drowsiness for long however as soon his eyes fell shut and he fell into a restless sleep.

Soon enough Loki started to thrash around in his sleep. He made spluttering noises as he tried to grasp for air, clawing at his throat as if trying to get somebody's hand off.

Thor jumped up out of his seat and over to Loki's bed.

"Loki" Thor hissed as he shook Loki trying to wake him.

Loki woke startled and tried to get off the bed quickly, but the blankets tripped him and he instead ended up on the ground tangled in the bed's blankets.

His neck had red scratches from where his nails had scratched his neck.

From the ground Loki looked around frantically, when his eyes landed on Thor, he stood up suddenly and straightened his clothing. He waved his hand gracefully, and the blankets appeared made on the bed with a green shimmer.

Loki started slowly walking (Mind you he was now limping) to his room door to leave.

"Brother!" Thor exclaimed as he went to Loki and placed a hand on his chest to stop him.

"Yes Thor," Loki said icily.

"Sit down," Thor demanded.

"No" Loki snarled.

"Sit down"


Thor pushed Loki back until his heels hit the edge of the bed.

"Sit," Thor growled.

Loki gracefully sat down on the edge of the bed as Thor pulled the chair closer and sat down.

"What was that about?" Thor shouted.

"Whatever do you mean Brother?" Loki asked calmly.

"You know exactly what I mean, Loki!"

"Do I?"

"Yes, you do! Tell me what just happened!" Thor shouted.

"What just happened," Loki said jokingly.

"I am not in a gaming mood Brother! Tell me what happened!" Thor said testily.

"What makes you say anything happened?" Loki countered.

"You fell asleep and woke up panting!"

"Then you should be able to put the pieces together," Loki mocks.

"I am able to but I would like you to tell me," Thor said.

"No" Loki deadpans.

"Why were you limping?"

"None of your business" Loki Snarled.

"It is my business Loki! I care for you!" Thor said.

"So that's why you left me on Asgard to burn!" Loki said the rage seeping into his voice.

"I didn't mean it like that, you know that! Besides, you came out without a scratch!" Thor counters.

"Oh, I did!?!" Loki said the rage fully taking hold of his voice as he stands up and lets his illusion drop.

"Oh," Thor said bluntly at a loss for words.

Loki sits back down on the bed and crosses his legs.

"What did you think would happen? You sent a frost giant to summon a fire being! Not that I care, I would do it again" Loki states tiredly.

Thor nods dispassionately.

"I did not mean to get you injured Brother," Thor said quietly finally breaking the silence.

"I know, Brother," Loki said warily.

The two jump as Bruce knocks on the door and comes in.

"Loki, did you touch your neck!" Bruce scolds as he walks up to Loki.

"It was an accident! Ask Thor" Loki defends pointing at Thor.

Thor nodded confusedly, not really sure what he was agreeing to.

"Fine, stay here I'll be right back," Bruce said as he left the room to grab the rag and the burn medication.

Thor looked at Loki confused "How does Bruce know?"

"He found out recently," Loki said bluntly, shutting the conversation down.

Thor nods silently.

Bruce walks back in with the burn medication and starts to apply some to Loki's neck.

Thor sat in the background unsure what to do with himself but not wanting to leave.

Once Bruce finished he said, "We should leave Loki to some rest Thor."

Thor begrudgingly followed Bruce out the door leaving Loki alone with his thoughts.


Bruce approached Loki's door resolved to finally get some answers. He knocked on the door.

"Come in," Loki said warily through the door.

Bruce walked in hesitantly.

"Hey there. How are you feeling?" Bruce asked as he steps closer to Loki who is sitting on his bed.

Loki waves his hand vaguely.

"That is neither here nor there. I'm assuming you wanted to ask me something other than how I am?" Loki stated.

"I…uh…yes actually," Bruce said awkwardly.

"Go on then," Loki said impatiently.

"I was wondering how you knew the ship that tried to attack us? And whoever that purple guy was for that matter." Bruce stated.

Loki tensed slightly as he said, "I have read many tales of the Mad Titan, his way is known around the universe."

"Ok, why then were you and him talking like you knew each other? Plus you still haven't answered me about the ship." Bruce said.

Loki spluttered and Bruce took that opportunity to keep talking.

"You want to know what I think? I think that you've been on that ship before! That you know that… Mad Titan." Bruce said determinedly.

"I don't know what you think you're doing Banner" Loki growled warningly.

"I think that something happened between your fall off the Bi-frost and when you got to Earth… er … Midgard," Bruce said confidently.

"I… You do not know what you speak of" Loki deflected.

"Then why are you getting defensive?" Bruce pointed out.

"This does not concern you, Banner!" Loki said angrily.

"I think it does!" Bruce exclaimed.

Loki growled.

"Leave," He said dangerously.

"No," Bruce said stubbornly as he crossed his arms.

"We're two days away from Earth! If there was something about the invasion you're not telling us then it could help you stay free!" Bruce ranted.

"Then let them lock me up! The Norns know I deserve it!" Loki yells.

Bruce looks a little lost for words.

"You can tell me Loki. I'm your teammate and your friend! And I don't want you getting locked up!" Bruce said.

Loki scoffs.

"I know you don't believe me. You have no reason to! aren't you the god of lies? Can't you tell I'm not lying?" Bruce asked pleadingly.

Loki nodded solemnly.

"It has never helped me before! Odin lied for centuries! And never once did I see the truth behind his lies!" Loki yelled, losing his temper.

"Well, I'm not Odin!" Bruce shouted.

"Fine! You really want to see what happened? Here you go!" Loki yelled as he put two fingers on each side of Bruce's head.

Images of Loki's time with Thanos flashed through Bruce's head. The Scepter, The Other, and of course Thanos all made appearances in the images, none pleasant.

Suddenly the images stop.

"Are you happy now Bruce!" Loki hissed looking drained.

Bruce looked pale.

"Get out," Loki said quietly before Bruce could respond.

Bruce gaped at him for a second.

"GET OUT!" Loki yelled.

Bruce backed out of the door. Loki slammed the door behind Bruce and let out a groan of frustration.

He aimed a kick at a nearby wall.

"Why won't everyone just leave it alone!" He yelled with frustrated tears in his eyes.

He went over to his bed and sat down on the edge, wiping his tears away.


Bruce backed out of Loki's room, mind racing when he ran into someone.

"Sorry," Bruce said as he turned around to see who it was.

"It is fine Banner" Thor boomed.

"What are you doing over here Thor?" Bruce asked, becoming confused.

"I am here to talk to my brother," Thor said.

Bruce sighed "I don't think you should do that right now."

"Why not?" Thor asked, confused.

"He just kicked me out of his room," Bruce said.

"Is everything ok?" Thor asked concerned.

"I may have asked him too many questions," Bruce said.

Thor shook his head "I am going to talk to him. Regardless"

"I still don't think it's a good idea, but your funeral" Bruce said resignedly.

Thor nods and starts walking to Loki's door.

"Wait! Um, I need to tell you something…" Bruce said stopping Thor.

Thor turned around and raised his eyebrow.

"Loki….Well…. Never mind, it's out of my place to talk" Bruce said regretting stopping Thor.

Thor gave him a questioning look and turned away to walk to Loki's door.

Once Thor reached Loki's door he stopped and knocked.

"Leave me, Bruce," Loki said his voice sounding choked up.

"It is me, Brother," Thor said patiently.

"Leave me, Brother" Loki reiterated sarcastically his voice still sounding hoarse.

Thor sighed, nothing could ever be easy with Loki, could it?

"You will either let me in or I will force my way in Brother" Thor threatened.

Loki didn't say anything. Thor sighed again shaking his head. He didn't want to resort to this but if he had to he would.

"I'm coming in," Thor said before charging at the locked door, that is the previously locked door as Loki used his magic to open the door before Thor could make contact with it.

Thor fell face forward onto the floor. Loki let out a little laugh at that. Thor stood up looking annoyed until he saw Loki. The frustrated expression on Thor's face turned almost instantly to concern. Loki was looking rough around the edges. His skin was sickly looking and his eyes were red (From crying Thor supposed), the remaining bruises on his neck weren't helping the look either (Nor were the burns).

"Brother? Are you ok?" Thor asked walking over to Loki and puting both of his hands on Loki's shoulders.

Loki flinched slightly.

"If your about to hug me I might stab you" Loki said obviously trying to threaten Thor, but since there was no actual fury in his voice Thor doubted the threat was true.

Thor filled the gap between them with a hug, Loki stood tensely for a couple of seconds before returning the hug.

The tears threatened to return in Loki's eyes as the hug ended.

"Brother, what is the matter?" Thor asked taking a couple of steps away from Loki.

"Nothing" Loki lied.

That wasn't the truth, the truth was Loki was tired. He was tired of lying, of being made into the villain. Loki was tired of hiding his true self behind an illusion (Not his frost giant form, Loki was not ready for that yet).

Thor looked at Loki with concern in his eyes.

"Please brother you can tell me the truth," Thor said weakly.

Loki's resolve crumbled almost at once hearing Thor sound so vulnerable. The tears started to prick his eyes again.

"I…" Loki drifted off.

Thor nodded encouragingly.

"I'm tired Thor," Loki said quietly finally speaking up.

Thor looked at Loki "Of what Loki?"

The tears in Loki's eyes were finally threatening to spill over.

"I'm tired of running Thor, but now that I have no reason to run I don't know what to do with myself. I don't have a purpose, I just sit in my bed awaiting an arrival that most likely will keep me in jail for the rest of my long life" Loki admitted weakly.

"I will not let that happen, Brother," Thor said resolutely.

They both were quiet for a couple of minutes until Thor thought of something.

"What do you mean you don't have a reason to run now? What was your reason before?" Thor asked Loki confused.

Loki froze, he thought about lying, but the last bit of fight in him was drained from his previous conversation with Banner.

"Thanos," Loki said quietly.

"Thanos? What does he have to do with this?" Thor asked Loki questioningly.

Loki sat down and braced himself, He didn't want to lie about this. Not anymore.

"You remember my attack on Midgard I suppose?" Loki asked looking wary.

Thor nodded still looking confused at where this was going.

"The Titan sent me thereafter he had his fun of course," Loki said conversationally, although his hands were visibly shaking.

"His... What? His fun?" Thor asked not liking where this conversation was going.

"I'd rather not go into detail, if you want that you can go to Banner," Loki stated.

"Loki, tell me please, I am done with there being secrets between us," Thor said pleadingly.

Loki sighed.

"Nothing major, just your run-of-the-mill torture," Loki said like he was informing Thor of the weather.

Thor's concern turned into fury almost instantly.

"Thanos, did that to you?" Thor asked angrily.

"Well, it was mostly the Other" Loki reiterated.

"What about the staff you had on Midgard? Did the Titan give that to you?" Thor asked.

"He gave it to me yes, more to control me than anything," Loki said his face blank.

"Control you? Control you how?" Thor asked.

"I was not fully in control during the attack. This does not mean that I do not still hold some responsibility of course." Loki said.

"What do you mean by not fully in control?" Thor said still confused.

"The staff influenced my emotions, controlled my thoughts, to fit Thanos' liking of course," Loki responded his calm expression still remaining.

"So you were like Barton? And Selvig?" Thor said.

"No, I still have my memories from the time," Loki said bitterly, his calmness finally breaking.

"Oh," Thor said.

Loki stayed silent as he hung his head, the tears starting to slowly drip out as he tried to stop them.

"Do you want me to leave?" Thor asked knowingly.

Loki took a deep breath.

"I don't... Please don't leave, I.. don't want to be alone" Loki said his voice sounding choked.

Thor looked at Loki pityingly.

"Of course Brother, I will always stay," Thor said as he sat next to Loki who was leaning against the bed headboard.


They were 3 hours away from Midgard now. Unawares to either Loki or Thor as after their conversation they fell asleep (It was the most rest Loki had gotten in a while) and woke up late in the evening when Valkryie burst through the door.

"Up both of you! Do you know how close we are to Midgard!" Valkyrie yelled at both of them.

Loki woke up instantly looking alert as Thor groggily got up. Once Loki saw it was Valkyrie he calmed a bit and threw a pillow at her in revenge. Loki stood up and green magic washed over him, his illusion being put back up and new clothes on in place.

"How close are we?" Loki asked trying not to let his anxiety show.

"About 3 hours! And our king here," She said pointing at Thor "Needs to have a plan ready!" She yelled.

Loki groaned as he went over to Thor and pushed him off the bed. Thor cursed under his breath as he stood up.

"Let's go," Valkyrie said walking out the door.

Thor grumbled as he followed Valkryie and Loki through the door and to a spare closet they dubbed the "Conference room."

Bruce was already sitting on a chair in the room. Thor pulled three other chairs to make a circle. They take their seats.

"First of all will the Midgardians cause any trouble when we land?" Valkyrie asked immediately.

"Depends on what you mean 'trouble'" Bruce responded.

"Will they try to shoot us out of the sky?" Valkyrie asked with no preamble.

"Not if we tell them who's landing" Bruce stated.

"Ok, and afterward will they let us stay?" Valkyrie asked.

"Depends," Bruce said.

Thor looks discouraged (And tired) which Loki did not like. Thor was supposed to be the ball of sunshine and him the pessimistic, downpour of rain. Fine I guess he would have to take it into his own hands.

"The Midgardians tend to be welcoming Brother," Loki said.

Bruce gives him a look that was clearly saying that he was wrong. Loki glares back at him.

Bruce decides it's in his best interest to stay quiet.

"I suppose your right Brother," Thor said gloomily.

"Of course I am, I'm always right" Loki stated proudly.

Thor sighs.

"What about you Loki? They won't take kindly to you being on the planet again" Thor asked.

"I know what your thinking Thor, and it's not going to happen" Loki stated already knowing where this was going.

"Brother it's the only way to get you out of jail," Thor said pleadingly.

"I am not using the torture excuse, Thor! It's the weak way out!" Loki stated angrily.

Bruce and Valkryie sit awkwardly in the background forgotten.

"It's anything but weak Loki! And it's not an excuse!" Thor yelled.

"Ok! So your just going to walk up to them and be like my brother was tortured and slightly mind-controlled can you let him be free!" Loki shouted sarcastically.

"Well, I'll find a better time to say it! You also killed the Titan that has to mean something!" Thor Countered.

"Not to the people of Midgard they're still in the dark ages Thor!" Loki said.

Thor let out a frustrated groan.

"Just let me help you, Brother! Please!" Thor said frustrated.

"No Thor! I can handle this on my own!"

"No, you can't Loki! Let me help you! Please, I can't lose you too your all I have left" Thor said weakly.

Loki looked at Thor the anger fading "Fine if you can find a way to keep me out of Prison then go ahead but I won't be any help to you."

Thor looked pleased with himself for making Loki agree.

Bruce cleared his throat "Are we good to go now? It's getting really stuffy in this closet."

Thor looked around at the small dark closet they were in "You're free to go but first, Valkryie how long until we reach Midgard?."

"2 Hours"