Chapter 9 Ready

Mu Huan further distanced himself from the people in the front row and entered the ice rink with Li Xin, only to be discovered by the people in front.

The lively discussion just now disappeared instantly.

Li Xin couldn't help laughing: "Where to sit?"

Mu Huan glanced at it, then found a seat in the third row and sat down.

Li Xin sat beside him with a seat in between, then turned his head and said, "Can you do it?"

Mu Huan smiled and said nothing.

Li Xin was rarely in the mood to speak, and jokingly said, "If you can't do it, I'll leave, and I'll go back and be embarrassed with you."

"What do you think? Do you think I can do it?" Mu Huan looked at him.

This question seemed a little frivolous, and the smile on Li Xin's face faded.

However, Mu Huan continued, "I only practiced for four days. If I get a place, would you like to try and fight again?"

This time, it was Li Xin's turn to be silent.

Mu Huan smiled and retracted his gaze, looking around.

The members of the provincial team all sat in the front row, talking and laughing as they put on their skate shoes, completely ignoring Mu Huan.

But the Omegas I met yesterday were very enthusiastic, and some people waved at Mu Huan. Yin Ge was also in the crowd, looking at Mu Huan and then at Mu Huan, but when Mu Huan looked over suspiciously, he hurriedly turned his head again, avoiding Mu Huan's gaze.

There were still sporadic spectators who didn't know their identities on the overhead stand, about twenty people, most of them lying on the guardrail on the second floor, holding their mobile phones, waiting eagerly.

As the assessment time approached, a group of seven coaches walked in together, either with a notebook or a bottle of water.

They walked directly to the front row of guardrails, and one of them said, "Today is the quarterly assessment of our team, and it is also the quarterly assessment of the senior group, and the day for the selection of places for the national training team.

Each ABO has two places, and can go to Beijing to participate in the training of the national training team in July.

I believe everyone knows that this is your only chance to enter the national team and your chance to stand out.

After ten years of sharpening a sword, do you want to go a step further! "The

crowd shouted: "Think! The

coach's "chicken blood" was very good, and the members of the provincial team who were just lazy became excited.

Then, the man looked around and landed on Mu Huan, who was at the outermost part of the crowd, until he retracted. He continued: "However, the competition on our A-lane side this year is more intense than in previous years. Let me introduce, that is Mu Huan of the national team, and he will also participate in this assessment.

Everyone turned back suddenly. The coach "

fired" on Mu Huan's body.

Mu Huan stood up without being arrogant and humble, and slowly took off the mask to his chin, calmly and this A pair of unceremonious eyes looked at each other.

An extremely aggressive face hit a pair of eyes, and some people stopped breathing for a moment.

If Mu Huan wore a mask to highlight those eyes, it was cold and stern. Then When he took off the mask, the deep and full facial features added fireworks to the impact. The strong impact was dazzling and faint.

There are many good-looking Alphas in this world, but they are like Mu Huan. The long ones seem to be poking into the eyes, but they are extremely rare. They are

too strong, especially strong and beautiful, and they have nothing to do with being handsome, but they are a little arrogant and straight into the heart, and they are arrogant and unreasonable

. Omega's face was hot, and he looked away shyly.

On the contrary, the Alphas felt a sense of tension, like a confrontation between males, and they were already secretly evaluating each other's chances of winning.

It's a shame to be so ostentatious!

"Hey, aren't you a national team member? Why did you run for our team to get a spot?"

Alpha is born with a combative personality.

"You haven't trained in our team, why do you want a place in our team?"

"Yeah, isn't that appropriate?"

"We don't have enough places for ourselves."

Alphas started talking, Omegas and Betas It kept quiet, only the little members of the children's group watched the excitement with naive and ignorant expressions.

Probably these words were also in the mind of the provincial team coach, so Mu Huan was allowed to be run, and he did not choose to speak at the first time.

Even just staring at Mu Huan's face, waiting to see his reaction.

So many people don't welcome you, do you still have the nerve to stay?

of course yes!

Mu Huan's expression remained unchanged in the face of the accusation.

But do not refute.

He didn't know the situation before, so he chose this place as the first stop for his comeback.

Now I know that he is indeed in the wrong and can endure the scolding.

But to make him give up is absolutely impossible!

Fortunately, the topic didn't go too far.


Finally, a provincial coach stopped him.

"Mu Huan will also participate in the competition for the places in Group A. You are all aware of his strength. You must perform well. Okay, let me talk about the content of the assessment. For

a complete free skating program, we want to see you better. Overall performance, not just technique and choreography, but also endurance, how to better and more effectively control physical fitness, will be the focus of our observation today."

After finishing speaking, the coach glanced left and right, and signaled to all the coaches around him: "Next, we will score you according to the regulations of the official game.

Ten minutes later, the A team of the youth group will be ready. Disband .

" The

words fell, and Mu Huan turned to leave and went out the door.

Someone behind him said, "Why is he going?"

"So slaughtered? It's so bad to be beaten."

"I'm going to prepare, I've only resumed training for a few days, and I must have no idea."

"Oh! Tsinghua, what you said is true. Is he really training?"

Wang Qinghua, who was bending over to wear skate shoes, heard the words, looked up at Mu Huan's back, and said with a smile: "Of course it is true, but the camel that died of starvation is bigger than a horse. You all know the grades, don't be careless."

Someone suddenly laughed: "We're not worried, it's you and Mengmeng who can get the quota, you just do your best."

Wang Qinghua looked at Mu Huan deeply until his The back disappeared, then nodded, bent down again, and meticulously tied the shoelaces.

Mu Huan left the ice rink, washed his face first, then found an open space and warmed up silently by himself.

Occasionally people come and go, but they just look at them, not close. Mu Huan prepared according to his own habits, and forty minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

Wiping the sweat off his forehead, he picked up his jacket and put it on to protect his body from the heat, and entered the ice rink.

Li Xin was still sitting where she was, holding her phone to take pictures.

The junior group has finished skating, and now it is the turn of the adult Beta group.

Mu Huan returned to his seat, first opened his backpack, carefully checked the skate shoes, and then looked at the ice surface.

Beta's figure skating is actually not very good-looking. After all, they are not as good as Omegas in terms of softness, and it is difficult to surpass Alpha in terms of technical difficulty. However, because of human rights issues, no matter any job or any sport, there must be a place for ABO.

Except for super sports such as pair skating, a global phenomenon.

What the public likes is that when A and O interact like this, they release pheromones that even Beta can smell.

Mu Huan quietly watched Beta take turns on the ice. The basic skating is the same etude, and the strength is average. The basic jumps are three turns, and the Axel jump, which is a must, can only be completed in two and a half weeks.

This level is also the training requirement of the provincial team. If you want to go further, you need to enter the national team, become a professional athlete, and carry out more professional guidance and higher-intensity training.

However, it takes about four minutes for a set of free skating, and everyone dances the same works.

Mu Huan simply put on his earphones, listened to the music that he was going to slide next, and made movements in his head.

again and again.

Once again, I came to the O single to play.

Mu Huan took off his earphones, changed his posture, held his chin, and looked over with interest.

Someone saw it in the distance, and said to his companion: "I don't know Mu Huan's level, but I do know his level of eroticism and eroticism. Senior Sister Liu, do you know? My friend in the national team forwarded five articles in the circle of friends. One of them is Mu Huan's love history, you can see how disgusting he looks."

Li Xin raised her eyebrows, her expression strange, and she seemed to feel the same way.

Even without making a sound, he tilted his body a little to the other side.

Mu Huan just pretended not to hear it, and continued to watch Omega's program with great interest.

Compared to Beta and Alpha's mere professional understanding, it is no exaggeration to say that he is a master-level figure in Omega's figure skating.

With just two glances, an Omega figure skater's strengths and weaknesses are fully understood, and even how to guide him, there are no more than five people in the world who are better than him.

Naturally, the Omega level of the provincial team couldn't catch his eye, but he was still clear about the potential.

Flexibility, coordination, the way of using the blade, and the ability to show the sense of dance, until the end of group O, Mu Huan could not see a player who has the potential to develop in the national team after rolling in a circle.

Including Yin Ge.

This Yin Ge's level is limited, the foundation is not good, and his brain doesn't seem to be very useful.

Is this also in the national team?

Pair skating?

Mu Huan only felt that the world was really unfair.

After group O finished skating, I heard the coach of province Y shouting from the front: "The last group is men's singles, there are seven people in total, it's very late now, everyone hurry up.

I'll play when I'm named, and do the rest. Prepare."

After speaking, the coach also politely said: "Mu Huan, do you go first and then?"

Mu Huan stood up and said lightly, "You arrange." The

coach said: " can prepare again. Wang Qinghua, You come."

It's hard to say whether the coach of the provincial team wanted to give Mu Huan a "disappointment", and he ordered one of the two top players in the provincial team's A single at the beginning.

But Mu Huan sat firmly in his seat.

"Come on!"

"Brother, come on!"

The voices of cheering came one after another, and it could be seen that in front of "foreign enemies", the relationship between the provincial team members was excellent.

Mu Huan thought of this, and his eyes fell on one place.

In the first row in front, with his back to him, he is also the closest person to him in some respects.

A female Alpha, with extremely neat short hair, even a man like him sighs. She couldn't see her face from behind, but her attention was drawn to the diamond earrings beside her ears.

Compared to other Alphas who are close to family, this one seems a little withdrawn at first sight, neither sitting with other people nor cheering for Wang Qinghua.

After watching this for a few seconds, Mu Huan looked away again and landed on Wang Qinghua.

For a while, Wang Qinghua was already on ice.

He was very comfortable at his base camp, and he spun twice on the ice and waved to the team members who were cheering for him before standing on the ice.

"Report to the coach, I'm ready." Wang Qinghua shouted loudly.

The coach standing by the stereo pressed the play button on the phone.

Music plays.

Mu Huan listened intently.

Answers will soon be forthcoming.

As the eldest brother of the Y province team, Wang Qinghua is so special that he will no longer skate a set of etudes. He has his own custom program.

This is a world famous song describing love and war.

The final chapter in the "Wind Post" series - "Flame".

Most of the figure skaters who choose this piece of music are interested in its impassioned beginning to the gradually gentle and tender end.

When you have enough physical strength, you can complete various difficult movements together with music. When you are tired, the music is gentle, which is an alternative rest.

Mu Huan didn't know what other people thought, but in his opinion, the song itself showed a hint of insecurity, and it was not a work full of vigor that could compete for medals.

However, Wang Qinghua's performance is still good.

After all, he is an old athlete. The typhoon is extremely stable, neither arrogant nor impetuous, and every movement is completed steadily.

Qi Wenfu mentioned in WeChat that Wang Qinghua has been in good condition for the past two years, but it is true.

The man opened and closed on the ice, his body slid and rotated in tune with the music, and when a certain moment came, he jumped.

Three weeks after the inner knot ring.

The height of the jump and the speed of rotation are just right, the landing is also very stable, and the level is really good.


"Tsinghua, handsome!"

The advantage of the home court was evident.

However, the simplest and most basic jumping action was exchanged for applause and screaming.

"Papapa!" Even Li Xin applauded.

Mu Huan leaned over the chair with his hands on the seat, and said, "Isn't this enough in the national team?"

Li Xin said lightly, "Different places have different requirements, and everyone in the national team has come out of this step. Yes ."

Mu Huan chuckled and added, "What I just said, if I can get the quota, will you still skate?"

Li Xin didn't run away this time. He said softly, "My business has nothing to do with you."


While speaking, Wang Qinghua jumped again.

After landing steadily, the cry became louder.

"Place the ice outside (Axel jump)..." Li Xin murmured, "It's done really well in three and a half weeks."

Then he turned to look at Mu Huan, rested his chin on his hand, and chuckled: " Are you stressed?" Yes


Mu Huan felt the pressure.

Actions that can make provincial coaches excited are naturally high at this level.

Even at the provincial level, it is still a big challenge for the current Mu Huan.

During this period of time, he also focused on practicing ice for three and a half weeks (Axel).

After all, as a skill move that must be jumped in free skating, if he cannot complete three and a half weeks, he can only reduce it to two and a half weeks, and the score will instantly drop from 8 points to 3.30 points.

Lost nearly 5 points.

Any capable figure skater will not lose points on this move.

For this action, Mu Huan had fallen several times in the past few days, and with other actions, he took off his clothes, and his whole body was blue.

But even so, his front and outside point ice jumps have only a 50% success rate.

Four days is still too short.

But his competitors, but they completed this action perfectly.

Wang Qinghua successfully completed the difficult movements, and the visible state and momentum have accumulated to the peak.

With a relaxed state of mind, even the body and limbs have become better controlled, and the blade is like a divine help, and even the angle between the body and the ice surface is gradually approaching the tilt.

Good in every way.


"We already have a quota!"

"Big brother or big brother, only he can stabilize the scene at this time."

Excited discussions came from all directions.

Someone else shouted: "Mengmeng, I'll see you next!"

At this time, the female Alpha sitting in the front row suddenly turned her head, her eyes were huge, and the dark eyes made them look like some kind of cat. , as before the hunt, looking at Mu Huan stubbornly.

Full of fighting spirit.

Mu Huan looked at her calmly, and his eyes soon inevitably fell on her almost shaved hair and the diamond earrings on her earlobe.

Although he recognized Wu Zimeng for a long time, he used to have some friendship, but every time he saw this girl, he was still struck by her maverick image.

It is still the case today.

Thinking of the past, Mu Huan chuckled lightly.

Wu Zimeng gave him a deep look and turned away.

Wang Qinghua finished his performance and got off the ice. The coach of the provincial team proudly announced his results.

"The technical score is 44.60 points, the content score is 49 points, and the total score is 93.60 points."

"Papapapa!" There was applause.

"Brother Wang, high score! Mighty!"

"Old Wang, you are amazing today, you have a long face!"

Wang Qinghua waved his hands excitedly at the entrance, his brows beaming with laughter.

After hearing this, Mu Huan couldn't help but chuckle.

Wang Qinghua's best score in the free skating competition was 90.10 points, but now he slipped out of 93.60 points in the team test. Is he doing well today? Completed a lot of difficult moves? Still his works are perfect, and the people who watch it are immersive.

Not really.

Obviously the coaches are biased.

For an ordinary work, can the program content score be given 48 points?

The points are really good.

Seeing that Wang Qinghua came back in high spirits, as if he had already won the championship, and was embraced by everyone, Mu Huan's eyes fell on the group of coaches who were in charge of scoring.

Several coaches also turned to look at Mu Huan and said, "Mu Huan, come next." It's time to strike while the

iron is hot.

Our current momentum is like a rainbow, and we will naturally pursue our victory.

For a time, the lively atmosphere subsided, and all eyes were focused on Mu Huan.

Mu Huan lowered his eyes and took off the mask on his face.

Slowly stood up.

He is already very tall, and wearing skate shoes makes him even more handsome. With that extremely aggressive face, his long and narrow eyes are like demon knives, and when his eyes move, he is thrilling and inexplicably a little uncomfortable. Dare to see more.

But I couldn't help but look at it secretly.

When he got on the ice, the skates under his feet staggered, and he slipped out leisurely, it was another feeling.



The sliding figure seems to be a little different from others, but it is always better looking.

Mu Huan slid around on the ice, moving his body while checking the ice surface, and had no time to pay attention to other people's reactions.

This is what he is used to before the game.

The ice that has been skating all morning is not in good condition, and there are ice marks left by the skates everywhere.

Depending on the depth of the ice marks, some of them do affect sliding.

Mu Huan wrote down these positions and made adjustments silently in his heart. When he skated around and returned to the center of the ice rink, he knew all of them.

Stand still.

Take a deep breath.

He nodded to the coach who was standing beside the speaker.

After thinking about it, he said, "Report to the coach, ready."

Then, the music started.