Chapter 19 Mu Huan, You Come First

Yin Ge's position was strange, Mu Huan glanced at him, Yin Ge seemed to notice something from his glance, and hurriedly closed his mouth.

After handing over the plastic bag, Mu Huan watched the teaching assistant put the bag with his name on it and put it in the cardboard box beside his feet, then raised his head to look at Wen Chun.

Wen Chun was cheerful on weekdays, but once he entered the coaching state, he was like a ghost, standing aside with a sullen face, looking at people with fierce eyes, as if he was going to peel and tear people apart.

Many young team members were afraid to show their air.

After all the staff were turned in, Wen Chun turned around and walked towards the ice rink. The assistant shouted, "Follow up."

Mu Huan saw Wang Qinghua walking to the assistant and shouted obediently, "Brother Zhao, long time no see, Do you still remember me?"

This assistant has a very old qualifications, he was there when Mu Huan entered the national team, and after working as an assistant for more than ten years, he finally got the position of coach. However, unlike Wen Chun, he has no temper at ordinary times, and he has no temper when he is a coach. He takes the coach's salary and continues to work as a teaching assistant.

As for what happened after that, Mu Huan didn't know.

This assistant teacher Zhao was greeted warmly by Wang Qinghua, and he responded enthusiastically.

The iron gate only opened a small door on the right side, and the 67-man training team was pulled for a very long time. Mu Huan only let a few players pass first, and fell behind the team.

At this time, I heard not far ahead, Wang Qinghua said: "Don't be afraid, the national team coaches are also people, and they are just getting paid to teach us, they are not as fierce as they seem, even if they really yelled at someone, just listen, anyway. It may have started to fight."

"Really? I'm very scared."

"It still feels very fierce."

"My feet are a little soft."

Wang Qinghua patted his chest: "Trust me, I have come here many times, and here I am. Familiar."

Mu Huan saw the group of young athletes looking at Wang Qinghua with admiration, and lowered his eyes.

In the afternoon, the sun was strong, and the long snake-like team walked crookedly in order to avoid the sun. They usually took a familiar road, but I don't know why it is so long today.

Fortunately, they finally arrived at the skating hall, and a group of newcomers were shocked by this majestic building again, and stopped to admire them.

Mu Huan stopped procrastinating, surpassed from the side, took two steps and made one ladder, surpassed an unknown number of people along the way, and advanced to the highest level.

Wang Qinghua fell behind and said to the people around him, "Did you see it? It was him who was fired from the national team. He said that he would come back and run to our training team.

The number of places in the national team was tight, even if he was in the training team in previous years . It's hard to recruit one, and when he comes this year, it's even more difficult to say." The

little team members nodded their heads when they were "called".

"Yeah, there were already few places, so it might be more difficult now."

"Sister Zimeng has a chance this year, and there is another Mu Huan. When did the national team recruit three people in one go?"

"And Yin Ge? You forgot? Just because the pheromone smells so good... Tsk, it's really good."

"I don't agree with anyone except Sister Zimeng!"

But there were also people who were not on Wang Qinghua's side, and when they saw Mu Huan's figure, they said: " Will Mu Huan's comeback be counted in the training team's quota?"

"As long as he has enough ability, it doesn't matter to us to return to the national team, isn't it Zimeng."

Wu Zimeng's hairstyle is still handsome and cool today, It's just that without the earrings that she had been wearing in the provincial team, she walked up the stairs step by step with a proud attitude, with a cool face and no words.

Someone said: "Mu Huan has won many national championships in the youth group. Before Zimeng, he was the champion of single A, don't underestimate him."

At this time Wu Zimeng said: "Last time I saw him . , the skating is not good, it has been more than a month now, you should see what the strength of a talented athlete is."

"..." The

group around him was silent for a moment.

Yes, who was Mu Huan originally? Even now, starved camels are bigger than horses. Can't be underestimated, can't be underestimated...

Mu Huan naturally didn't know that he had come this way, and he became the center of the topic discussion. He just didn't like going up the stairs slowly, so he used his usual speed to overtake the front.

Yin Ge walked at the front, followed closely behind Wen Chun, away from his teammates, away from his companions, and looked strangely lonely.

This is also impossible.

There is no impermeable wall in the world. It has long been rumored that Yin Ge will become a national team member, but his personal ability is quite average, and he is not envious.

After all, he is different from Mu Huan and Wu Zimeng. He doesn't have the confidence to be proud and arrogant.

So seeing Mu Huan chasing after him, Yin Ge didn't know what he was thinking of, his face was full of surprise, he hesitated to speak, and his face turned red.

Mu Huan stepped forward, maintaining a sufficient distance from him, not communicating, just vaguely, Mu Huan smelled the faint scent of grapefruit.

"?" The

pheromone was caught by the sensitive nasal cavity, and Mu Huanzheng turned his head to look in surprise. Wen Chun, who was walking in the front, lifted the door curtain, and a cold wind slashed in front of him, so all the smells were plundered by the cold and disappeared. .

When Mu Huan woke up, the pheromone disappeared without a trace.

After stepping through the door curtain, he stepped into the ice rink. When Mu Huan saw the people who were already waiting inside, his attention was completely diverted.

Yu Jiao and President Xiong had already arrived.

The two sat side by side on the seats in the first row, and when they heard the movement, they turned around and looked at the gesture and expression, but they couldn't see the gap in the mouths of others.

After exiting the passageway, Mu Huan walked down the seat. At a certain moment, the eyes of both of them converged on him, sharp and aggressive.

Mu Huan couldn't avoid looking at each other, but Yu Yiman, who had always been strong, suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth after looking at each other for a second, then his eyes softened, and with a last look at him with implied encouragement, he took the lead to look away. .

In this way, Mr. Xiong's strong opinions on him were presented as overwhelming.


As a head coach, you can't even control the departure and retention of a player. The Bears should always be angry.

Xiong is always named Beta and is not in charge of coaching work. He is arranged by the General Administration of Sports to be responsible for the administration of the figure skating team. Not being a coach does not mean that he is not dignified enough. President Xiong has established a clear prestige in the figure skating team over the years. He said that he does not want an athlete, and no coach can keep people.

I'm afraid he Mu Huan is the first.

Thinking about it this way, it is clear how much effort Coach Yu has put into his back.

Mu Huan narrowed his eyes, restrained his aura, avoided President Xiong's gaze, and couldn't make it difficult for Yu Jiao to do it.

After going down the stairs like this, Mu Huan, like the others, found a seat and sat down.

When all the members were present, the three coaches and two assistants stood up and stood at the front.

The national training team is a rare event during the national team's rest period, but this year is also too serious. The coaches are restrained by each other's aura, and they are rolling over the heads of the training team members, not to mention ordinary players, such as Wang Qinghua." "Old Fritters", also shrinking his neck to be a man.

President Xiong woke up his throat, making the already quiet skating rink audible, and everyone held their breath.

After speaking again, Mr. Xiong introduced himself, saying that his surname was Xiong, Xiong Anchao, the head coach of the national team, the head coach of the training team, and the head coach of the training team at the same time.

He said that he would not interfere excessively with the selection of national players in previous years, but this year he has a reason to appear here, because there are still three years before the Huaguo Winter Olympics, and he needs to select excellent athletes from various channels, so this time The training team has more places for the national team than in previous years, but the premise is that the strength of the players must also be sufficient.

Before he finished speaking, the team members couldn't help but whispered.

National team expansion?

Ah ah ah ah ah?

I have a chance too!

Come on, come on together!

In the face of good news, let alone President Xiong, even the bear is not afraid of his mother!

After President Xiong finished speaking, it was Yu Yiman's turn to speak.

Yu Yiman said: "As for me, this is my first time as the coach of the training team. There is only one reason. The pair skating will expand the enrollment. I want to recruit more pair skating players to compete in the team to cope with the Olympics. I have the ability. Feel free to come to me if you are confident."

Ah ah ah! ! ? ?

The voice fell, and the noise grew louder.

"Yu Jiao is going to expand enrollment!?"

"She is the number one pair skating coach in China!!"

"Hey~ I think I'm going to pair skating ah~~"

"Mom, a layer suddenly rises. Goosebumps, I'm so glad I came to the training team this year, hehehehe..."

Wang Qinghua's back straightened unconsciously, and then he glanced in the direction of Mu Huan and Wu Zimeng.

If the enrollment is expanded, he may have the opportunity to become a national player after these two people, a national player!

President Xiong and Yu Yiman took turns to go into battle and played a round of "chicken blood". The exciting training team members shouted and blushed.

Only Mu Huan remained absolutely calm and fell into deep thought. that the case?

There are so many good seedlings in the national team today, all of them are "great gods" who have gone on the field and carried guns and experienced battles. The coach of the national team should put the hope of winning the Olympic Games on their group of training players. I don't know how to pose in the "street" pose.

This scene is really a set of words.

But in this way, it can be regarded as explaining to others the reason why these two great gods are here now.

After the two had spoken, and when it was Wen Chun's turn, the style of painting finally returned to normal.

Wen Chun said: "Cough, my surname is Wen, Wen Chun, I am the head coach of the single skating in the national team, and also the head coach of the O single, mainly responsible for the daily training of your training team.

I won't say nonsense, the first day Take a thorough test, take out all your milk strength, and skate a short program.

Next, I will call the name of Shangbing, and if it is not my turn, I will find a place to warm up by myself."

Concise and comprehensive, cool personality, wait until the end, Looking around, his eyes finally fell on Mu Huan, his chin raised, and he said, "Mu Huan, you come first."