Chapter 21 Etude 25: "Wind Post" 2.0 (2)

, so he led Omega's team to another ice rink, leaving Alpha and Beta on the main ice rink.

The training team's lesson plan has been prepared for a long time. The assistant only needs to arrange the tasks according to the training plan. The training team members are divided into AB groups and practice their own dismantling movements, from steps to rotations to jumping. The basic skills of figure skating have been practiced in one afternoon. ten times.

The teaching assistant only cares about discipline, regardless of the coach. From the beginning to the end, he takes a small notebook to write and draw, and record everything.

People with good deeds take a look and see that everyone has a table with densely packed basic skills printed on it, and the teaching assistant grades everyone's performance every time under the skills column. Some people have an average score of 8 to 9 points, while others have only a score of 5 to 6 points.

You don't need to ask, you can understand what the scoring is for.

Wang Qinghua was thinking about the possible expansion of the national team this time, and secretly figured out that after going to Mu Huan and Wu Zimeng, he might have a chance to be selected for the national team, so he changed his previous attitude and walked up to Wu Zimeng and said. : "Have you seen Assistant Zhao's score? These data will eventually be entered into the computer, and finally a graph will be made. The changes in the level of each team member and their strengths are clear at a glance."

Wu Zimeng gave him a sideways glance, but did not speak. Step on the ice and slide out, and then jump on the ice after one step. It's easy to complete.

Wang Qinghua's face changed and changed, his eyes fell on Mu Huan, and he said, "Combining my analysis and assumptions, either we will be the strongest from the beginning to the end, or we will perform poorly at the beginning and do The one with the most obvious improvement. In short, no matter what, you have to be the first place. People in this world only remember the first place. The same is true for the national team. Do you think so, Mu Huan."

Mu Huan replied lightly. One sentence: "I only agree with the second half of the sentence."

What the hell is the person who has made the most progress? Not acting. How much can you really improve in a month of training? The national team coach does not look at the accumulation of the players.

If the foundation is not good, how can we talk about progress.

Zhang Xin, who was standing close to Mu Huan, nodded in agreement, "That's it."

Wang Qinghua hit a nail with Wu Zimeng and Mu Huan one after another, and was ridiculed by a young Beta, his nose was crooked with anger, and finally decided to stop this kind of meaningless behavior.

He turned to the new teammates and shared his experience, but he stunned those children for a while, and cited them as a "treasure book".

Zhang Xin said, "Brother Wang can't do this."

Mu Huan looked at him.

Zhang Xin said: "He looks like an old fried dough stick, Zhao Jiao has looked at him several times."

Only then did Mu Huan notice Assistant Zhao's eyes, and he looked at him coldly. It has long been exhausted, but Wang Qinghua is ignorant and obsessed with his reputation in the training team.

There are too many national training teams, and Wang Qinghua has been unable to find the mentality that a training team member should have for the long-lost awe here.

The day's training did not end until 5:30 in the afternoon. The team gathered. Assistant Zhao announced that they would gather at 6:30 in the morning.

Mu Huan's expression did not change, he had long been used to it.

He arranges his own training, which is only bigger than this amount of exercise. If he can't do his best in normal training, he will always lose to his opponent in the game.

A truly outstanding athlete is 10% talent and 200% hard work. Only when you push yourself to the extreme in normal times can you eventually go beyond the front line.

The first thing to remember in sports is that you are never a genius.

After the disbandment, everyone left the skating rink with heavy steps. Some people were too tired to eat and went straight to the dormitory to rest. Mu Huan and Wu Zimeng came to the front at some point. They looked at each other and didn't speak.

When they were about to reach the cafeteria, Wu Zimeng suddenly said, "Are you going to skate A single, or double?"

"Double." Mu Huan answered clearly.

Wu Zimeng's mouth pursed tightly: "Yes, you should skate double."

Wu Zimeng left after saying the ambiguous words. Zhang Xin asked inexplicably, "Brother Mu, what do you mean by Sister Wu?"

Mu Huan looked at this guy in surprise. He had been by his side for a day today. Like a small tail.

But not annoying.

Mu Huan thought for a while and said, "Wu Zimeng has jumping skills. She will definitely hit all kinds of five turns in the future. It is destined that no Omega can keep up with her footsteps. She can only skate solo."

"I know, Brother Mu. Both skating and performance are very good, and it is most suitable for two people. Speaking of which, I have seen your competition video before, but I didn't expect your advantages to be different from what I thought. When I saw you completed 4A at the age of 16, I thought you were also pure It's technical."

Mu Huan was alert, knowing that what he had done recently was more and more different from the original owner, and it was a little dangerous.

But fortunately, he ran back to the team on the day he crossed over and was separated from Qi Wenfu, who knew him best, and the people in the national team were also separated from him for a year, so that he could spend this time peacefully.

The changes he has made quietly in the past two months, coupled with the one-year rest period as an adult, should help him explain a lot, right?

Zhang Xin finally said with envy on his face: "It's great to be able to skate for two people. That's a project that only the best and most suitable A and O can participate in."

Following the army, they arrived at the cafeteria before they knew it. Zhang Xin was called away in the cafeteria, and Mu Huan went to bring the meal alone, a little uncomfortable eating with sweat all over his body.

Turning around again, seeing Li Xin, she frowned and walked over, "Are you going to the ice rink after dinner at night?"

Li Xin was surprised: "Today? Are you tired today? It's common practice for the training team to set rules for the first week."

Mu Huan said, "It's just normal."

"Tsk tsk tsk." Li Xin looked at Mu Huan's face, "What are you holding on?"

Mu Huan was inexplicably happy when he asked Li Xin to go skating together, and went back to the dormitory for a while. Take a rest and go downstairs.

Li Xin was already waiting downstairs.

Mu Huan raised his eyebrows: "Where's Rong Xiao?"

Li Xin was helpless: "Play games to raise children."

Mu Huan laughed: "Just the two of us?


Mu Huan understood his expression and joked: "Just the two of us, I'm so worried that my reputation will be damaged."

Li Xin angrily raised his foot and kicked him: "That's me too!" The

two laughed and talked . , No one can tell when the relationship was so good, but since they get along so comfortably, no one will mention the awkward past of the two.

In the end, Li Xin called out her teammate Ye Shan, a female Omega.

Seeing this person, Mu Huan frowned quietly, but didn't say much, turned around and walked in front.

Ye Shan whispered to Li Xin at the back: "When did you become so familiar with Mu Huan? You two...?"

Li Xin said, "My friend."

Ye Shan snorted, "I believe you don't believe him or not. , you don't know what kind of person he is? Legend has it that a guy who gets pregnant at a glance will have a real friendship with an Omega?"

Li Xin: "..."

Ye Shan added, "Hey, we all know he's a scumbag, but he's just a master. He's handsome, who refused? You, but be careful."

Mu Huan stopped, turned around, and said to Li Xin, "Forget it today, I don't want to slip."

Li Xin "?"

Mu Huan Huan's eyes swept lightly on Ye Shan's face: "People who don't know the truth comment on my relationship with you. Do you think she is kind and provocative?"

Ye Shan's face suddenly turned red.

Li Xin also looked embarrassed.

Mu Huan knew Ye Shan very well. He was an absolute "tea master". He acted in front of Li Xin's face and carried Li Xin's back. Pheromones say things, and that sense of superiority can be nourished.

If it wasn't for her staying by Li Xin's side as a friend, Li Xin would not have an Omega friend in the next five or six years. As for every Alpha she met, would she disappear in a blink of an eye?


Mu Huan would also like to thank him, if it wasn't for Ye Shan's female watch, he would have a good friend Rong Hao left by his side, and he would not have concentrated on training because of this, so he stayed away from right and wrong, and eventually became the world champion of single O.

But now that he's back, Li Xin's friendship situation can't be interfered by Ye Shan. He will give Li Xin the best, so that he can have a successful career, good friends, and a perfect and happy love in this life.

Ye Shan became angry: "What do you mean? I haven't asked you yet, what are you going to do when you ask him out alone."

Li Xin was also a little displeased: "You are so rude and embarrassing to me, since this is the case, then Don't go."

Mu Huan watched Li Xin and Ye Shan leave together, he wasn't sure if Li Xin would think more about Ye Shan because of his own words, but it's always good to remind him.

As for Ye Shan's true face, let's slowly find another opportunity for Li Xin to see.

Mu Huan asked Li Xin to ice skating, but he didn't make an appointment, but since he was near the ice skating hall, he pulled the strap of his backpack and walked up.

Come on, let's slide for a while.

Just as Mu Huan was training, Ye Shan returned to her room angrily, looking at her phone but thinking more and more, she finally opened the figure skating post and posted an anonymous post.

[The scumbag Mu Huan has a new goal, and the coordinates point directly to a certain male Omega in the national team]


[Mu Huan has only returned to the team for more than a month. He is empty, lonely and cold again. He hooks up with a certain male Omega. The two often make appointments to train after the training. The landlord sees it more than once, frowning and fighting. The national team is a place for training, a place to make achievements and win glory for the country, but Mu Huan has the ability to regard this place as his hunting garden, which is really disgusting. ]

Ye Shan was full of anger, but didn't dare to say too much, blurred a lot of information, and scolded Mu Huan in the post, which was comfortable.

When Mu Huan returned from training at 8:30, Ye Shan's post had already gone viral, and it was completely a hot post caused by Ye Shan's quarrel.

[Floor 1: I think the landlord is envious, why is that Omega not me. ]

[2nd Floor: Mu Huan is a bit of a scumbag, but he is handsome enough, and one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer in love, you are sour smell overflowing the screen, I almost vomit. ]

[3rd floor: Go to the photo town building of the male god. ]


[Landlord: Why am I so envious? I don't even want that kind of man, what else is good except for the face? ]


[17th floor: Yan is justice! ]

[Floor 18: What else is good besides the face? I'll do the math for you. At the age of nine, Mu Huan won the National A single championship of the Children's Group B. At the age of 12-14, he won the national championship of the A single national championship of the Three Realms Children's Group A. At the age of 16, after winning the single A championship of the youth group in China, he won the third place in the group at the World Youth Championship in the same year, which is also Hua Guo's best result in this event over the years. He entered the national team at the age of 18. That year, he entered the senior group for the first time, and slipped out of the second place in the country. Now that he is back after a year off, I will ask you, besides him, the national A single champion will still be Is there anyone else? ]

[Floor 19: He looks good, he is still a figure skating genius, he has so many honors, to be honest, I am an Alpha and I like him. As for emotional issues, why don't you ask if Omega is greedy for others and sticks to it. ]

[Landlord: What about the national champion, who in the national team was not a national champion when he was a child? You think he only retired for a year after taking a break, but in fact, he can't slide anymore, and he can't get his grades, okay? A bunch of licking dogs! ]


[Fourth floor: I read this post, I have to say, my friend is from the national team, Mu Huan did leave a bit suddenly, but even the national team members don't know the specific reason, I prefer to believe that Mu Huan is Taking a break from college. Moreover, Mu Huan has returned to the team now and is training on his own every morning and night. I believe he will show better results soon. ]


Ye Shan made a post on the Internet to slander Mu Huan. She originally wanted to vent her anger, but she became even more depressed.

The noisy eyes were talking, and his face was distorted.

And there is another person with the same twisted face.

Han Can was blocked by Zhang Jing for two days, and he didn't even dare to leave the dormitory door. The only way to understand Mu Huan's current situation was the Internet.

Recently, Mu Huan was not being honest. He stayed on the ice every day. He didn't expect to see news about Mu Huan on the Internet. As a result, he visited two websites and saw the latest hot post about Mu Huan in the third one.

Open it and look up.

This scumbag!

Han Can bit his fingernails after reading the post, squinted his eyes and thought about it carefully, and the object was locked by him.

The male Omega must be that one.