fashion designer

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Within eight months a burning desire for perfection had transformed this novice into an innovative designer Monsieur kubb the proprietor of the the designer shop French trained . Billy was only four month old at the fabric profession when he received his admission letter into the same university as Stanley's to read -Civil Law- initially he was confused on which lone to toe:education or business?it was pretty obvious that at this stage when he was yet to master the fabric artistry it would. e impossible to combine education with it after a few week of deliberation,billy doggedly against all advice decided to remain in the fashion business for an extra year to perfect himself ,he thus deferred his admission to the following academic year

Billy believed that money was the determinant of ones social status and the nexus of all societal values and ideologies Stanley countered Billy's belief on the ground that wealth was not the ultimate in a successful life as it could not always purchase concept like power and life.

*it's because you have never had to worry about it* billy had said rather bitterly one day at the shop as his scissors shred through a fabric he has just chalked.

*what do you mean?* Stanley asked uncomfortably.

*have you ever had to generate money in your life?* billy mocked.

*it's not my priority as at now* Stanley has returned calmly.

*how can it be your priority when your old man is there to dole out as much as you need. You've got to that the rest of us have to work if we are ever to be noticed beside guys like you* billy concluded as he transferred the fabric he had cut to the electric sewing machine.

*you are jumping into too many assumptions billy you know that my dad is always a tough nut to crack you know how I go about the money and.....* Stanley's voice trailed off until a lump of anger stuck in his throat. Billy was something else these days ,so jealous,unbelievable little wonder he deferred an admission to read a professional course In the university all in an effort to create money but Stanley thought that it was stupid of him since he on his part reasoned that every professional course in the university was a ticket to acquire ad much money as one could work for after that outburst Stanley now realized there was a limit to which he could trust billy.

Billy's maternal uncle a physician by profession based in England visited home billy had always been his favorite nephew and his satisfied appraisal of the boy's attempt to make a livelihood for himself Induced the doctor to leave billy with a windfall of two thousand pounds these seems to be a secret that bonded uncle and nephew together for how else could one explain billy secret gift from his uncle.

billy used the money to rent a shop of his own he named it "BIDA COUTURES" bida was coined from the combination of his first name and surname,Davies on realizing that he would soon leave kubb billy had craftily endeared most of kubb's choicest customers to himself redirecting them to his own shop .He started off well because of high patronage and under two months he had employed three fashion designer.