*hello!* billy whispered to Sandra as they waited along with other students for their fee clearance card to be processed.
*hi!* she snorted from her throat before throwing her face in the other direction.
*are you the person I lent my pen.... a Parker pen?* his question was unnecessary for the pen was nestled somewhere in his hip pocket it was only his devise to talk to the pretty girl.
*no* she retorted
*good lord I just hope I have not lost it* billy remarked airily the queen did not respond she just stood where she was like the statue of goddess
*I thought you were the girl...* billy began
*well I'm not* Sandra snapped.
*I was just about to apologize to you for my error do you have to be impolite?* billy spoke softly as any true gentleman would as he faced the girl before him other students in the vicinity were narrowly observing the unfolding drama most of them understood Billy's game and thin smiles hung on their lips Sandra was a girl with a large heart suddenly she felt as if she had been too presumptuous in her perception of the boy's motive.
*I'm sorry* she whispered as she looked into his eyes for the very first time she wanted to soothe the embarrassment on his face billy was startled girls were never known to apologize and in public for that matter.
*I'm sorry too* he said nobly she didn't like the stares around them and in a compulsion to make the scene dissipate into a normal conversation she asked him his department billy was only too happy to pounce on his opportunity as they ended up in a conversation that lasted until thief cards were finally signed and stamped he left her with his complementary card but she made no promise to visit him
*I think I'll love to see more of you* billy said
*it's not just possible* she muttered as she slowly shook her head.
*but why?* he asked
*I don't date* she replied
*at least you could patronize me I'm an excellent designer* he bragged
*till then now!*
*you would be welcomed any day*
About a month later when the registration formalities were rounded off and the first semester had crawled into it first quarter,Sandra unexpectedly surfaced one Saturday evening at the premises of bida couture by this time she had. became a faint image in Billy's mind occupying the lowest level of his consciousness as streaking thought of her did not jolt his being as in the earlier days of recent he had been too busy getting adjusted to the idea of combining business with academics that he had not given much as a thought to tracing her in her department during school hours Sandra was clad in a black turtleneck sweater and a mini kente skirt on her feet were black shoes from Kenneth Cole and her luxuriant hair was done to the back to enhance her oval face she was ravishingly beautiful as she daintily ascended the stairs of the plaza to the first floor where Billy's bida couture was located.
new month bonus chapter