as the only girl within a chain of 5 boys she was the apple of the family's eye and they were very protective of her she rarely had any kind of independence as she was chaperoned each time she left the house however when the University admission came it brought her some freedom because her family realised that they could not exactly curtail how movement as before Sandra had then been advised to bring to the house all her Associates in school. This was the normal trend of the past her friends becoming a part of her family but somehow when she met Billy she was not too eager to introduce him to her people it was understandable because she had never brought a boy back home. Most of her male friends apart from Close family ties where have brothers friends who would never venture to date her normally the driver she employed always drove her to the campus and came back to pick her at her own time one certain day when neither of her parents we're too busy they took the pleasure of seeing her off to the campus if such parental gesture came on the weekends that she was billed to meet Billy she would enter the nearest lecture room on being dropped and wait till the car was gone she would then quickly board a taxi just outside the school gate to bida couture.
when he got to know of her esteemed and luxurious root Billy was somewhat afraid of revealing his to Sandra. She wanted to know his parents his brothers and sister she even expressed her desire to make friends with the girls as they could be useful 2go relationship would she not end up looking down on him he had asked himself he however consoled himself that his Tailoring shop what's a testimony of his own personal achievements.
Billy's parents met Sandra when he brought her to the house one evening father did not mind a relationship for he was truly an accommodating broad-minded jolly fellow who took life with such remarkable ease he often recounted with amusement the number of girls who flocked around him in his youthful days in want of his attention. Father went on to counsel son not to count on only Sandra he advised Billy to frolick around girls and refused to be Charmed by their aura for in this way No Woman could ever make him her footstool but he withdrew his counsel when he was intimidated of Sandra parental background for he had earlier been worried that Sandra could make Billy abandon his new responsibilities for supplementing the family upkeep.
it was drizzling that Saturday evening when Stanley left Hall six one of the male hostel in the university campus known as Malabo to keep his appointment with Billy how a person's character change in the twinkling of an eye he thought as he flagged down a taxi which he hoped would convey him to bida couture. The taxi screeched to a halt and he shouted out his destination to the driver Who then beckoned on him to join the cab as he struggled into the car he could not still stifle his thoughts on Billy transformation in life before the long holiday that follow the certificate examination they did everything together Billy was the only person outside his family that he had cultivated the delicate flower of trust with his mind continued in his exploration the countless feelings memories and fears they had shared he had an inkling of the change in Billy's way when he had turned down his invitation the holiday with him in city x in the past they had taken turns to spend holiday in each other's house what had piqued his ego about Billy's rejection of his offer then was that Billy asserted that they did not belong to the same world.