A flashlight beam of a car pierced through the darkness of the early night briefly blinding the ground floor occupant of the business Plaza three young men emerged from the car and walked confidently towards the staircase of the huge building Billy saw them he had been lurking around his balcony for about 30 minutes in expectation of them incidentally it was the very day that Stanley had called on him and left disappointed. The hour was appropriate and conducive for his guest as his employees had retired for the day Sandra had also gone home some three hours earlier and he was all alone in the shop.
the three visitors enter the client room and believe shut the door firmly behind them he barely knew the other two that accompanied Daniel and he did not fail to also observe their under since he was a member of the lash appraisal of him. You just knew them as Shun an jayfly Daniel otherwise known to close friends as the red Mouse was the person that introduced Billy to the two boys after Billy had finally succumbed to collecting the Redbeard form Billy had known Daniel from their High School days since he was a member of generation form at Howard an apt description of his smallish size on campus while pursuing a diploma program before he got admission into the Law Faculty his confraternity added the prefix of their organisation to the nickname. Red Mouse was not just a tag peculiar to Daniel but a Commonplace among the secret cult boys for they rarely addressed one another by their true names their nickname was their own secret to disguise their identity in the midst of rival groups or non-members .
Daniel impish as he was known to possess raw courage,character wise he was by no means a mouse he was known to be fond of anything that scared other boys;anything that brought one face to face with death!The Reds mouse seemed to enjoy the Andrea line highly produced and he was actually the type that experts would label as genetically programmed As type-t , or thrill seeking personalities. As a mere diploma student,he was already initiated into the Redbeard. belonging to the Redbeard was some kind of risk taking red mouse was the type to defy the odds and control of his fate.
Shaun was a strikingly thin fellow with squint eyes that darted helplessly in their socket a third year student of geology who grew up to hip the woes of the world on females. did they not have smaller brain than men? where they not. creature of emotions rather than of reasoning? did they not have predisposition to follow males no mater their ascribed or acquired statues? I. Shaun,the secret cult especially the Redbeard served his values:an organization to be admired for it anti feminine image one of the few island yet to be submerged by women liberation and sex equality.
Jayfly was a third year student of political science. he became a Redbeard member even before he got an admission into the university he was notoriously popular on campus as an executioner or hit_man of his organization and was generally believed to be a heroin addict he had established his reputation in his second year . his father was a high court judge in the state. it was rumored that his parents were too busy to check on him and the wrong sort of friends he kept had eventually led him astray and he later grew worst than them.