Chapter 1 1.1 Abnormal noise in the mortuary

Since ancient times, people have called the incomprehensible, indescribable, indescribable things "grotesque".

    Time flies, in the era of the end of the law, the azure calendar 2018, the grotesque revives, the era of evil spirits rampant in the world has come again, and the grotesque in ancient legends quietly appeared in the crowd unknowingly.

    In the very beginning, when the first grotesque appeared, all the governments on this blue star chose to hide from the people and prevent panic.

    But over time, the grotesques slowly appeared in the lives of ordinary people.

    Strange story No. 1 Mortuary fire

    legend In a hospital in Gui City, a full-time security guard in the mortuary had a very ugly face and was a cripple. He was taciturn and gloomy, and was excluded by other colleagues in the hospital.

    Because of his physical disability and ugly face, everyone looked down on the security guard and avoided him like a scorpion, but the security guard silently fell in love with a female nurse in the hospital.

    One day, the security guard took a bunch of flowers to express his confession, but was rejected by the nurse with contempt. After that, a fire broke out in the mortuary of the hospital, and the security guard was suffocated to death in the morgue.

    The fire spread along the mortuary and destroyed the entire hospital.

    Everyone said that it was because the security guards who loved and hated set the fire, but they buried themselves in it. The police didn't bother to investigate, so they closed the case.

    But later, the surviving colleagues in the hospital discovered a terrible thing.

    There is always the shadow of a man in their home, whose figure is erratic, exuding the smell of burnt rot after the flames have burnt out.

    They were terrified and believed that it was the security guard who set fire to come to take revenge.

    Even if everyone persuaded them that the security guard was dead and impossible to show up, they couldn't calm down, and their emotions became more and more out of control.

    So, two weeks after the hospital fire, all the surviving doctors went crazy to varying degrees and went to a mental hospital. Some people even disappeared without a trace, and even the police couldn't track their whereabouts.

    As for the nurse who rejected the security?

    Naturally, there was no news.

    It's just that Gui City has had a strange urban legend since then.

    In the middle of the night, if you are walking alone, don't stop at the abandoned hospital that suddenly pops up around the corner, otherwise, you will see the shadows of human beings who once existed, bewitching you into this hospital with no exit.

    If you bump into this hospital, don't look back after running away, even if you hear the sound of strangers following you step by step...

    Guishi Renai Hospital is

    late at night, half past eleven.

    Pa Da -

    The signature pen in hand fell to the ground, Yao Ye sighed weakly, bent down and picked up the pen, the clean white coat on his body appeared many folds with his movements.

    Since he became a trainee doctor, he has never been idle. The various departments are not talking about each other, and he still does some handy work. Overtime is more commonplace. He often has to wait until one or two o'clock in the middle of the night before he can go home from get off work, and the next day is even worse. You have to get up before dawn and catch the bus to clock in to work.

    He was a fresh graduate, in his early twenties, and at an energetic age, he was too tired to breathe every day.

    Putting the pick-up pen into the pen holder, Yao Ye sorted out the last few case books, and then he let out a long sigh of relief and relaxed.

    It's quite easy today, there are not many patients in the hospital, and the director has nothing to tell him to do. This time he can finally get off work before twelve o'clock.

    Thinking like this, Yao Ye stretched out in the office chair, got up and picked up the cup, ready to go to the water dispenser in the doctor's office to pick up water. He had been busy for a long time and was already thirsty.

    Gudong—a hard whimper came from the bucket of the water dispenser.

    Yao Ye silently watched the last drop of water dripping from the tap of the water dispenser. He could only admit that he was unlucky and walked out of the doctor's office with a cup.

    In addition to the water dispenser in the doctor's office, there is also a public water dispenser next to the service desk in the lobby to receive water. Yao Ye licked his chapped lips, walked faster through the narrow corridor, and went straight to the service desk.

    He happened to have some oral ulcers in the past few days. He didn't feel it when he was busy with work just now. Now, when he is free, he feels that he is really thirsty, and even the wound with the ulcer is aching.

    "Hey, have you heard? Recently, a lot of people in our city have started burning paper on the street, and they all say they can transfer it! But it's a little immoral, and it is said that it will take away the good luck of those who step on the paper dust!"

    "Yes . Yes! I heard about it too! But isn't this superstition!"

    "Harm! I would rather believe it than believe it! You don't know how evil the neighborhood has been during this period of time, and several young people jumped off the building for no reason. Suicide makes people panic!"

    Several nurses on duty near the service desk were chatting, chatting enthusiastically, unaware that Yao Ye had walked over to the service desk to collect water.

    Yao Ye glanced at them. He was tired after a long day and couldn't work hard. He was almost as usual, but he silently picked up the water.

    "Yeah, what you said, Sister Li, reminds me too. There are a lot of gossip around our house. It seems that there is a haunted place. I don't even dare to inquire about it

    . Tick-tick—" The sound of hot water dripping into the cup suddenly interrupted the nurses' chatting, making them particularly terrifying in this empty service hall.


    Sister Li, the head nurse with her ball-shaped head pierced, was listening intently, but she jumped forward in fright. She almost didn't get a heart attack. She turned her head and was about to scold when she realized that the person receiving the water was the most recent one. Yao Ye, a new intern from a related household, could only hold back.

    This kid was introduced by the dean, so she couldn't easily offend her, so she could only endure it.

    Seeing that he was frightened, Yao Ye smiled a little embarrassedly, and said embarrassingly: "I'm sorry, I thought you saw me, there is no water in the office, I'll get some water."

    Sister Li forced a smile He adjusted his slightly crooked nurse hat, waved his hand and said, "It's alright, it's our conversation."

    "I haven't gotten off work yet, Xiao Yao, it's so late. When you go back later, you guys have to pay attention to safety. !" The other middle-aged nurse next to her also burst into laughter, she has always liked Yao Ye, a young man with tender skin who can squeeze water, and that handsome face makes people feel comfortable.

    "Yeah, Yao Ye, I think you have dark circles under your eyes recently, so you should pay attention to rest." Yu Yi, a young nurse who had been listening to chatting quietly with a smile on her face, looked at Yao Ye affectionately, with a pair of water on her beautiful face. Wang Wang's eyes are very moving.

    Yu Yi is a well-known flower in this hospital. There are countless suitors, but she is not fake, but she treats Yao Ye, who has just come to practice, in a different way, even a little affectionate. , causing Yao Ye to be sidelined by those jealous colleagues for a while, and he was very troubled for a while, but it was his uncle who was the dean who came forward to settle the incident a few days ago.

    Facing the care of this beautiful woman who had caused him a lot of misfortunes, Yao Ye only felt goosebumps all over his body, and even the ulcers in his mouth hurt even more. Don't want to wait any longer.

    Yu Yi looked at Yao Ye's back as if running for his life, her face turned black, her fingernails were tightly clenching her palms, she stomped her feet in anger, and scolded Yao Ye for being a straight male cancer.

    Yao Ye, who managed to escape, didn't know Yu Yi's anger and despair, and even if he knew, he wouldn't pay much attention to it. He has always been a person who doesn't like socializing. Even a beautiful woman can't make him pay too much attention. He looked like a very thoughtful beauty.

    He just held the hot water cup he had just filled with water and touched his cheek again. He was gasping for breath from the ulcers on the inner wall of his mouth.



    Yao Ye, who was intent on rushing back to the office to pack up and get off work, didn't notice a person walking out of the corner of the corridor and bumped into it.

    For a moment, Yao Ye felt as if his head had hit a wall, and the huge impact made many gold stars appear in front of him.

    He fell to the ground, and a lot of hot water was spilled from the water cup in his hand that did not close the lid tightly. He couldn't dodge in time.

    "Hmm!" The hot water that had just boiled directly touched people's skin, and its lethality should not be underestimated. The person who came in frowned in pain, and the exposed skin quickly began to turn red and wrinkled.

    Hearing the man's painful muffled sound, Yao Ye was startled. He didn't care about his injured ankle. He stepped forward to look at the serious burn and apologized in a hurry: "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry! Don't move. , I'm going to get medicine to treat your wound! No, let's take a look at the injury first, if the skin falls off, it will be serious..."

    Yao Ye approached the person who was scalded by himself at a loss, raised his head and looked at it, only then did he recognize It turned out to be the night shift security guard in the hospital-Yanling.

    The author has something to say: I finally opened a new article, thank you for the little angels who are still waiting! I love you~

    This story is purely fictional, and it is a modern one. Many supernatural details are fictional, and there may be errors in the part about the hospital. If there are any deviations, please forgive me QAQ