Chapter 11 1.11 Abnormal noise in the mortuary

Brother Tian was suspicious and asked Yao Ye some questions in a questioning tone.

Yao Ye answered a few questions at first, but in the end he became impatient. He simply kept his mouth shut and looked at this group of people with mental problems with the eyes of mental retardation.

What's wrong with this? Even if one plus one is equal to a few, these people are almost crazy even if they are not crazy.

The peaked cap standing beside him also came back to his senses at this moment, and he quickly smoothed the game and said with a bitter face: "I'm sorry, buddy, we were too frightened, and there was nothing we could do."

"We just woke up and found out When I was here, I was blinded all of a sudden. I asked someone for directions. At the front desk, I met a few women in nurse uniforms. When he turned his head, he revealed a scorched face, his face was completely burnt, and black blood was oozing from Bai Sensen's teeth, how terrifying it must be!"

Yao Ye was also frightened, and as soon as he heard it, he was shocked. Some felt the same, and his expression softened: "This is Renai Hospital. I'm going to go down to the elevator over there. Can you tell me the situation over there in detail?"

If it really doesn't work, he just takes a detour.

"Benevolence Hospital!!!"

As soon as Yao Ye finished speaking, a group of people on the opposite side screamed in unison, almost not scolding Yao Ye out of anger. Now there are crises lurking everywhere in the hospital, and the shouting is so loud that he is afraid of ghosts. Did you know they were here!

But now, this group of lovers of supernatural events in fancy clothes really couldn't help it, and they were frozen in place as if struck by lightning.

" it the Renai Hospital that was destroyed by the fire? Brother, brother, you can't bluff people..." The peaked cap's legs were a little soft.

Yao Ye frowned: "Where did you hear the rumor, the fire only destroyed the morgue, and the hospital was fine."

Yao Ye didn't understand why the group reacted so much.

At this time, the hoodie, who had been looking at the phone, seemed to have found something, and called everyone with a trembling voice: "Everyone, come, come and see, this..."

"What? Does your phone still have internet? Mine doesn't have any...hs!" Amy took a deep breath while looking at the content on the hoodie's phone.

Several other people also leaned over and looked at their mobile phones, all of them looking in disbelief.

Yao Ye became curious, walked over, and saw a live broadcast room interface.

In the past few years, live broadcasting has just started, and Yao Ye has also paid attention to some related news, but it is the first time to go into the live broadcasting room to watch it.

I saw that the screen in the live broadcast room fell into darkness, but the barrage at the bottom still stayed at the moment when the signal broke.

[My grandfather said that this is the ghost king's ghost realm, it reappears everything before his death...]

[Everyone will die, and they will not be able to get out]

... ...

[Pay attention to that strange talk, the obsession of the ghost king Must be in there! ]

[It's over, it's over, it's over]

... [The anchors are dead. ]

The hallway is deadly silent.

After a long while, Yao Ye licked his chapped lips, and asked, "What is this weird talk?"


several young people with dyed hair all looked at Yao Ye with surprise in their eyes.

"You are, really don't know?"

"..." Yao Ye looked back at them silently, his eyes full of confusion.

"That's a very popular weird story in Gui City recently. It tells about a fire two years ago that burned down the entire hospital, and a night shift security guard in a morgue..." The

cap is best at telling weird stories, telling a scary weird story that can stop children. Crying at night, adults will also break out in cold sweats.

"Okay! Stop dubbing! Damn it, you scared the old lady to death!"

Cao Xiaomei slapped the cap's head hard, interrupting his mouth movements that were simulating the sound of "dongdong".

Yao Ye didn't have time to pay attention to these people's tricks, and his face became ugly.

"Then according to this barrage, we can only survive if we find the security guard's obsession, right?" Brother Tian calmly analyzed the situation, "According to the content of the strange talk, this security guard is undoubtedly fond of the female nurse, and will No, his obsession is nurses?"

"Otherwise, why did the strange talk specifically mention that the female nurse is also missing? Maybe she is also trapped here! We just need to find her!" Brother Tian Eyes lit up and danced with joy.

"But the problem is, now we don't even know what the security guard looks like or what his name is, and how do we know who the female nurse is, where can we find it!" Cao Xiaomei put her hands on her hips and poured a basin of cold water.

The crowd fell into gloom and gloom again.

"...Security, which female nurse do you like?" Yao Ye asked in a trance, feeling a little unstable.

It turned out that An Ling had been having an affair with him? In fact, what he really likes is a female nurse, is he misunderstanding?

The ghost behind him didn't know what Yao Ye was thinking, and hugged Yao Ye a little nervously.

"Who is the female nurse? Is it Yu Yi?"

Yao Ye blurted out, then bit his lip in annoyance, feeling like a resentful woman, so he had to change the question, "I mean, this weird story happened two years ago. ? But, the fire only happened the day before!"

This is where Yao Ye discovered that these people contradicted his information. These people's behaviors were very strange, but his recent encounter was also very strange, which made him have to think more.

According to the strange talk just now, in the memory of this group of people, the hospital has been burned down, but Yao Ye was told that the fire only burned down the mortuary.

Since it was a few broken-mouthed nurses who told him the news, this was doubtful, so Yao Ye thought that everything he saw when he came in the morning was just a ghostly fantasy. In fact, the hospital was burned down two days ago. Everyone was dead, so there was a reason for the series of weird things going on in the hospital.

Thinking of this, Yao Ye remembered that he had greeted his ghost nurse in the morning, and suddenly felt nauseated.

No wonder, on this day, he was in low spirits, thinking wildly, immersed in guilt and unable to extricate himself, and his mood became irritable and irritable.

The ghost who silently took the blame: "..."

Yao Ye told everyone his guess, which caused everyone to be shocked.

"So, are you really an intern here? Do you know the security guard?" Cap got excited, took out his phone and started typing. He just thought this experience was amazing, and he wanted to write a manuscript and send it out immediately. , you will definitely earn a lot of money.

Brother Tian and the others were even more eager to escape from here. Since they confirmed that the white coat in front of them was the aboriginal in the strange talk, they immediately asked, "Then do you know who the nurse who confessed to the security guard is? If we don't find her, we will all leave. Don't go!"

Yao Ye was silent for a while, then replied, "I'm not sure, because I don't know him very well..."

Zila -

the ceiling in the corridor was flickering, the atmosphere became more and more terrifying and gloomy, ghosts and shadows He bit Yao Ye's ear in dissatisfaction.

"...Maybe, it's a nurse named Yu Yi." Yao Ye didn't notice the change in the atmosphere, his eyes dimly remembered the events of An Ling's death.

That was the first day of his internship in the hospital. He saw a tall figure walking by the hall, and his eyes followed the past subconsciously.

I happened to see that the beautiful female nurse with black hair and white skin smiled sweetly, while the tall figure touched the back of her head honestly, as if she was a little embarrassed.

If An Ling really likes someone, there is no one other than Yu Yi.

"Yu Yi? Where is this woman?"

Everyone looked at Yao Ye again, but Yao Ye shook his head helplessly, saying he didn't know.

"I don't know which floor we are on now. If Yu Yi is usually on duty, it should be at the service desk on the eighth floor, but she occasionally goes to the seventh floor." Going to the seventh floor harassed him.

Yao Ye had a headache when he thought of that woman with a face full of impending success.

She is obviously a surgical nurse, but she wants to go to the internal medicine department, which makes her colleagues see the tricks at a glance, thinking that she has an unspeakable affair with her, which is a lot of trouble.

Yao Ye, who was hard to explain, skipped the reason why Yu Yi went to the seventh floor, and didn't want people to know that he was being pursued by Yu Yi.

Seeing that the white coat in front of him was concealing something, the cap and Brother Tian looked at each other and had an idea in their hearts.

This guy looks very abnormal, and after a while, he will have to find a way to get rid of this guy.

They are not that stupid. In this place full of ghosts, who knows whether this guy is a human or a ghost.

They don't believe what this guy says, even if he claims to be alive.

Yao Ye didn't have as much thought as the peaked caps.

In his eyes, they are now grasshoppers on a rope. They are both living people and should help each other. Naturally, they know everything and say everything. In a short while, even the map of the hospital will be described over and over again.

Seeing that the news was almost over, the cap suggested that everyone take a detour to the small elevator on the side, because the road ahead was already occupied by the nurses at the service desk, and it was obviously impossible to pass.

In order to lead the way, Yao Ye was asked to walk in the front. Although he felt a little strange, Yao Ye was weak and had no choice but to agree.

These guys didn't see him as their own at all.

Glancing at the people behind him who were at a distance from him, Yao Ye complained in his heart, but in order to quickly find Yu Yi and leave here, he could only hold back his breath.

Everyone knows that walking in the front means unknown danger, so he deliberately let him walk in the front, euphemistically, it is convenient to guide the way, but how could Yao Ye not see the careful thoughts of these people?

In this way, Yao Ye walked around for a long time, encountering several "patients" wandering in the corridor, and had to divert several times, so that after walking for nearly an hour, he still hadn't found the elevator.

After bumping into ghosts several times in a row, everyone who was scared to death became more and more anxious, and decided to stop and rest first.

Yao Ye was pushed out and stood at a distance from the crowd, watching them gather together and muttered, not knowing what they were talking about.

Several young people with dyed hair in various colors gathered together, leaning their heads against their heads, whispering, and occasionally glanced at Yao Ye.

Yao Ye: "..."

These people are talking about him?

Is it so obvious?

"Hey, does this guy know how the road is going? Isn't he deliberately taking us around!" Amy whispered, and glanced at the white coat who was leading the way in front of her with disgust.

"I also think that this guy doesn't know if it's a human or a ghost. What if he deliberately leads us to a dead end?"

The thin young man who has always had a weak sense of presence complained along Amy's words and expressed concern for this. The white lab coat with a good face does not have a good impression.

"However, he said that he was an intern here. He missed the fire because of illness, and he survived the fire. It's not necessarily fake..." The hoodie was a little hesitant. After all, he didn't find out what happened to the guy in front of him. Not right.

"Do you really believe it? Don't you know that there is a kind of ghost that doesn't even know that he is dead? Once it is pointed out that he is dead, he will immediately turn into a ghost!" , successfully persuaded the crowd.

"Then what do we do? Leave this guy alone? Will he turn into a ghost and catch up?" Amy crossed her hands a little worriedly, pitifully.

Cao Xiaomei rolled her eyes and said, "Wouldn't it be nice to throw him down when I get on the elevator in a while! Anyway, we already know the basic route. When the time comes, we can go to the eighth floor to find a female nurse, won't we?"

"This makes sense. Let's follow along in a while. If we can't find it, it means that there is something wrong with this person. Let's find it ourselves and put that guy down." Brother Tian applauded.

Hoodie was a little worried, and persuaded: "It's not good, if he is really alive, then don't we just see the death and fail to save him?"

Cao Xiaomei's eyes almost rolled to the sky, mocking. : "In case he's not alive, do you want a group of us to be buried with you for your guess?"

Hoodies sighed embarrassingly, having nothing to say.

"Okay, that's all set. Go to the elevator and squeeze the guy down, don't let him come up!" After

making the plan, the group of caps relaxed a lot, and they didn't notice at all, a tall ghost invisible to the naked eye. Ying bent over the entire time, over their heads together, listening to their decisions.

Black mist surrounds the ghost figure, and a pair of dark and terrifying eyes stares directly at this group of humans who are dying. The ghostly ghost is looming, the rotten skin and the burnt scar are interlaced, and the blood is dripping.

Hehe- Doctor Yao, they are going to abandon you... so pitiful... His doctor Yao...

so pitiful... So, Doctor Yao, is he the only one who can rely on him now... It must be.

"Enough rest, let's go!" The cap showed a smile and looked at Yao Ye, who was standing on the side in a daze.

Yao Ye: "..." Finally the discussion is over.

How could this group of people be worse than the group of nurses with broken mouths!

Gluck -

just at this moment, a strange voice sounded.

Yao Ye looked at the corridor in front of him, his eyes widened, cold sweat soaked his forehead, and the group of people in peaked caps with their backs facing the corridor behind him still didn't know why, but they were too frightened to look back due to Yao Ye's expression.

"What, what's the situation? This..." The skinny young man standing at the end was fighting, only to feel the cool breeze blowing from his back.

Behind him, a junior high school student with loose black hair walked slowly with his stiff limbs twisted.

What the hell!

It actually followed! It's too haunted!

Yao Ye remembered the tragic death of his neighbor's bachelor, and was instantly terrified.

The author has something to say: Please leave a message for collection 嘤嘤嘤~

Yao Ye: Oh, it turns out that I am a spare tire, get out of it!

Eucalyptus: (Silently carry the heavy black pot.jpg)