Chapter 28 2.12 The Lover in the Attic

Looking at this strange head on the stairs, everyone was shocked and panicked.

"Who, who killed..."

Du Ci walked away from the stairs in fear, and the others also stepped back.

A Yun, who was mad by the door, was still roaring, but no one paid any attention. Everyone looked at the owner of the villa, Lu Ren, a middle-aged man.

Lu Ren was sweating profusely, and waved his hands repeatedly to explain: "This has nothing to do with me! I don't know how there is a head here! I really didn't do it!!!"

Although he was vain and proud, he didn't have the guts to kill people. Ah, not to mention it was still during a housewarming banquet, wouldn't that mean surrendering in disguise!

At this time, Xiao Liu, who was still moaning and moaning weakly, saw the appearance of the head and screamed in shock.

"It's her! It's her! That female ghost!! Woohoo! I'm so scared to save me!"

Hearing this, everyone turned to the tattered head on the stairs.

Is there really a ghost in this world?

boom! ! !

With a loud bang, a black shadow appeared out of thin air in the corridor on the second floor, and disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only a cracked floor trace in place.

"You!!! Damn it!!!"

An angry male voice shook people's souls, just like the demon king who has been played countless times in all human film and television works, bringing people endless fear.


Another woman's mournful whimper almost pierced everyone's eardrums.

The space is shattering, and everyone downstairs sees two vague ghosts chasing after me, fighting endlessly, and everywhere they pass is broken.


Lu Ren wanted to cry without tears as he saw that all the furniture he had spent a lot of money on had turned into rubbish that no one wanted.

The two ghost figures only appeared for a while, but disappeared into the air in a moment, leaving the people downstairs just waking up from a dream.

"Just now, what is it?"

Wu Qing looked at the mess upstairs in disbelief, almost suspecting that he was dreaming.

No one thought about who the head belonged to anymore. The only thought in everyone's mind was to get out of here quickly.

Xiao Liu was so frightened that he turned around and ran to the gate even though blood was still oozing from his arm.

"I want... I want to go home woo..."

He didn't want to think about any spirits or videos, he just wanted to go home.

Seeing someone run away, everyone who was stunned followed to the gate, not daring to think about what they saw just now.

What are those two shadows?

Light refracted by space? Or something that human beings cannot speak?

No one dared to think about it, so they could only try their best to comfort themselves, treating it as an illusion, just go out.

However, it was the people who came to the door who really fell into despair.

The door can't be opened no matter what.

Even if he kicked and slammed desperately, the door would still remain motionless.

A Yun, who was still roaring and screaming, was completely desperate. He squatted by the door and cried, his spirit seemed to be abnormal.

Xiao Liu also collapsed a bit, dragged his injured arm and slammed into the door a few times, and cried again.

"Woooooo! What should I do, I can't go out!"

Seeing that the three men were unreliable, the four girls couldn't help crying, and the hall was gloomy.

There were constant cries in the room, but the middle-aged man Lu Ren was a little more rational now. He hasn't lived enough yet, how could he just throw his life here.

After calling out for help a few more times and getting no response, he turned his head and began to advise everyone to go upstairs.

"I remember that there is a soft ladder in the attic on the third floor. I bought it specially to make a tree house. We can hang the soft ladder to the balcony on the second floor and climb down!"

Hearing this, everyone was hopeful.

Yes, the door can't go out, they can still climb the window!

After discussing the process, they set off and went upstairs. As the owner of the villa, Lu Ren was responsible for leading the way.

"Uncle, do you think we can really go out? There are ghosts here!"

Xiao Liu clutched his bandaged arm and asked Lu Ren sobbing.

Lu Ren was also very nervous. Every time he took a step, he had to observe and observe the surrounding environment. He could only answer perfunctorily: "Yes, of course

. Ghost, why else did I live for three days without incident, today the door is broken, and we'll call a lockpicker when we go out later!"

The young people behind them were also dejected and startled. Yes, for fear that something strange will come out.

Zilazila -

the hanging chandeliers began to flicker again, and everyone couldn't help but get nervous.

There didn't seem to be anything unusual nearby. Lu Ren carefully observed it and turned his head to appease the people behind him.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, I have seen everything in my life, and I have never seen it—" Ghost!

Halfway through the words, Lu Ren saw a group of juniors look behind him with extremely shocked expressions.

"—You guys, don't you guys, don't scare people, you know!"

Lu Ren only felt the cold air behind him, and he didn't even have the courage to look back.

What is behind him?

"Excuse me, where is this place?"

A weak voice came from behind, Lu Ren was completely frightened into a quail, and jumped forward sensitively with a beer belly, only hating his parents for having two less legs.

The handsome young man with black hair and black eyes stared at the fat middle-aged man's unusually flexible movements in front of him, and was also startled.

Lu Ren, who was shrinking into the crowd, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and dared to look back, only to see that behind him was not some strange-looking monster, but a very normal-looking young man.

"You! Who are you! How come you're in my house!"

Lu Ren waited for a while, seeing that the young man was fine, he was relieved and embarrassed at the same time.

To be frightened into such a state by a junior, how decent is it!

Xiao Liu and the others were still very afraid of this sudden appearance of strangers, so they shrank and dared not move forward, only Lu Ren, who didn't see the young man appearing out of thin air, arrogantly and angrily rebuked, "How can you break into the house illegally! Be careful, I will sue you in court!" The

handsome young man, Yao Ye, was frightened.

He was just an ordinary wage earner. He had never seen such a big boss's court subpoena warning before. He was so frightened that he was stunned.

He apologized again and again: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I, I don't know how I got here, I originally came upstairs, and I got here in a blink of an eye, I didn't mean it, don't report the warning Me!"

The young man before the meeting softened, and Lu Ren, who had lost face just now, felt relieved, and sneered with his head held high: "Humph! Don't think I don't know your tricks, a little thief who wants to lie. Pass me!"

Xiao Liu and A Yun stood at just the right angle to see how Yao Ye suddenly appeared just now, so scared that he didn't dare to come out, watching Lu Ren reprimanding an unknown creature in horror, heartbroken Almost jumped out of fear.

"...I knew that you guys who looked like little bastards at first glance, without any education, knew how to come out to steal things—what are you pulling me for!"

Seeing that the black-haired youth's expression became more and more ugly (the fog), Xiao Liu interrupted Lu Ren's long speech, shaking like a sieve.

"Uncle, uncle, please stop talking, please woo woo..."

Xiao Liu was sobbing, never expecting his uncle who just witnessed a supernatural event to be so mindless.

It's not courting death to be able to scold something so vigorously at something with an obvious abnormal origin!

Lu Ren frowned and said dissatisfiedly: "What's the matter, someone broke into my house, I can't even say a few words? It's going to be left in our village for more than ten years, this kid has broken his legs and was thrown out!

Yao Ye didn't actually listen to Lu Ren's reprimand just now. He carefully looked at the surrounding environment and found that it was very unfamiliar. It was completely different from the decoration in the villa. It was resplendent, and even the location of each room was different.

So, he finally came out? Yao

Ye's eyes lit up, completely ignoring Lu Ren, who was scolding above him, and asked eagerly, "Where is this place? Or Lihe City? This house has nothing to do with Yunyou! Lu Ren replied contemptuously: "

This is my house, what's the matter, the thief didn't even step on it!" "

Yao Ye was ecstatic, and even the fear of being summoned by the court was overshadowed, and he smiled brightly.

"That's great!" I'm finally out! Seeing

that Yao Ye was still happy, Xiao Liu finally took the opportunity to chat with his uncle. He trembled as he described the ghostly appearance of the black-haired young man just now, and all of a sudden the proud face Lu Ren stumbled. "

Well, so, he's not human? "

"Yes, it is possible!" "

Xiao Liu is not sure, although this person's way of appearing is very scary, but it seems that there is nothing abnormal.

Lu Ren is dubious, and still does not believe in ghosts and gods.

Even though he just witnessed two strange ghosts chasing each other and the furniture was severely worn, he just thought it was some kind of strange scientific phenomenon. He often watched "Approaching Science" with great experience.

In addition, Yao Ye didn't seem to be threatening, and he was even more confident.

"Hey! Boy! Are you a human or a ghost?" Lu Ren asked directly.

The people behind them were almost breathless and choked to death.

Ask a ghost directly, are you a ghost? ! !

Brain is ok!

Xiao Liu and A Yun were stunned. They didn't expect that Lu Ren, who was so old and seemed to have social experience, would be such a coward.

Standing at the back, Wu Qing and the other three girls were also angry and scared, and almost cried out of anger.

Hearing this, Yao Ye was stunned for a moment, looking at the young people who seemed to be very scared and Lu Ren, who was a little wary, then he came back to his senses, but he didn't expect that he would be suspected of being a ghost!

"How could I be a ghost! I just escaped from the haunted house! I finally managed to get my life back!"

Yao Ye didn't want to be associated with ghosts and the like at all. The mention of ghosts was a physiological fear.

"Don't mention that kind of thing, it's scary!"

"Haunted house?" Lu Ren asked suspiciously when he heard the key words.

Seeing everyone, Yao Ye was still full of doubts, knowing that if he didn't speak clearly, these people would not let him go, so he simply explained what happened, and only asked them to let him go.

After saying that, Yao Ye, who thinks that being a little white face is not very honorable, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and just wanted to get out of here quickly and rent a hotel to sleep in casually.

He wanted to go downstairs, but he was helpless when he saw that everyone was still blocking the stairs.

"I want to go home, can you please open it?"

Everyone said nothing, looking at him with a very strange look, making Yao Ye shudder a little.

"You guys, why are you looking at me like that?"

Yao Ye was a little uneasy.

"You... think we're fools? Pretending to be the protagonist of urban weirdness and trying to get away with it!!!" Lu Ren was so angry.


Yao Ye looked at them blankly, not knowing what they were talking about. Even if he didn't believe the ghost stories he told, he shouldn't react like this.

Inexplicably, Xiao Liu felt that the Yao Ye in front of him was a little familiar, and seeing that he really seemed to know nothing, he kindly and slowly began to talk about the bedtime stories he had heard countless times when he was a child: "Once upon a time, there was a couple in Lihe City who were incompatible with each other. Husband and wife..."

Yao Ye felt that something was wrong the more he listened, and at the end, he was silent.

This weird talk is so fucking familiar.

Replace the starved lover with him, right?

Yao Ye thought for a while, and broke out in a cold sweat.

If the rumor is true, is he dead or alive now?

Yao Ye lowered his head and touched the position of his still beating heart, in a trance.

The author has something to say: The second update is here, I wish the little angels who are still waiting good night~ What's up~ I love you~