Chapter 34 3.2 Abnormal proliferation

Yao Ye raised his eyebrows and raised his eyes, gritted his teeth, and exploded with anger.

Since he was robbed of his girlfriend by a rich second generation, he has vowed never to be insulted with contemptuous eyes again.

He couldn't stand such a look the most.

Yao Ye's dissatisfaction naturally made Tu Lao Cai, who regarded him as his precious treasure, very sad. He really didn't want to see his own treasure showing a sad expression.

"Ming An, this is your very quiet brother!" Yao Ye sarcastically.

Except for sitting in a wheelchair, I really didn't see any peace. Was that gloomy expression trying to intimidate him?

The Tu Lao Cai named Ming An smiled guiltily, and calmly said, "Be careful, let's leave him alone, come on, I've prepared a big meal for my heart, there's a restaurant over there, let's go eat. !"

Yao Ye avoided Ming An's hand indifferently, and said indifferently: "Yeah, anyway, I'm just a thing bought with money, naturally it's not as important as your brother, it doesn't matter if you abuse me. , it's fine if you don't apologize."

Ming An looked at the expression of her heart and soul, her heart was about to break, and there were tears in her glazed eyes.

He wiped away his tears childishly. He was nearly 1.9 meters tall and always hunched over, looking very useless.

Facing the sobbing of this old man, Yao Ye couldn't bear to look directly, but he had no intention of letting this go easy.

"My heart humming...don't say that, you are my most beloved little heart, you are more important than me, don't be angry, it's so bad for your body when you're angry... like this, I'll drive him back Go to the room, and punish him not to eat tonight!" After speaking, Ming An, whose eyes were red from crying, stepped onto the stairs.

Yao Ye saw that Tu Lao Cai went upstairs aggressively and pushed his younger brother away, and then hooked his lips in satisfaction.

Hmph, let that kid keep looking at him coldly, that's it!

Watching Ming An disappear into the corner of the corridor upstairs, the indifference on Yao Ye's face disappeared, and he couldn't wait to start directing the workers to move his luggage to the master bedroom, and then began to look forward to the evening meal.

If nothing else, the food was really good during the days of Tu Lao Cai.

Upstairs, Tu Lao Cai Mingan, who was pushing his "brother", was pushing a wheelchair with one hand, wiping tears with the other, sobbing.

"Ugh... It's all your fault, my sweetheart is angry..."

Ming An cried while walking, and soon pushed the wheelchair into a dark guest bedroom.

No lights were turned on in the guest bedroom, only the light from the window came in.

Ming An lowered his head, and his glazed eyes met the same pair of eyes on the wheelchair.

"It's so bad..."

Ming An's cheeks were still stained with tears, but the corners of his mouth pulled out a more and more strange arc.

He looked at his brother in the wheelchair, and a fierce light flashed in his glass-like, almost silver eyes.

"Why is it resurrected? Obviously, the real me, as long as there is one..." The

gloomy younger brother in the wheelchair also narrowed his eyes and laughed, with a strange laugh.

"Hohohohoho-so cute, so cute, so cute!!!! I also want--" The younger brother's facial features like Ming An were full of fiery love and hope.

It was stinging—

blood splattered everywhere, hot blood splattered all over the room.

"I can't... my lovely heart can only be mine... ho ho ho ho... I'm alone! Forever!!!"

Ming An's pale cheeks had an excited and disgusting smile, he picked up The knife at hand carefully cut the bones and flesh of the "brother" one by one.

"Cut down a little more... finer... no one... can't take away the heart..."

Ming An remembered the beautiful body and beautiful voice of the sweetheart, and the possessiveness in his eyes deepened.

He grinned, and began to yearn for the taste of his heart and liver again, until the corners of his mouth were drooling.

"Honey... so beautiful ho ho ho - it's mine... all mine ho ho ho!"

Bang! boom! Stab - the blade is honed.

Ming An was splashed with blood in his eyes, and his glazed eyes were dyed blood red. He forcefully cut open a piece of flesh that was quickly gluing, and the expression on his face suddenly turned into hatred and resentment.

These monsters that just keep multiplying, monsters... disgusting monsters!

He will never allow these monsters to steal his heart and soul!

"You guys... monsters... go to hell... die... ho ho ho ho!" The

black-haired thin man was covered in blood, and kept raising the blade in the dim guest bedroom, the excited expression on his face was enough to make Any normal person who sees this scene is horrified.


Yao Ye was impatient waiting. He still had to eat a big meal. Why was that old man staying upstairs, and he wouldn't be discussing bad things about him with his younger brother.

This bad boy, I gave him everything, but he was still talking ill of himself upstairs!

Yao Ye, who was angry with his own imagination, got more and more angry. He pinched his waist angrily and shouted: "Ming! Die for me!

" Meat's Ming An abruptly stopped.

He stared blankly at his hands full of blood, and muttered in distress, "If you don't wash it cleanly, you will make your heart angry." Then he dropped the knife in his hand and walked to the bathroom of the guest bedroom to wash.

He is now covered in the blood of those dirty things, and it would be bad if he was smelled by the sweetheart.

There was a rush of water in the bathroom, and outside the bathroom, the wall carpet was stained with red blood, and even the bed was dyed red by the innards that were thrown away.

After a while, Ming An came out after drying his wet hair.

He looked at the skull fragments that were gradually glued together on the ground with disgust, and unceremoniously used a knife to stab the unsealed skull to make another hole.

"Hee hee - it's so fun..."

Ming An smiled and changed into a clean set of clothes and walked out of the bedroom, not forgetting to lock the bedroom door before leaving.

"Darling, I'm here~ Let's go have a big meal!"

Yao Ye had already started eating, he wouldn't have to wait for Ming to settle down before eating.

In the spacious dining room, Yao Ye sat on the side of the Western-style square table and enjoyed his meal very much, with a lot of red wine candles.

"My dear~ I miss you so much~" Ming An immediately rushed towards Yao Ye, hugged Yao Ye in his arms, and then let out a satisfied sigh.

"Slow you to death!" Yao Ye was forced to sit on Ming An's lap and nodded Ming An's head in disgust.

Wet, he actually took a shower upstairs, tsk tsk tsk.

Ming An looked at the smooth and white face of the sweetheart, and licked and licked his earlobe covetously.

"My are so beautiful...I love you so much..."

Yao Ye was eating well, and he was so annoying to this guy who was so stubborn and worm-like.

"You give me a good meal! This is on the dining table!"

"I don't, my dear, let me do it~ The servants are gone, I just told them to leave, don't be ashamed!"

"Get out! Ah! You...don't move there...fuck!"

"Good heart!"

"...I don't mean that!"

Yao Ye's face was flushed, and he took advantage of the confusion, love, and fascination to threaten Ming An and said: " Don't be partial to your brother in the future! Otherwise, I will break up with you!"

At the end of the day, this local old man still doesn't want to let himself conflict with his younger brother, or he will just push his younger brother and run away, as if he is afraid that he will talk to his younger brother.

Yao Ye could see clearly, and initially concluded that this old man was a brother-in-law.

It seemed that the plan to drive away his younger brother had to be considered in the long run, otherwise the old man might not be on his side.

"'s so comfortable...heart, don't mention him, what I love the most is heart~"

Ming An looked at his heart with a blurry look, and didn't want to look away for a moment.

Yao Ye avoided Ming An's sight.

Sometimes I can't tell whether this old man is acting stupid or really stupid. It's obviously a love bought with money, and it's like a real love.

Although he complained about Ming An in this way, Yao Ye still liked it very much. He hugged Ming An's pale and cool body tightly, his face flushed.