Chapter 36 3.4 Abnormal proliferation

After closing the door, Yao Ye looked at the time on his phone and found that it was still too early, so he simply went back to his room and fell asleep.

Yao Ye didn't hear the news of Tu Lao Cai's return. He thought that this guy was definitely busy with business and forgot to come back for dinner.

boom! boom!

At this time, there was a strange movement upstairs.

Yao Ye heard the sound as soon as he walked out of the door, looked up curiously, and found nothing wrong.

Anyway, I was idle, Yao Ye simply walked upstairs, wanting to see what happened upstairs, Mingyun's room on the second floor was still closed, there was no movement, it should not be the second floor.

boom! boom!

It rang again.

Yao Ye listened to the rhythmic percussion, his heart was as itchy as a cat scratching, and he continued to walk upstairs.

There are many rooms here, the stairs with golden red carpets spiral up, and the corridors are long.

There are several decorative oil paintings hanging on the dark wallpaper, and there is no window on the wall, giving people a sense of depression.

Yao Ye looked around and walked to the turntable of the stairs on the fourth floor of the top floor. Sure enough, he heard the sound of "bang bang" coming from a room not far away.

Yao Ye looked suspiciously at the ordinary door, thinking that this old man could not really hide his beauty in a golden house.

Thinking like this, Yao Ye weighed a bunch of keys in his hand again, and chose the right key with great interest, wanting to open the door.

But, strangely, none of the keys can open the door.

Well, this is the key to all the rooms!

Yao Ye was really angry now.

This hated Ming An actually dared to lie to him! X's!

Rich people really don't have a good thing!

It's nice to say it on the mouth, and the disgusting words of the darling baby can be said, but the result is not a series of lies!

Yao Ye had a feeling of being betrayed by someone he trusted, which made him uncomfortable.

Boom! ! !

It seemed that he sensed someone outside the door, and the sound inside the door became heavier.

Yao Ye put away the inexplicable sadness in his heart, driven by curiosity, he put his ear on the door panel, wanting to listen carefully to what happened inside the door.

"Hey! Is there anyone in there?"

Bang! boom!

In the room, separated by a door,

a pale and bloodless arm was connected to a deformed piece of meat that was constantly beating like a heart, knocking on the door.

The door panel shook.

Yao Ye, who was lying on the door panel, was startled by the sudden vibration, and his ears went numb.

"Well, it seems that there should be someone inside, why don't you speak, is it a mute?"

Or is it a small animal or something?

Yao Ye was even more curious, he pushed the door hard, and found that it couldn't be opened, he took a few steps back and slammed into the door.


Yao Ye accidentally bumped into his head, his forehead was swollen, but the door didn't open.

This time humiliating.

Yao Ye touched his aching forehead and sighed.

It seems that it is time for me to exercise, I just hit the door, and I can actually pretend to hurt myself!

After rubbing the lump on his forehead, Yao Ye became more competitive and began to think about how to open the door. He even called a few servants and didn't know how to open the door, so he had to let them go again.

After a while, Yao Ye tried his best to open the door, but he got angry, and he had the heart to violently smash the door with something.

"Ah, I found it..."

Yao Ye heard a low and pleasant voice, followed by a warm and sticky embrace.

! ! !

Yao Ye was almost scared to death, he opened his eyes wide, and just as he was about to struggle, he heard a contented sigh from the man behind him hugging him: "My dear~ I miss you so much~ Why are you here? I can't find you..."

It was Tu Lao Cai Ming An.

Yao Ye's face darkened, he didn't have time to suspect that the footsteps of this man were so light that he couldn't hear them, and he slapped Ming An's face with a slap.

A slap print immediately appeared on Ming An's pale face, and the glazed eyes were slightly startled.

Yao Ye shook his head when he saw the slap print. He didn't seem to expect that he would use so much strength, but he immediately reacted and said with a sneer, "Go away! Let's break up! We're all together, and we're still hiding it from me. There are so many things! I can't go on!" After

speaking, Yao Ye angrily prepared to go downstairs to pack his things.

He slapped Ming An on the head just now, and the situation was very bad for him.

This trick is called retreating. After the seniors in the nightclub taught him this trick, he was not satisfied after a hundred attempts. This is the trick that the old man is most afraid of, and it is just right at this time.

Sure enough, when he heard Yao Ye broke up, Ming An even forgot the slap print on his face, and chased after Yao Ye with red eyes, clinging to Yao Ye and refusing to let go.

"No! Don't break up! Sweetheart, what's wrong with you? Why did you say break up as soon as you came, didn't we officially live together yesterday? Woohoo! Don't leave me, I promise everything baby!" The

pale and thin man in a gray sweater, Crying heartbroken, his complexion became paler and paler, but there was a terrifying possessiveness in his eyes that turned his back to Yao Ye.

Why...why keep leaving?

His sweetheart...isn't it okay to stay forever?

How can I keep my heart forever...

It would be great if he could eat it in his stomach... Then, his heart and liver will always belong to him...

The pale-skinned man lowered his eyelids and saw the delicate and white neck of the young man he loved deeply.

He was fascinated by the smell of the youth, his sharp teeth looming between his lips, as if he could feel the hot flesh and blood of his beloved.

But... in that case, it will hurt... the warm lover will become cold...

Yao Ye didn't notice anything unusual.

He was being held by Ming An in his arms at this time, and Ming An's tears dripped down his neck along Ming An's head that was attached to his neck, which was very uncomfortable.

Yao Ye shoved Ming An's head in disgust, and said indifferently: "Let go! You can't trust a word of your words! The keys you gave me are fake, who knows how much you have been hiding from me.

" There were tears in his eyes, the end of his eyes were red, and he explained aggrievedly: "No, baby, my keys are real, what are you talking about?"

"Fake me stupid! The room next to you has been It's locked, isn't it? I can hear movement inside! The key you gave can't open this room at all!"

Yao Ye pointed at the room, full of anger.

Ming An looked at the room, and said with some distress: "Well, it turned out to be this room, I forgot for a while, don't be angry, my dear, I'll open it for you..." I

forgot to deal with those things, These monsters...why can't they just die quietly?

Is it possible that you still think you are the body?

Obviously, the real him is only him.

All the other monsters... be damned!

Yao Ye looked at Ming An's loyal dog-licking appearance, and was satisfied, he said arrogantly: "Okay, go and open it up for me, but I want to see what beauty is hidden in it, and it will make you linger..."

Ming An reluctantly rubbed Yao Ye's cheek, and quickly defended: "Darling, you misunderstood, there is nothing in it, just some disgusting things, I originally wanted to dispose of it with the garbage, but Forgot..."

Hearing this, Yao Ye remembered the garbage room he visited in the morning, wrinkled his nose and said, "No, you piled up another room's garbage? Then why is there something hitting the door? Is there really someone? "The

tall man drooping his eyelids aggrievedly, coupled with his perennially sloppy and sluggish back, seemed a bit pitiful.

Yao Ye stood hesitantly clasping his hands, but insisted on opening the door to find out.

"I don't care, the door is still open today. You go in first, turn on the light for me, and let me see if there is anyone inside. If it's too dirty, I won't go in."

The utility room this morning The piles of dust made Yao Ye more knowledgeable, and he couldn't cough, and now he didn't dare to enter the room easily.

Kaza -

the door was opened by Ming An who had searched downstairs to find the key.

The room was dark, except for some glass jars soaked in unknown flesh and blood tissue that glowed green.

Oh my god! what is this!

Yao Ye's attention was completely attracted by the glass jars filled with formalin in the room. The strong smell of chemicals lingered in his nose, and the smell of 84 disinfectant mixed together. Described the strange taste.

He couldn't help walking in, his face was frightened, and he even felt like he was watching a horror movie. It was both terrifying and exciting, and he even forgot about turning on the lights.

Seeing the sweetheart looking at those glass jars, he raised his eyebrows without a trace, and stepped on the soles of his feet with his pale arms that he wanted to escape after pushing the door open. Together with the deformed pieces of meat that had been supplying him with blood, he crushed them into pieces. shards.

These delusional splits that want to replace the main body really don't have any self-knowledge... Wouldn't it be

good to just die?

Why do you want to run away... It's really... troublesome...

Yao Ye opened his eyes slightly in horror, looked at the unknown minced meat soaked in the green liquid, and frowned: "You bastard, you still have this hobby? Tsk. , it's not disgusting."

This old man is a taxidermist, he doesn't know what kind of animal minced meat, why is everything in the jar?

Yao Ye felt a little nauseated when he thought that Ming An had touched these things before going to bed with him.

Ming An's arms were stuck to Yao Ye's thin waist again, obsessed with the warm touch of his palms.

"It's really disgusting, but this is my previous interest. After I got Xingan'er, I never came back, so I forgot... Xingan'er, don't be angry anymore, okay?

" Rubbing Yao Ye's cheek.

Yao Ye pushed Ming An's hairy head away angrily, his face still filled with confusion.

He described to Ming An the knocking he heard before, and looked around, trying to find the light switch and the thing knocking on the door.

"Something knocking on the door?" Ming An tilted his head and wiped the blood from his feet behind the door.

"There are no **** animals in this room~"

Ming An smiled flatteringly, trying to appease Yao Ye's emotions, but in the end he couldn't resist Yao Ye's arrogance and self-will, and turned on the light.


! ! !

I have to say, the visual impact after turning on the lights is really exciting, Yao Ye's face turned pale with fright.

I saw that the whole room was not spacious, full of bloodstains, and the original pure white wallpaper was torn apart by the claws of unknown animals.

In addition to some jars soaked in formalin, there are also several museum racks with transparent glass jars filled with bits and pieces of unformed flesh and limbs in a way that almost burst out of the glass. The gesture of the can was reflected in Yao Ye's eyes.

Even the carpet was full of dark red marks. When the room was still dark just now, the strong smell of disinfectant overwhelmed the bloody smell. Only then did Yao Ye faintly smell the pungent smell of blood.

The light that suddenly turned on completely showed this disgusting scene in front of Yao Ye's eyes.

Yao Ye endured the sour water tumbling in his stomach and strode out of the room. He didn't want to look for anything, he just wanted to find a place to vomit.

This local old man is indeed a pervert, and he has made such a bloody animal taxidermy.

"Okay, I won't watch it, look at it, and tell me if you find it—"

"Good heart~"

Yao Ye fled, and Ming An rarely sticked to it like a cowhide, but stood on the original Watching the lover go away.

Click - the door closed again.

The enthusiasm on Ming'an's face gradually faded, and his glazed eyes turned to the glass jar in the room.

"...It's really not good...I didn't want to deal with you so quickly... After all, there is still experimental value..."


There was a sticky sound of meat moving and struggling in the originally quiet glass jar. They seemed to sense the killing intent and wanted to break through the glass barrier that bound them.

The pale-skinned man covered his face with his hands in a troubled manner, sobbing, and his body slowly bent down, trembling slightly, as if it was really painful.

"Woohoo ... so scared ... so scared ... Be careful of the liver, you want to find you, if you find it, you will be very scared ... Monster ... monster monster monsters !!!" The

pale and handsome man suddenly suddenly Looking at the jar in the room resentfully, he laughed weirdly, the curvature of the corner of his mouth almost pulled to the root of his ear, his expression was distorted, and he didn't look like a normal human at all.

"So, I can only deal with you all... This time, don't come out again... Because... you are disturbing me~"

The strong smell of blood came out from the closed door, and there was a strange sound of cutting something, which was extremely terrifying.

"La~la~ This time, my sweetheart will be very satisfied..."

The man covered in blood hummed a song, looking forward to his lover's happy appearance, and continued to cut the deformed limbs glued together in the jar into minced meat.

It's so dangerous, I almost found out that there are monsters in the villa...

However, it's okay to find out.

Because he is not a monster, and the baby will continue to love him.

As long as these monsters don't get in their way...he can live happily ever after with his heart!

Forever - hee hee hee hee! ! !