Chapter 39 3.7 Abnormal proliferation

After crying for a while, Yao Ye was persuaded by Ming Yun to leave the mortuary. When he walked to the door of the hospital, Ming Yun stopped abruptly.

There was a hint of apology on his pale face, looking at Yao Ye who was in a trance, he said softly: "...I seem to have left something in the hospital, Yao Ye, wait for me in the car first, the driver is also there, I Come later, okay?"

Yao Ye was still immersed in grief, unable to extricate himself, but nodded listlessly and walked to the car parked in front of the hospital.

Mingyun watched the cute kitten walk away, and then turned back to the hospital's morgue.


a man's brisk footsteps resounded through the empty hallway.

The pale black-haired man walked straight into the room where "Brother"'s corpse was stored, looked at the cold and broken corpse, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

At this moment, the pale corpse was full of Yu Zi's face, and he suddenly opened his eyes.

Those bloodshot eyes were full of sinister resentment.

He seemed to want to sit up, or scolded, but the fragile limbs were not enough for him to do anything, so he could only lie rigidly on the mortuary, waiting for his body to fully grow.

"Tsk tsk - it's really miserable, it's so broken, it must be hard to repair it, but it's just to understand my original mood!"

Looking at Ming An's miserable appearance, the smile on the corner of Ming Yun's mouth became even brighter, he She pretended to be pitiful and made a crying expression, full of mockery.

"Giggle-uh-" Ming An made a strange sound from his unrepaired throat, and seemed to hate it to the extreme.

Ming Yun approached Ming An, his eyes widened involuntarily, his face twisted due to excessive excitement: "Now... let me help you... The dead should go where the dead should go, right? Hohoho- !!!" The

two men with extremely similar faces looked at each other, and even the hatred in their eyes was astonishingly consistent, giving them a mirror-like weirdness.

Mingyun grabbed Ming An's neck with his hands, crushing the already fragile cervical vertebra again.

Kaza -

the corpse on the mortuary stopped shaking and became dead again.

But Mingyun has no intention of giving up.

He frowned in disgust as he looked at the shredded limbs that were still proliferating and repairing, then put on the gloves prepared in advance, and took out a folding knife.

"Tsk, what a monster, you can't live without being dead..."

He had to use this method to prevent him from resurrecting.

Zara - there was a strange sound of cutting leather in the mortuary, and the smell of blood spread.

After a long time, Mingyun finally stopped, put away the blood-stained gloves with satisfaction, and called the funeral home as if nothing had happened, asking them to come and remove the body as soon as possible.

It's time for him to go home, the cute kitty is still waiting for him at home, there is no time to waste on this monster.

Outside the hospital, Yao Ye sat quietly in the carriage. The driver also knew what happened to the host and knew that it was a time when he was mentally fragile, so he waited silently.

After a while, Mingyun finally came back, Yao Ye glanced at him, the tired look on his face still couldn't fade away.

"Let's go, I want to go home."

His mind was in chaos now, and he just wanted to fall asleep on the bed and deal with matters related to Ming An's body tomorrow.

"Okay." The

black-haired handsome man opened the car door and looked at Yao Ye and replied softly with a soft smile.

And in his pocket, there was a pair of bloody gloves curled up.

Now, his favorite kitty is finally his.

Without a word, we soon arrived at the villa.

After the driver went to the garage to park, he said goodbye quickly, while Yao Ye walked into the villa numbly, sitting in the empty living room, wondering what he was thinking.

Mingyun looked at Yao Ye's expressionless face, and brought a cup of hot water in distress, comforting him a lot.

Yao Ye responded to Ming Yun's comfort one after another, but the sense of sight and unease in his heart became stronger and stronger.

He raised his head and looked suspiciously at Mingyun's no longer gloomy expression.

While Yao Ye felt that Ming Yun and Ming An were becoming more and more similar, he also felt a lot of strangeness.

Ming An died unexpectedly. Even his lover, who was bought with money, was so sad. Why does this old and wealthy brother give people a false feeling?

Although Mingyun's face also looked sad and sad, but Yao Ye had an inexplicable sense of disobedience. He always felt that this pale man was hiding a smiling face under his sadness.

Seemingly aware of Yao Ye's gaze, Mingyun looked back, her glazed eyes still filled with undisturbed sadness.

Seeing this, Yao Ye sighed, feeling that he was probably over stimulated today and was nervous.

No matter how these two brothers are said, blood is thicker than water. Although they usually seem to be in a normal relationship, they will never gloat in misfortune. The feeling just now must be an illusion.

Yao Ye rubbed his throbbing temple and became more depressed.

On the one hand, he was very saddened by Ming An's death, even heartbroken, because it also announced that his budding love would wither.

But on the other hand, Yao Ye was also afraid of Ming Yun's investigation.

After all, it was he who proposed to go shopping, and it was an indirect factor that caused Ming An's death. Yao Ye didn't know if Ming Yun would blame him for Ming An's death.

His relationship with Mingyun is not very good. He even reprimanded him indifferently this morning and asked him to roll back to his bedroom in a wheelchair. Who knows if he will take the opportunity to take revenge... Wait!


That's right, what about Mingyun's wheelchair! Why can't I walk all of a sudden?

Live to the hell?

Yao Ye suddenly sat up straight and looked at Ming Yun in shock, unable to organize his words for a while: "You... um, Ming Yun, are you... um, I mean, where is your wheelchair? ?"

Mingyun saw Yao Ye's surprise, smiled and sat down next to Yao Ye, and said, "My leg was broken some time ago, and now it's healed, so I don't need a wheelchair!

" It made sense, Yao Ye had to answer hesitantly.

Being so frightened, Yao Ye's feelings of sadness became weaker, and he became more energetic, only to realize that Mingyun was sitting a little too close.

Thinking of Mingyun's abnormality, Yao Ye's face stiffened, and he sat silently beside him, trying to distance himself.

Isn't that so, as soon as my brother died, he coveted him who was equivalent to his sister-in-law?

This Mingyun's taste will not be so heavy.

Facts have proved that Mingyun's taste is so heavy.

I saw Mingyun looking at Yao Ye with affection, ignoring Yao Ye's resistance, pulling Yao Ye's white and soft hand into his hand, and a pair of glittering glazed eyes that were outrageously beautiful.

"Yao Ye, my brother is gone, I will take care of you in the future!"

Looking at Ming Yun's affectionate expression, Yao Ye revealed dead fish eyes.

It's true that a mountain is taller than a mountain. He thought that even if he bullied Mingyun before, even if the three views collapsed, he did not expect that there would be even more collapsed.

This guy actually dug the corner of his dead brother, even after Ming An passed the first seven! I just died this afternoon, and it's too real to come here at night.

Can you be a little bit shameless? Or is it just as exciting?

Yao Ye couldn't accept it, he broke free from his hand and said, "You? Are you okay? I've been bullying you before!"

Shouldn't a normal person choose to take revenge? This reaction is so weird!

Mingyun looked at Yao Ye's delicate and handsome face infatuatedly and greedily, got a little closer, and even showed some excitement on his face: "It doesn't matter, as long as it is what Yao Ye wants to do, I can be satisfied. , it doesn't matter if you go too far!"

"As long as you are willing to become more intimate with me, I swear that I will love you more than Ming An!"

Ming Yun watched the autumn waves, pouring out his heartfelt feelings, but also did not forget to step on Ming An, The coveted expression on his face was rather disgusting in Yao Ye's eyes.

Yao Ye couldn't bear it anymore, he just wanted to punch Mingyun in the face and beat him again to make him sober, then he remembered that he was living in the villa of Mingyun's family, and he didn't seem to have any position to do these things.

In fact, since Ming An died, he has lost the qualification to live in this villa. After all, he is just Ming An's plaything, a lover bought with money.

Whether from a legal or moral level, he is unreasonable, and even a despised existence.

Even if Mingyun kicks him out of the villa immediately, no one can accuse him of anything, and if he is really kicked out, in order to retaliate against him, Mingyun is afraid that he will freeze all the bank cards that Tu Lao Cai gave him.

In that case, the mortgage on the medium-sized apartment he just bought some time ago would be completely hopeless.

Thinking of this, Yao Ye silently retracted the fist he was about to punch.

He can no longer beat whoever he wants as recklessly as he used to.

Yao Ye is actually very clear about his position and knows that he is just a pet dog at best.

In the past, it was a dog fighting against people. Knowing that Ming An would support him, he acted recklessly. Now that he is a stray dog, anyone can come up and kick him.

Yao Ye took a deep breath, swallowed the swear words that came to his mouth, and forced a smile: "Mingyun, don't make such a joke, I used to be sorry for you, I hope you have a lot, don't care about me, Sorry."

Not daring to offend Mingyun, Yao Ye had to try his best to please him. The suppressed melancholy between his brows made his smile look a little more humble.

Mingyun was not used to his proud and cute kitten showing such an expression, he couldn't understand why the kitten could be so relaxed and wanton in front of that monster, but not in front of him.

Such a pitiful kitten made Mingyun feel a little pain in his heart. This kind of pain, which was different from the division of flesh and blood, made him feel unbearable for the first time. His glazed eyes dimmed, he held Yao

Ye's cheek, looked at the pale and feeble smile on the face of the young man he loved, and said with pity, "Why are you showing such an expression? Why are you apologizing?"

Mingyun held his face with strong hands, his smile was almost deformed, and he scolded the pervert in his heart, but he still tried his best to be gentle and harmless, hoping that Mingyun would let him go.

Mingyun saw that Yao Ye was still flattering and humble, and his expression became even more panicked.

Yao Ye was at a loss when asked, and couldn't figure out what Mingyun was trying to say.

What kind of expression, why do you apologize... X's! This stuff is intentional.

Ten minutes later, Yao Ye's smile froze, but Mingyun's mouth didn't stop.

Niang Xipi, ask and ask! Are you a fool! It's okay to have to let him apologize to the ground!

Yao Ye deeply suspected that this was Mingyun's arrogance before taking revenge on him.