Chapter 46 3.14 Abnormal proliferation

"Wait for me... I'll find you again..."

The corners of Xiao Zhang's mouth with glazed eyes curved up, and blood flowed down the arc, terrifyingly red.

Yao Ye cried out of breath, and didn't want to experience the death of his lover again.


Xiao Zhang's glazed eyes gradually spread out, lost focus and stopped moving.

Yao Ye held him in his arms, tears mixed with the blood that Xiao Zhang had stained on him, blurring his vision.

Not far away, only the remaining four soldiers stopped firing and approached the back row of the carriage carefully.

Then, ignoring Yao Ye's pleas, he threw Xiao Zhang's body out of the car.

"No... woo! Please! Don't throw him down...!!!"

Yao Ye's voice was so sharp that it almost dripped blood.

boom! ! !

The man in military uniform was thrown at random on the side of the road, and his pupils who lost focus were still facing the direction the bus was going.

After a long time, the corpse slowly recovered. Its spine, which was broken by the quilt and bullets, was still bleeding. Only the glazed pupils were enlarged, and the invisible mental fluctuations quickly spread throughout the city of Keli.

The memories that belonged to it began to synchronize in the consciousness of each contaminant.

In every corner of Keli City, countless polluted bodies with glazed eyes raised their heads.

The memories are synchronized in real time, which makes them confused for a moment who were addicted to cannibalism.

But then, their expressions turned into exactly the same anger and longing.

At this moment, all the polluters distributed in different parts of the city finally become the same consciousness, with a common "brain".

On the streets where people come and go, countless people with glazed eyes and different looks all look in the direction of the suburbs.

Their actions are as uniform as robots, with a strong sense of disobedience and weirdness, enough to awaken the fear of the unknown branded deep in the human soul.

"Ahhhh! What the hell!!! They're killing people!"

There was a polluted body of the same kind who was just dismembering and walking onto the street, covered in blood.



These extremely bizarre scenes scared other normal citizens to scream and run away subconsciously. Fear filled the entire city, and the screams lingered for a long time.

The polluters didn't pay attention to the fuss of humans. They walked towards the swimming villa in the suburbs, muttering to themselves in unison, the love in their eyes was deep and morbid.

"Wait for me..."

"Wait for me..."

They want to take back their lover.

Inside the Swimming Villa

, the black-haired man who seemed to be looking for something had been wandering in the corridors every day recently and stopped.

Since growing from a piece of flesh and blood into a whole body half a month ago, he has always felt that there is something empty in the villa, including the heart part, which is extremely empty, and he has never been able to find the answer to all this.

But now, he finally found it.

The black-haired man opened his eyes wide and covered his head in pain. The memories began to synchronize, and the memories hidden deep in the cells were also turned out.

His consciousness is shared with other contaminants, together forming a complete "brain".

He remembered that he had lost his sweetheart... the one he had been looking for had been taken away by someone.

Thinking of the route information he heard in the car before, the dark-haired man's glazed eyes flashed with a deep resentment.

Those guys who kidnapped their hearts and livers are coming here.

The black-haired man raised the corners of his mouth like other polluted bodies, revealing a twisted smile.

He'll... entertain them... ho ho ho ho! ! !

On the other side of the bus, after the body was thrown away, there was still tension in the compartment.

More than a dozen young tourists huddled in their seats, stunned, frightened by what happened just now, and the driver was trembling all over.

But they still quietly moved their eyes to the back row, observing the every move of the gunmen.

"Who the hell are you?" The

four soldiers approached the back row. One of the soldiers with a dark face pointed his gun at Yao Ye, and the others also looked serious and did not dare to relax.

Because, they know the plot, they all know that the monster codenamed Proliferator has no emotions, it only has the characteristics of killing desire, desire and infinite proliferation.

It stands to reason that they don't have any emotional swings other than killing each other out of a desire to be the only one.

However, they couldn't understand why the polluter just now would not care about his own life and desperately protect the passerby in this strange story.

Is there any hidden plot in this strange world?

The soldiers looked at each other in dismay. Although they didn't know the reason for what happened just now, the only thing that was certain was that this plot character named Yao Ye was definitely more important than they thought.

Not only is this person not an insignificant passer-by, but he is also likely to be the key to their breakout!

Soldiers speculate that the plot character may, for unknown reasons, have such extraordinary influence over the Proliferator that even the Contaminant will protect him at all costs.

If this is the case, then this person is of great significance to their subsequent seal.

"My name is Yao Ye, I'm just an ordinary person... Please... don't kill... I..."

Yao Ye, who was pointed at by the muzzle, had a gloomy expression, and huddled his head in the corner, his voice trembling.

He failed to save "Ming An"'s body just now, and could only watch helplessly as "Ming An" was thrown out of the car, so he was in a bad mood now.

To be honest, when he saw "Ming An" being thrown out of the car like a piece of garbage, he wanted to resist for a moment.

But looking at the dark muzzle in front of him, all his courage vanished again.

Yao Ye lowered his head, looked at the pool of blood under his feet, and twitched the corners of his mouth mockingly.

He is such a despicable...a cowardly guy...

he's afraid of death...he's terribly afraid...he

can't even protect his lover's corpse...he's such a waste...he

obviously doesn't even have the value of living. No...

Yao Ye started to think wildly again, his expression was in a trance, he couldn't even figure out what he was thinking, but he just kept thinking that it was a mistake to live.

"Li Kai, let's take him into the villa later, and then test the reaction of the proliferator..." The

black-faced soldier said to his companions, thinking that it would be safer to see the effect before specifying the sealing plan.

The companion nodded and was waiting for an answer, only to hear a loud noise in the distance, and everyone in the carriage covered their ears involuntarily, showing a painful look.

Except for Yao Ye.


In the city of Keli, countless polluted bodies are moving towards the swimming villa. The fully synchronized multipliers possess unimaginable powerful mental powers, and the burst of anger can easily generate huge amounts of energy. The roar of the soul shakes the fragile human heart.

This soul-touching roar, filled with anger and malice, resounded throughout the center of Keli.

wait for me! I will find you! ! !

Yao Ye in the back row woke up from his thoughts and raised his head in surprise.

He seemed to hear Ming An's voice.

It's just that it's different from Ming An's sweet and slick tongue before, this call is extremely painful and angry, full of suppressed resentment.

Yao Ye's eyes suddenly lit up, and his gloomy expression came back to life.

He knew that Ming An was not dead, Ming An was still looking for him, and he was about to be saved!

Yao Ye was overjoyed, the smile on the corner of his mouth was extremely bright, but there were still tears on his face. This crying and laughing appearance made him look unusual.

When the young tourists who were still covering their ears in the carriage saw this, they only thought that the poor guy had been scared crazy and sighed regretfully.

Yao Ye ignored the strange eyes of others, and just looked out the window with the probe.

Although there was an empty suburb outside the window with few people, he was still full of hope, hoping that Ming An would appear sooner.

He will just wait and never run again.

It has to be said that compared with the unparalleled fear he had when facing Ming An before, this performance is a great contrast.

In the final analysis, Yao Ye was really frightened by the people on the bus. In contrast, he suddenly felt that Ming An was really cute.

Before, I felt that there were "Ming An" everywhere, it was terrible.

But now, he felt that the guy who was wholeheartedly protecting him was full of advantages, and was incredibly gentle.

At least Ming An still loves him.

If he had to die in someone's hands, Yao Ye only hoped that person would be Ming An.

Because Ming'an, no matter how old and rich, is no more terrible than these guys who kill people without blinking an eye.

Thinking like this, Yao Ye rolled his eyes and glanced at the few soldiers beside him who were moaning and covering their ears.

These people are covered in scars, and the blood on their bodies is their own and that of their companions.

What's even more terrifying is that these people have clearly killed countless people, but they can't see any guilt. They are simply perverted murderers.

The more Yao Ye compared, the more he felt that Ming An was very cute. He automatically added more than ten layers of filters to the Ming An in his memory. Under the filter, even the scorched corpse of Ming An that night in the villa seemed so harmless.

Yao Ye felt that he might really fall in love with Ming An, how could he have thought that he was dirty and lustful before?

He is obviously the fifth king of diamonds, gentle and rich in gold!

"Here we are!"

Just when Yao Ye was full of peace in his mind, the driver stopped the car tremblingly, and smiled ingratiatingly at the soldiers.

Because he was afraid of being killed, his ears were bleeding from the shock just now, and he didn't dare to let go of the steering wheel, and now his ears sting.

The soldiers looked at the environment outside and made sure there was nothing unusual before they pointed their guns at Yao Ye, and said coldly: "You! Get out of the car and explore the way!"

Yao Ye: "..."

Yao Ye raised his hands very wisely , walked in front, and just got off the car, he saw the familiar villa not far away, and his whole body was jolted.

Although he is no longer afraid of Ming'an, if he wants to enter the place where the murder happened again, he will inevitably feel cold all over.

That night, the feeling of personally cutting Ming An's body was still in his hands, Yao Ye woke up all of a sudden, and the wonderful life after reuniting with Ming An suddenly became a bubble.

Ming An him, will he really forgive himself who has cut him into pieces?

Yao Ye bit his lip tightly, and his eyes began to turn red again.

Can he really be forgiven? Ming An him, do you really not hate him?