Chapter 58 4.10 Strange Bone Scent

Yao Ye slept soundly at night with a full meal. It was only when the sky was bright that he woke up suddenly and found that he did not wake up at the time he expected last night.


After seeing the light outside the door, Yao Ye's expression changed, he quickly got up from the floor, and carefully pushed the door open a little bit, seeing the calm outside the corridor, not the horror of yesterday at all.

The so-called terrifying Inquisitor who would roam during the day did not appear either.

Yao Ye breathed a sigh of relief, put on the shoes that he had put aside last night, and briefly combed his messy hair, then pushed open the door and walked out.

He couldn't stay here forever, he had to go out and explore the situation on the island and find a way to escape and go home.

Well, also, he needs to find some food for himself.

You can't always rely on the bandage weirdo. If one is just kind for a while and won't give it again in the future, won't he starve to death?

Even though he thought so, but Yao Ye remembered the delicious meal last night, and he couldn't help but have an aftertaste on his face.

It's so delicious...I don't know how the big piece was made. Judging from the temperature, it feels like it just came out of the pot.

Yao Ye didn't dare to think about the way the bandaged weirdo was cooking himself. He always felt that the picture was too beautiful, and he didn't dare to look at it.

Walking out of the factory building, Yao Ye unexpectedly saw a group of sleepy survivors outside the slaughterhouse. They seemed to be afraid of encountering danger during the day and did not dare to continue hiding in the factory building. They all ran to the open space outside. doze off.

Yao Ye was afraid that they would find him, so he hid in the corner and watched silently.

He carefully observed the crowd in the open space, and sure enough, there were several people in the group who tied him to the tree yesterday, and he couldn't help gnashing his teeth in hatred.

hateful! Why was he so embarrassed yesterday and almost died, these people can stay here so comfortably!

Yao Ye's original clear eyes were stained with hatred and anger. Like a mouse hiding in a gutter, he cursed those ruthless and ruthless guys with bitterness. I really wished these people would die immediately!

"Brother Li, are you going to start?"

Standing in a hidden place around the open space, the pink-haired girl looked expectantly.

Brother Li pretended to smile deeply and said, "Hum, wait a moment, it will start soon, these baits will bring us prey!

" The NPCs also laughed.

These idiots, after the night when the demons danced yesterday, completely believed their words, and they were more obedient than dogs.

Now, they deliberately ordered this group of people to stay in the obvious wide area to attract monsters, and these people did not doubt at all, and it looked really ridiculous with their grateful faces.

In the eyes of Brother Li and others, these NPCs are not real life, and dying for their mission is considered a righteous death, and they will not feel any guilt in their hearts.

"How long do we need to stay? I'm a little hungry..."

Thirty minutes passed quickly, Yao Ye's legs were almost numb while squatting in the dark, and he didn't know what these people were doing in the open space. The crowd also gradually remembered the sound of small discussions.

"Yeah, I'm so hungry, I don't know when the rescue team will come to rescue us..."

"...The rescue team...will it really come?"

Someone showed a desperate expression.

The ghost images and all kinds of strange voices from last night have completely broken the spine of this group of former high-ranking people, and some of them are mentally fragile and are about to collapse.

Yao Ye listened to the discussion of this group of people, showing a vicious expression.

Rescue Team? Just you bunch of pickled things? It's best to die now!

Yao Ye looked down at the wound on his wrist where the red tender flesh had been worn away, and his mood became worse.

He also knew that his idea of ​​knocking over a boatload of people with a stick was wrong, but he just couldn't control the evil thoughts in his heart.

Since arriving on this unfamiliar island, everything has gone wrong.

The amiable uncles and aunts in the past have changed, and even Yao Ye himself has become very strange, his temper has become more and more irritable, and the so-called upbringing in the past has been forgotten.

To be honest, he doesn't want this group of people to be saved at all right now, and none of them are innocent! At first it was impossible to save, and then deliberately murdered! All are crazy!

Yao Ye recalled over and over again the despair he felt when he was tied to a tree yesterday, and his mind became even more distorted.

He even began to pray that this group of people would die quickly, leaving him alone to escape from the island, so that these guys with bad stomachs could get the retribution they deserve.

But just when Yao Ye was full of swear words and curses, the situation in the open space changed dramatically.

In the bushes not far from the clearing, several strangely-shaped humanoid monsters came over and looked at the crowd with covetousness.

The monsters, who are thirsting for human flesh and blood all the time, are staring at those unsuspecting humans, as if they are looking at a plate of delicious food.

They don't even have the heart to think about why these delicious delicacies appear near the slaughterhouse where the inquisitors often appear, and whether there are traps and the like.

Dazed by their appetites, they only have the flesh and blood that stirs up fresh blood in their eyes, and nothing else.

The survivors who were still sitting comfortably in the open space and whispering to each other showed a look of horror.

It was too late, and it was too fast. Almost at the moment when the crowd discovered the monster, a monster with a pig head and big ears rushed over with a big belly, and bit off the nearest to it with one mouth. Half the face of a middle-aged man.


One eyeball of the middle-aged man fell out, and half of his faceless face was exposed, and his teeth and blood-red gums were exposed, and the blood dripping from his face stained half of his body red.

Immediately, he screamed in pain, and his voice was very high.

"Ahhhh!! Monster ahhh!!!"

Several survivors beside the middle-aged man also screamed and ran in the direction where there were no monsters.

However, within a few seconds of the crowd panicking, all the monsters that smelled blood surrounded them and made dumplings for the survivors.

One after another, humanoid monsters with animal heads could not wait to pounce on human beings to bite, and the whole green grass was soaked with blood.

In just over a minute, the open space became a purgatory on earth, with broken limbs and broken arms everywhere, dripping with blood. " Aah

! No! Help! Brother Li!? Where are you, Brother Li?!

" However, Brother Li and the others who were hiding in the cover just looked at them indifferently and had no intention of helping. When the time was right, they raised their guns and harvested the heads of the monsters whose vigilance dropped on the field. Yao Ye covered his mouth, breathing slowly as he watched the bloody scene not far away, not daring to make a sound to alarm the monsters and humans on the field. Puba - an arm torn by the monster flew far away near the corner where Yao Ye was hiding. Yao Ye was startled, his breathing was short, but then he could clearly see the appearance of that arm. It was a tender and fair woman's forearm, with an emerald bracelet hanging on her wrist, which was dyed a dull color with blood. This arm is really all too familiar.

Yao Ye remembered that among the people he rescued yesterday, there was a beautiful woman who tore off her collar in order to survive. She looked really pitiful.

However, it was this poor and weak fellow who stopped him first, and at the end tied a dead knot to his rope.

In order to prevent him from escaping easily, those people treated him like an enemy.

Yao Ye will never forget the vicious look in the last look of this beautiful, kind-hearted woman.


Yao Ye was a little surprised when he heard the laughter leaking from the gap between his lips, as if he couldn't believe it was coming from himself, he covered his mouth again uneasily.

But after a while, looking at that arm, he couldn't control his eyebrows, his smile was as pure as a child's.

"Hee hee...deserved...hehehe-"

Yao Ye smiled softly, showing the most relaxed expression in the corner since he went to the island.

Aren't you going to kill him? Now, you are the first to die!

That's it...

all died... that's good hehehe...

Yao Ye covered the lower half of his face, his black and white eyes were amazingly bright.

"Brother Li, I've killed enough people! My hands are so sour~" On the

other side, the pink-haired girl put down the gun in her hand and acted like a spoiled child.

Brother Li hurriedly hugged the pink-haired girl in his arms, and his hands were not honestly stroking around.

I have to say that the realism of this game is really powerful. All the touches and the feeling of killing are the same as real ones, and people's desires are also enlarged. For example, Li Ge was excited by the blood and bloody scenes at this time, and he was too excited. .

"Hey, baby, wait a minute, when I finish the last one, we can enjoy the remaining two days~"

Stone and Money, who were single dogs, couldn't bear to stare at the remaining monsters in the clearing.

The task given by the game is to survive on the island for three days, plus ten mobs per person, they are still a little short, but the people who use it as bait are already dead, and they have to speed up.

Alas, speaking of which, Brother Li was fooled by Niu so that his mind was unclear.

Originally, according to the strategy, the most conservative and appropriate plan, you can kill slowly.

As a result, Fen Maomei was impatient and insisted on a big play stimulation, so that the NPCs that could have been used for three days could only be consumed at one time.

Although Shitou and Qianyuan slandered in their hearts, they were friends in the real world after all. For the sake of their brothers' sex and happiness, they would endure it.

At this time, the open space was already full of blood, and the internal organs and stumps were scattered all over the ground. Many monsters were sucking the delicious brains of human beings and enjoying their faces.

The only four or five living people left were so frightened that their faces turned pale. They desperately tried to escape, but they couldn't escape the encirclement of monsters. They could only circle around the open space, which looked a bit ridiculous.

Yao Ye's cold eyes continued to peep at everything in the open space, and the smile on the corner of his mouth never went down.

All die... hurry up! All to die for!

And at this moment, the mutation protruded.

A tall man walked slowly in the woods outside the slaughterhouse.

boom! boom!

The man wrapped in bandages looked at the scene of monsters gathering in front of him, and raised the wide-backed giant blade by his hand.

Thorn -

a pig-headed man who was greedily sucking bone marrow was easily split in half, blood splattered, and dirty and foul-smelling internal organs spilled on the ground.

"You, you shouldn't be here."

The voice so cold that it could almost freeze the soul made all the monsters immersed in the blood bath shudder.

The man's face, which was covered with white bandages, had clear lines, and the blood on his eyes became more and more scarlet.

Hiss-! ! !

It's the judge! ! !

It's the judge! ! ! !

There are still sensible monsters who are running away to save their lives. Only a few monsters with low IQs who are still addicted to the carnival of flesh and blood are still chasing the surviving humans.

"Ah ah ah! Help! Help!"

Ragged thin young scared Tisi cross-flow, beginning a chase on the ground, to avoid the kill behind the faceless monster.

Sa -

the blade slashed, the faceless monster with no facial features and only slender limbs exploded with blood and shattered into a pool of flesh.

The emaciated young man who was paralyzed on the ground stared blankly at the bandaged man who had saved him in front of him.

Yao Ye, who was hiding in the dark, looked at this extremely familiar scene, and was stunned for a moment, then he grimaced and gritted his teeth bitterly.

This big guy!

It turns out that anyone who is injured will be saved?

For some reason, watching the scene where the bandaged freak rescued others, Yao Ye felt very aggrieved.

His already scarred fingers were gripping the weeds on the nearby ground, so strong that the veins rose.

Although he guessed so yesterday...but...

why save these lunatics who are not worth saving! ?

Looking at the scene in the open space in the distance, Yao Ye's eyes were bloodshot again, and his lips were bitten with blood, looking like a lunatic who was about to lose his mind.

In the open space, the young man who was stunned in place shivered, looking at the man in bandages who was so tall that he was almost terrifying.


The place on his head that was scratched by the monster was constantly oozing black bloodstains. Wherever the blood flowed, there were densely packed meat buns that were agitated like breathing, but in the face of his own changes, the young man As if he didn't realize it, he was still rejoicing in his luck.

The indifferent and tall judge did not say a word, raised the long knife in his hand again, chopped melons and vegetables, and cut the young man's alienated head into pieces.


The other four survivors in the open space screamed one after another, taking advantage of the monster's departure and the judge's execution to run away, and the judge didn't mean to chase, but turned his head and looked at Hide. Brother Li and others in the hidden place.

The Inquisitor's blood-stained bandage looked extremely frightening at this moment.

Seeing that the judge found them, Li Ge and others quickly packed their backpacks and ran fast.

Hiding not far away, Yao Ye, who had been observing the situation in the open space, held his breath and was short of breath.



But... why?

Why didn't the big man kill himself last night?

Seeing that the big man was still standing there, Yao Ye withdrew his gaze and retreated into the corner to calm down his overly excited mood.

The fear of death mixed with the excitement of the enemy dying in front of him made Yao Ye's now fragile nerves a little unbearable.

When he calmed down, Yao Ye turned his head and stuck his head out of the corner again, wanting to see what happened to the big man.

A face with a white bandage appeared in front of him, Yao Ye was stunned on the spot, and withdrew into the corner with a "wow".

Seeing this, the judge stood up a little guilty and withdrew his prying eyes.

I 'm scared of Yao Ye...

but...the appearance of being scared is cute...

Yao Ye slumped cowardly on the ground, looking at the tall bandaged weirdo, after a while, a red tide gradually appeared on his pale cheeks, and the excitement just now remained in his eyes.

" hello!"

Yao Ye hid his trembling fingers behind him, and tried his best to squeeze out a bright smile.

If... don't kill him, does that mean...

he's special?

So...will they be friends?

If you become a friend, you can ask your friends for help...

Help kill the bad guys... It's also possible...

Yao Ye obediently got up from the ground and looked at the taciturn bandaged weirdo with a pure smile on his face like a child, but And with a subtle morbid feeling.

Kill those bad guys who bullied him... The

judge looked at Yao Ye silently, and saw that his beloved young man was infected by the malice on the island, and his pure white soul was stained with resentment.

"What's your name? Before, thank you so much, can we be friends?"

Yao Ye stretched out his trembling hand towards the bandaged freak, with a gentle smile, just like he was when he was a teenager.

The judge was silent and stayed where he was.