Chapter 65 5.1 The Curse of the Blank

The man in the military uniform is the reborn Zhao Kun. With the data of his previous life and the memory that is unpredictable to outsiders, he single-handedly planned the plan of the game "Strange Talk". The speed of sealing the ghost realm.

However, the spiritual pollution of the ghost realm to human beings is too great. Even if they have exhausted all means to reduce the impact, there are still many people who are mentally fragile who are greatly impacted in the game and have a mental breakdown.

Zhao Kun, who is over 100 years old, has been tormented by this, and he can't sleep all night.

He kept thinking about whether his actions were right or wrong, whether to let the people die, to reserve the necessary strength for the Federation, and to prepare for the end of the world; The military forces of the Federation go to fill the ghost realm.

Faced with this choice, the top of the Dragon Federation chose the first one.

After all, they must take into account the interests of the vast majority of people, and it is impossible to bet on the national fortune of the entire country. This choice, in every respect, has to be chosen, the best one.

Zhao Kun sighed with a sad look on his face.

Although he was miraculously reborn, he really didn't know whether he could reverse the doomsday of human beings in his previous life, that terrifying era of great destruction, which was a disaster for all creatures on earth.

It would be great if... the gods could wake up...

As always, Zhao Kun prayed to the incarnation of the earth consciousness again.

Even if he might not hear at all.

In the era of great destruction, the existence of earth consciousness is the spiritual belief that all human beings can continue to live. It can be said that gods are all hope of human beings.

Zhao Kun is no exception.

This has nurtured the earth consciousness of billions of creatures, and encountered such an ending in the previous life, which once made the surviving humans feel desperate and crazy, and even caused a wave of suicide.

Zhao Kun thought of those human beings who died in despair in the previous life, and his temples throbbed again.

All of this must be changed...and must be changed.

Zhao Kun flipped through the game information of "Strange Talk", analyzed how to block the news in the next step, and continued to send personnel to seal it.

Recently, the appearance of various ghost realms is accelerating. At present, this slaughterhouse ghost realm is the one with the largest magnetic field fluctuation. If it is not sealed as soon as possible, it is likely to trigger a chain reaction and accelerate the outbreak in the Dragon Kingdom.

This is also one of the reasons why he has to stick to the "Strange Talk" game, their time is really running out.

Didi -

just then, his terminal rang.

Zhao Kun opened the terminal, a holographic screen quickly jumped out, and the excited soldier reported good news to him.

——The high-level dungeon, that is, the magnetic field of the slaughterhouse ghost domain has become stable, just like the haunted house ghost domain in Lihe City a few years ago and the previous ghost domain in Keli City, it no longer spreads, and even human beings have been refused entry!

In short, this ghost realm has been completely closed and is no longer dangerous!

Zhao Kun finally showed a long-lost smile.

This must be God's blessing!

He made the right move!

Although I don't know how this ghost realm is sealed, it must be related to the constant sending of people to enter. Next, they must race against time!

Weird Story No. 5: The Curse of the Blank

Yu Xunshi did not know when, a strange story of a ghost on the Internet spread.

It is said that there is a teenager with the online name of blank who fell in love with someone online. He is so obsessed with this relationship and his girlfriend that he has never met. Every day, he waits for his girlfriend to send a message on the Internet, as if that has become him. the meaning of living.

However, the ending of this relationship was not good. The girlfriend abandoned the blank and disappeared after draining the only money he had left.

The blank, unwilling to accept reality, left a lot of messages in the online chat room dedicated to the two.

April 1st

- [please, come back]


April 5th

- [I can't live without you]


April 10th

- [If I kill myself, will you come back]

May 20th

——[…I found you. ]

Later, police found his body in the blank home.

Blank died in the early hours of April 11, and the chat room information update stopped on May 20.

The police later deliberately checked the login records of the chat room and found that the blank account was frequently logged in a few days after his death, and there was only the IP address of the blank home.

Such a terrifying case has aroused great attention on the Internet, and even blank curse legends have begun to circulate.

Legend has it that after the death of Blank, the ghost roams the Internet. If someone creates a new single-person chat room at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, type [Blank, Blank, does the person I love love me? ]

Blank will appear in the chat room, satisfy your wishes, and realize the love you can't ask for.

However, the blank does not allow lovers to be separated.

Once someone wants to stop this relationship, the betrayer will die mysteriously, with thin cuts and cracks all over the body. A piece of flesh.

This strange story once aroused the frantic pursuit of many boys and girls who were crazy about love. They longed for a perfect result in their relationship.

Soon after, several high school students died mysteriously in Yuxun City.

Death is terrifying, and this strange story finally made everyone keep it a secret and dare not approach it any more.

——[Blank, blank, I want to end this relationship, please untie this fate? ]

——[Die Die Die Die Die Die]

Blood stained the dialogue interface of the chat room.


[S country's actress Ai Ai is so beautiful, and her husband is so handsome, the two are a perfect match! ]

Yao Ye looked at the post on the anonymous forum, and the corner of his mouth turned maliciously and dissatisfiedly.

Oh, what kind of beauty, she is a woman who worships money, otherwise how could she marry such a rich second generation?

It must be the upper-level junior who was taken care of!

He clicked into the post, pressed a key on the keyboard, and his pale and graceful face was full of pleasure.

——[Yeah, a bitch and son match a dog for a long time, that bitch and son who was Xed are really no match for this short boy! ]

This line of words in bold red font was typed in the post, which aroused the indignation of everyone in the post.

-[What are you talking about! You are crazy! ]

- [Keyboard Man! It's disgusting enough, the wretched man, get out of here, please! ]

- [It's you again! Anonymous forums are not outside the law, be careful I report you! ]

——[Come here, the stinky dick is here again! ]

——[Could the moderator not block this person? Spitting dirty words all day, polluting people's eyes! ]

——[How did Ai Ai provoke you? Speaking of which, your real life must be very sad, that's why you spread nonsense on the Internet, hehe. ]

Looking at the last reply, Yao Ye's cheeks flushed with anger.

Personal attacks! This is a personal attack!

Who is unhappy in life? Elementary school students like you are the brainless ones who just repeat this sentence all day long! He is living well!

Yao Ye bit his fingers irritably, leaving a tooth mark on the slender and pale joints.

Damn, are these people all brainwashed? Are you still a fan of that kind of drama?

Hehe, if you have this skill, you might as well be more concerned about national affairs! There is nothing to do all day long, a group of eight women!

Thinking like this, Yao Ye, who was out of anger, let go of his fingers again and started flipping on the keyboard. After five or six pages of scolding, he turned this post, which was originally only a few people into a forum, into a forum. hot post.

After an unknown amount of time, Yao Ye, who was madly fighting against countless people, finally won a big victory, and posted a proud face amid the scolding of countless anonymous members of the forum.

Hmph, with such a small vocabulary, I still want to fight him, so beautiful!

Yao Ye, who had recovered from the Internet, straightened his back and heard a creaking sound from his spine and cervical spine at the same time.

Blinking his dry eyes, Yao Ye remembered that he hadn't eaten for a day, and it was time to eat.

"Huh!" Yao Ye stretched out with a relaxed look on his face.

In the dimly lit room, only the large-screen computer in front of Yao Ye was flickering faintly, which vaguely revealed the mess on the floor. There were leftover potato chips packaging bags, takeaway lunch boxes and small snacks everywhere. .

Some dark-loving animals, such as mice and cockroaches, shuttled in the bag.

Yao Ye, who was a dead house, didn't like the sun, so he kept the windows tightly closed and the curtains drawn all day long.

Wearing a loose white old man vest and black pants, he turned on the light switch on the wall with ease in the dark.


When the light was turned on, Yao Ye squinted a pair of beautiful cat eyes uncomfortably, and his eyes were a little blurry.

The eyes that have been looking at the computer screen suddenly face the strong light, and it is inevitable that they will not adapt.

Yao Ye rubbed his eyes and felt at ease, then tugged at his wallet and found that he didn't have much money, so he frowned again and went to the instant noodles.

He was used to the days when he had money to eat takeaway but no money to eat instant noodles.

Instant noodles are easy to cook, and of course the taste is just barely.


Soon, the noodles were cooked.

Yao Ye took a sip of the noodle soup and sighed contentedly, feeling that the taste of filling his stomach was really enjoyable.

It's a pity that he was extremely happy and sad. He typed until his numb fingers couldn't hold the soup bowl in his hand, and it suddenly fell on the ground, burning Yao Ye's fingers off a layer of skin.


Yao Ye's eyes turned red from the pain, and he cursed loudly.

"It hurts! It hurts me to death! Woohoo! X's! God, you're not fair! Why do I give all the bad things to me! X's!" With

a beautiful baby face full of youthful looks, Yao Ye vomited. The swear words seemed very inconsistent, he cried while scolding, tears and snot running down his face.

"Uuuu...why is it all me...uuu X! It's all to blame for those damned dogs on the Internet!"

Yao Ye angered indiscriminately, jumping and jumping on the ground childishly, causing the neighbors downstairs to keep holding brooms Banging on the ceiling, cursing endlessly.

Hearing the scolding downstairs, Yao Ye not to be outdone, opened the window of the balcony next to him, and cursed wildly downstairs.

His voice was very high, in the middle of the night, so loud that the whole apartment building could not live in peace.

In the end, the neighbors downstairs were not thick-skinned enough to bear the whispers and complaints of the neighbors, so they covered their faces and went back to the house to stop talking.

He looks like a normal guy, but I didn't expect it to be a problem with his brain!

All the apartment residents who were forced to watch the scolding from their balconies thought so.

Yao Ye tilted his nose and closed the window with a dignified look on his face. He didn't even feel the pain from the burn on his hand.

The pleasure of scolding others and winning is always so wonderful that Yao Ye can't stop.

Back in the room, Yao Ye found an ointment and wiped the wound. Just as he was about to go to bed early tonight, he heard a message of "Didi" coming from the computer.

A message from netizen [blank].

——[Ye'er, are you there? ]


Yao Ye squinted his eyes, mocking and annoyed.

It's that dog thing again, it's really not annoying, he sends messages three times a day.


Yao Ye typed with his unburnt right hand, very perfunctory.


——[Don't be angry, okay, Ye'er is the cutest. ]

Yao Ye: "..."

He got goosebumps all over.

This guy is really clingy and annoying, he thinks his words are romantic, but in fact straight men are dying of cancer.

Yao Ye is really tired of this guy.

At the beginning, Yao Ye found this netizen who claimed to be living a lifeless life and wanted to commit suicide in an anonymous forum.

When Yao Ye saw the gender on his webpage, he mistakenly thought that this guy was really a girl, maybe a rich Bai Fumei, so he diligently sent a private message to persuade him not to commit suicide.

Later, after the persuasion was successful, Yao Ye found that he had been deceived. It turned out that the gender column was not changed by default. This guy named blank is actually a dead fat man.

Yao Ye's dream of hooking up with Bai Fumei was shattered again.

Yao Ye, who was so embarrassed, decided to do it, disguised himself as a girl, and made up his mind to deceive this dead fat house who dared to deceive his feelings into bankruptcy, just like he did many times before, not to deceive these disgusting fat houses. give up.