Chapter 77 5.13 The Curse of the Blank

Recently, the game forum of "Strange Talk" began to talk about the strategy related to advanced dungeons. One of the IDs with the online name "Rapeseed is not a non-chief" said that he had made a lot of players confused in the game.

——[I TM want to complain to the official game dog! There is a bug! My character suddenly committed suicide, and even hanged himself. The one who died was ugly, and his face was purplish red. I have never been so ugly in my life! ]

Rapeseed is not a feminist, with blood and tears, and Sister Xianglin repeats her tragic situation. Every detail is clearly described, but the tone inside and outside the words is a bit extreme, and it is suspected that the spirit is not normal.

——[That BOSS is blank! Totally a murderer! It must have controlled my suicide! definitely is! ]

Rapeseed is not very sure.

However, other players didn't take it too seriously. In this game, death is a common thing, and some strange ways of dying are not worth discussing at all.

The post soon sank, and the players continued to discuss the interesting things in their game, and no one cared about the blood and tears of a strange netizen.

At the same time, in the advanced dungeon, players are still constantly being refreshed.

"Sure! I'll be able to clear the level this time!"

Standing at the entry point where the game was regularly refreshed, the white-haired man in a combat uniform showed a confident look that was inevitable.

The time refresh point was just right, it should now be shortly after Blank dies.

His body has not yet been found, and his family and the lover who cheated on him have not died. It was when the resentment was the deepest, and he came just right!

Thinking like this, the white-haired man called up a map from his smart watch and walked along the location sign.

This advanced dungeon has actually been open for a while, but no one has cleared it.

Everyone is trying to find a way to complete the task, and most people want to eliminate the resentment in the blank heart by killing the netizen who deceived the blank. It seems that the thinking is clear and the task is very simple.

But unfortunately, the ideal is beautiful, the reality is cruel.

Due to the incomplete information of this netizen, the players have not been able to find her real body, and it has directly caused the players to spend too much time searching for relevant information on the Internet, which alarmed the blank, and was easily found by the blank, and the death was tragic.

The white-haired man expressed disdain for the players who died because of this, and felt that if he came by himself, he would not be so stupid.

In order to complete the task, he pondered the original strange talk many times, and compared the information of the strange talk in reality with the information in the game, so as to find out the approximate location of the netizen.

Now, the white-haired man is on his way to a plot point where netizens may appear.

However, his purpose is different from others. He is not here to kill that netizen, but to want netizens to fall in love with Blank.

According to the information in the original plot, the netizen died in the end, but the blank resentment was not lifted, but became more and more intense, becoming a big boss of urban weirdness.

From this, it can be concluded that it is very inadvisable to simply kill the culprit to eliminate resentment. The practice of many players in the past is just superfluous and meaningless.

The white-haired man thought that blank suicide was not because of lack of love, so it would be better if he loved him.

As long as you tell the netizen blank about the upcoming revenge in advance, and then follow suit.

That netizen will definitely fall in love with the blank very aware of current affairs, and they will live happily together from then on, and their resentment will be eliminated!

The task is naturally completed.

The white-haired man thought he was a genius and could come up with such a brilliant idea.

However, his incomparably shocking good idea was unacceptable to several of his dull friends, and they were unwilling to go to the advanced dungeon with him, so he had to come alone.

Although he didn't get the support of his friends, the white-haired man felt that he was not at all cowardly and was even full of confidence.

Being a matchmaker is too simple, he will definitely be able to clear the level with one life! Become a great player!

Soon, the white-haired man arrived at his destination.

Thirteenth floor of a five-star hotel in the city center.

A class reunion is being held here at this time.

The white-haired man also made inquiries from various sources to find out that a murder had occurred here. The death form was exactly the same as the blank method in the strange talk. His whole body was covered with bloodstains like red silk threads. .

However, this is a real case, and the white-haired man is not sure if the same will happen in the game, so he just came to see and find possible clues.

He couldn't find this place, so he went to the next place. There were many murders in Yuxun City, and it was enough for him to find it slowly for a long time.

Just as the white-haired man opened his eyes wide to search among the crowds coming and going, a pale, thin black-haired young man also came downstairs of the hotel.

The black-haired young man, Yao Ye, looked up at the tall building towering into the clouds above his head, his eyes flickered and he was a little uneasy.

Would you really like to come to this alumni reunion?

Hiss -

Li Gui's faint breath sounded beside his ear, Yao Ye came back to his senses, and his face was still pale.

The day before yesterday, he received an invitation email from a class reunion.

The host was the one who took the lead in bullying him in the class.

It is said that everyone in the class will go to this party, including those who have bullied him.

Those guys who caused Yao Ye to suppress his life, obviously, lived much more nourishing than him.

Yao Ye hated these people because they ruined his life.

However, he was also afraid to see these people again.

Everything in his student days left a heavy psychological shadow on Yao Ye, and he couldn't let it go until now.

Yao Ye stopped and stood outside the lobby on the first floor of the hotel, looking at the bright world behind the revolving door with a panicked expression.

Go will see those people again...the scum...

the scenes of being beaten and ridiculed indiscriminately as a student flashed again, and Yao Ye collapsed.

"Don't... I don't want to go in anymore, let's go back."

Yao Ye was so scared that he ran away, ran to the corner of the road, crouched on the ground, and a hoarse cry in the clear boy's voice.

He is still a coward.

Yao Ye's voice was small and small, sobbing softly like a wronged child, his delicate eyebrows and eyes dimmed, and the skin on his cold white cheeks was full of tears.


languages ​​that human beings can't understand sounded beside Yao Ye's ears, soothing him gently.

Yao Ye's mood gradually stabilized, but he still didn't want to go. He squatted in a dark corner on the side of the road with a pale face, refusing to move.

"It's okay, I don't care anymore, it'll be fine if I don't see them in the future." Yao Ye was still stubborn.

The invisible ghost hugged him and stroked Yao Ye's cheek.

Yao Ye hesitated for a moment, looked away, and stopped talking.

He didn't want to come, but he couldn't bear the fact that Blank kept asking him about things during his student days. Yao Ye was dazzled by love for a while and said everything.

Yao Ye still remembers Blank's expression at that time, his pupils were pitch-black, and his body exuded an extremely terrifying aura.

Taking off the blank of human skin, he is a truly brutal Specter.

Blank replied to the email for him.

- [Okay, we'll be there as scheduled. ]

So, today, Yao Ye was driven here by the blank.

Blank comforted his poor lover, sighed, and kissed the corners of his brows and eyes tightly, infatuated but not satisfied.

"Otherwise, you can go in my place."

Yao Ye rubbed the corners of his eyes, and the kisser couldn't keep his eyes open.

"Can't you be possessed?"

Yao Ye looked at him eagerly. Although he couldn't see anything, he knew that the blank was here.

Blank tilted his head and agreed to Yao Ye.

If Ye Er really doesn't want to go, let him replace him. Anyway, the outcome of this alumni reunion will not change.

The next second, the black-haired young man squatting on the ground stiffened, and when he raised his head again, the originally clear eyes had turned into pitch black.

"..." The

black-haired young man was stunned for a while, caressed his smooth and delicate cheeks carefully, and then showed an excited smile, his cheeks flushed.

- [I, in Ye'er's body. ]

Yao Ye, who was on the sidelines: "..." Shut up.

At this moment, Yao Ye was observing everything in the outside world from a strange perspective, and it was really interesting to watch his body move uncontrollably.

Wait, is this what it feels like to be possessed? Didn't the girl in the photo last time watch the whole process of his confession to Blank!

Thinking of this, Yao Ye was shocked.

To put it this way, when the woman in the photo wakes up, won't she come to seek revenge on him?

After all, his face was clearly seen.

Blank noticed Yao Ye's thoughts and explained thoughtfully that no one was watching last time.

Because the woman's soul was damaged after being possessed, and he accidentally devoured a few bites of her consciousness, she was basically in a state where her soul was on the verge of collapse, and there was no way to look around like Yao Ye.

Yao Ye hesitated: "Accidental?"

Blank tilted his head and said with a smile, "Well, it was accidental."

Yao Ye decided to remain silent, something like the soul is not something that normal humans should explore.

Whether the soul can survive after being eaten is also not something he should study.

Soon, 'Yao Ye' came to the thirteenth floor.

He lifted his legs and stepped into the party hall on the thirteenth floor, where many brightly dressed young people were intertwined, empty and vexatious.

'Yao Ye' saw a few familiar faces, the people in the graduation photo that Ye Er had shown him.

"Yo, rare guest, Yao Ye, you are here!"

A man with a beard and a stylish dress walked towards 'Yao Ye', with a warm smile on his face, but with some irony in his eyes.

"I thought you were still jealous of what happened back then and refused to come. It's great that you can come this time! Haha!" The bearded man pretended to be hearty and smiled. Although he said it very kindly, his hands were shaking With a glass of wine, he didn't shake hands with 'Yao Ye' like he did with other classmates.

'Yao Ye' looked at him, there was no light in his dark pupils, which made his heart feel cold at first glance.

The bearded man looked at 'Yao Ye'. He was expecting this idiot in his school days to show his stupid appearance to make him laugh at him, but he didn't expect this little dwarf to be a different person now. Pretty scary.

The smile on the bearded man's face froze. He coughed awkwardly. He couldn't stand Yao Ye's strange gaze. He always felt a chill in his bones, so he made an excuse and walked away.

'Yao Ye' remembered his face, turned his head and started to observe other people at the banquet, the curvature of the corners of his mouth was terrifying, all the guests who saw the smile of 'Yao Ye' couldn't help but feel chills all over their bodies and couldn't help it. looked away.

"Hey! Did you bully Xiaomei in the first place?"

Just when 'Yao Ye' was thinking about how to deal with these people, it was patted on the shoulder.

'Yao Ye' glanced at the end of his eyes and looked over with a blank expression.

A white-haired man stood in front of 'Yao Ye'. With a sturdy body of 1.87 meters, 'Yao Ye' who was only 1.6 meters had to look up at him.

'Yao Ye' glanced at him coldly, and the thin fingers beside him were faintly entwined with strands of black mist.

No one can bully Ye Er.

The white-haired man looked at the arrogant appearance of the NPC in this game, and his anger suddenly came up.

"Hey! I'm talking about you! What about you! Is your name Yao Ye! You used to bully Xiaomei, which caused her to suffer from depression!"

Xiaomei, the netizen found by the white-haired man.

The white-haired man has confirmed that this woman named Xiaomei is the netizen who deceived the blank.

In order to ensure that Xiaomei can fall in love with Blank, the white-haired man decided to go out of his way.

He was going to help Xiaomei deal with this bully classmate who had bullied her before, so as to gain her touch and gratitude, and then he could do things better.

Otherwise, if he directly said that the blank will come for revenge, I am afraid that this netizen will not believe it. Only by building a good relationship with each other can the task be better completed.

The white-haired man pondered his own incomparably meticulous plan, and looked at the little dwarf in front of him with satisfaction, feeling that the task was not far from being completed.

The girl with the big wavy hairstyle named Xiaomei stood not far behind the white-haired man, her red lips slightly hooked, showing a smug smile.

Seeing this, Yao Ye, who was nestled in his body, twitched his eyelashes and showed disgust.

Isn't this Sister Mei from the class?

Sister Mei, who was the head of the girls in the original class and the goddess of the boys, likes to bully the weak the most.

At that time, Yao Ye was forced to work as an errand and punching bag for the boys, and also had to work part-time as Sister Mei's sandbag.

Sister Mei is a sadistic person. She likes to see people in pain the most, which is more terrifying than those boys.

Yao Ye still remembered how Sister Mei pressed the unextinguished cigarette butt on his arm to extinguish it.

The unceasing burning pain was not as terrifying as the punches that nearly knocked him into a concussion.

That's why Yao Ye doesn't like smoking so far.

He hated the pungent fumes, the bright and extinguished sparks, and the condescending classmates laughing at their desks in the darkened classroom.

Those distorted and ugly faces all appeared in front of Yao Ye.

'Yao Ye' keenly sensed his lover's increasingly excited emotions, he blankly glanced at the big wave not far away, his dark eyes seemed to hide an endless abyss.