Chapter 80 5.16 The Curse of Blank (End)

On the rusted operating table, dark red and black blood was dripping down, and in this empty and abandoned classroom, the atmosphere became more and more quiet and terrifying.

    Blank stood in front of the operating table, fondly stroking himself, the cheek of his lover.

    Thinking that this was Ye'er's body, Blank couldn't help but feel the urge to touch it, like a patient with severe skin thirst.

    "Are you happy? Ye'er!"

    Blank's voice was filled with excitement and anticipation.

    Yao Ye was speechless and choked: "Take your hand off my face! Although there is a layer of protective clothing, it is still very dirty!"

    Yao Ye had no cleanliness at all, but was forced out by the scenes just now.

    Those scumbags of blood... disgusting...

    Hearing this, Blank blinked aggrievedly, and reluctantly withdrew the hand stroking his face.

    In order to perform the operation, it specially put on a pair of sterile surgical gloves on its hands. At this time, it was dyed with undried blood, which complemented the pure white protective suit on its body, and was splashed with bright red symbolizing sin. .

    After retracting his hand, Blank looked down at the human-headed dog pretending to be dead on the operating table, and the corners of his lips twitched.

    "Well, it's time to continue the game, the others must be in a hurry~"

    In the teaching building, the other eight people hiding in various classrooms hid in the corners, trembling and praying that they would survive.


    the light footsteps resounded in the corridor again, in the ears of everyone, it was tantamount to a reminder.


    A man wearing glasses and dressed as a successful person huddled under the desk, shaking so much that even the desk began to tremble.

    "Buddha bless Buddha bless... Jade Emperor Christ Jesus..." The

    man with glasses trembled as he kept praying to all the gods he could think of.

    Everything that happened today was beyond his imagination and understanding, and he completely collapsed, who was originally a staunch materialist.

    Who would have thought that the geek classmates who were still bullied by them a few years ago turned into a ghost who could kill them!

    Thinking of this, the man with glasses shrank even tighter in fear.

    In horror movies, will people who bullied Specter survive?


    The glasses man was so frightened by his brain tonic that he cried out, and his bowels were blue.

    If I had known, why did he come to this class reunion!

    If you don't come, maybe you won't be involved in this kind of thing! He's just so unlucky!

    Bad things are done by others!

    He didn't do anything, he was just forced to be a sidekick, no matter how he looked at this kind of revenge, it shouldn't be his turn!

    The man with glasses was full of sadness and unwillingness, and he completely forgot how he acted as a hustler and helped the bearded man to bully his classmates recklessly.

    In the eyes of the man with glasses, he is completely innocent, and he did not do anything outrageous. Even if he pressed his classmate's head and made him kneel down and fed his classmates with dirty water, he was all forced by the old man, no wonder he.

    He shouldn't have gotten this result!

    Just as the man with glasses was complaining, he heard footsteps coming from the corridor outside the classroom.

    Da Da - the

    footsteps were getting closer, and the man with glasses raised his eyes in fear and looked at the glass window of the classroom.


    So, where did the footsteps come from?

    The boy with glasses was covered in white sweat when he heard footsteps passing by the window and stopped in front of the classroom door.

    Squeak -

    the door that was originally closed was pushed open, and something came in.

    Tick- tick-tick-tick-

    drops of blood fell rhythmically, meandering on the ground, filling them into pools of blood.

    Blood? whose blood is it?

    The man with glasses shrank at the foot of the table, holding his breath, not daring to move, his eyes fixed on the blood dripping from the door.

    Tick-tick- tick-


    the man with glasses stuck his head out from under the table in a daze when he saw the blood running down his feet.

    Only then did I see that above my hiding place, there was a woman in a long skirt with long wavy hair floating in the air, and blood was dripping from her body.

    The woman lowered her head, her long hair was let loose, revealing her face hidden in the strands of hair.

    Her face has rotted into a pile of rotten flesh, and her facial features have all melted together, and it is impossible to distinguish the original distribution. It looks terrifying and disgusting.

    "Giggle-quack-!!!" The

    woman suddenly opened her mouth wide and let out a shrill scream. The rotting and hot meat was mixed with the cigarette butts escaping from her esophagus, and the man with glasses covered her face.

    The corrosive blood burned the man's skin with white smoke.

    "Ahhhh!!!" The man with glasses screamed, rolling his eyes in pain, almost fainting on the spot.

    "Help!!! Help!!!"


    The man with glasses scrambling out of the classroom and running wildly in the corridor, behind him, the rotten-faced woman floating in mid-air follows him.

    "No!!! Help ah ah ah!!!" The

    man with glasses shouted desperately, enduring the constant burning pain on his body, delusionally thinking that someone would come to save him.

    However, no one responded in the silent and old corridor.


    The woman with a rotten face roared as if provoked by the chase, the skin on her body was even more shattered and blackened by the cigarette butts in her body, and pieces fell off.

    Ahead, the man with glasses saw the person at the corner, was ecstatic, and hurriedly shouted and begged him to stop.

    However, when the glasses man came to the corner, he really fell into despair.

    It turned out that the person he saw just now was not a normal human being, but a human-headed dog.

    The human head is spliced ​​onto the dog, and even the dog's body is not complete, but randomly spliced ​​together, with different coat colors and stitched monsters of different sizes.

    Calling it a dog is just because it has a similar body shape to a dog.

    Moreover, on the head of this monster, there is a face that he is all too familiar with - the old bearded man whom he had recognized when he was a student.

    "This...what is this, what is this!!!" The

    man with glasses collapsed completely, he was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground, hugging his head in despair and shrinking into the corner of the wall.

    "It looks like you guys are having a good time~" A

    pleasant voice sounded, the man with glasses looked tremblingly and saw the culprit - 'Yao Ye'.

    'Yao Ye' also held a sharp scalpel in his hand and smiled brightly.

    The glasses man's spirit was completely abnormal. He opened his bloodshot eyes and shouted: "Why do you do this to me! I did nothing! If you want revenge! Why don't you just find someone else! I am Innocent!"

    'Yao Ye' looked at him in surprise, and then showed a gloomy smile.

    "So you always think so? That's why Ye'er suffers so much... Damn it! Damn it all..."

    Thinking of the fragments of memories read in this body, 'Yao Ye' couldn't help but feel resentment and unwillingness He frowned, and the resentment all over his body boiled like boiling water.

    The rotten-faced women and human-headed dogs around were shivering in the fierce aura of Li Gui, and they no longer had the arrogance when facing the glasses man.

    The man with glasses was shocked by the eerie and terrifying aura that belonged to Li Gui not far away, and finally woke up a little, but it was too late, he could only shrunk stiffly in the corner, unable to move.

    In the corridor, there were two tears running down the cheeks of Yao Ye, who was still smiling.

    It trembled in pain, and the thin and slender back that belonged to the youth was slightly curved, as if it would break if it was broken.

    Its leaves, so cute and pure, have suffered so much damage.

    So pitiful... its Ye'er, so pitiful... so pitiful...

    so regretful... failing to protect Ye'er... useless guy... If only I could meet Ye'er earlier...

    Blank is resentful He hates the people who have hurt Yao Ye, and he also resents himself, who can't do anything about it.

    "Hoho-damn-you-all of you-damn!!!" The

    pale-faced black-haired youth covered his cheeks with trembling hands as if overwhelmed, and then he opened his eyes from between his fingers.

    Those exposed eyes were full of scarlet resentment.

    Not reconciled, not reconciled, not reconciled! ! !

    Why is Ye Er the only one who has to bear those pains! ! !

    All those who hurt Ye'er will have to pay a thousandfold price! ! !

    "No! Don't come here woohoo! Don't come here!! I'm sorry! I shouldn't have said that just now! Wooo! Please! Send it to me!"

    The moment he saw 'Yao Ye' eyes, the man in glasses felt It was as if his soul had been frozen, freezing to the bone.

    He realized that he had done something stupid just now, and he angered the devil.

    In the terrifying icy breath of Specter, the man with glasses could only tear down his face in despair, struggling, begging for mercy, and crawling out of the corridor with a ferocious face, like a twisted maggot.

    Boom -

    just as the man in glasses was climbing out, the entire corridor underwent earth-shaking changes. The old pale green wall paint fell off and turned into pieces of flesh and blood, which were still squirming and looked extremely strange. .

    The entire corridor seemed to have life, and many strange and deformed ghosts fell from the walls. They were naked with bright red muscles, obeying the summons of the ghosts, and ran towards the remaining life in the whole building.


    眼镜男的两只眼睛都被怪物扣去,咀嚼得津津有味,他惨叫着,无数怪物扑上来,却没有选择一下子吞噬,而是一片片地撕扯他的血肉, to give him the greatest pain possible.

    The rotten-faced girl was also torn by the monster tore the remaining flesh and blood on her body. She howled, unable to resist.

    The human-headed dog also made a mournful "woooo" sound, and the human head was full of remorse.

    'Yao Ye' stood in the corridor and heard screams coming from up and down the teaching building.

    It listened without expression until all sinful lives were gone, until their souls also struggled to survive in this endless hell.

    In the teaching building, there are no survivors anymore.

    But 'Yao Ye' was not satisfied.

    It's not enough... it's not enough...

    these unrepentant guys... all the pain... it's not enough...

    Yao Ye, who has been watching, saw that Blank's emotions were not right, so he said softly: "Let's go home. , I'm tired."

    Blank, had done enough.

    Hearing this, Blank bent down in pain, covered his face, blood flowed from his fingers, and his eyes were full of blood.

    He was crying for what his beloved Ye Er had suffered.

    "But... Ye'er, it's so painful... These people are not enough... Kill, kill! All! Kill!"

    Everyone except Ye'er—

    suddenly, Blank opened his eyes in surprise and felt The temperature of your own cold soul.

    Ye Er, hugging him.

    Yao Ye hugged the blank soul and comforted him.

    "It's alright, I'm alright, you stay awake, I don't mind anymore, why are you so excited."

    Yao Ye is not very comfortable with people, and his words are not consciously thorny, but he really wants to be blank restore it to its original state.

    "As long as I have you, I don't care about anything as long as I have you."

    Yao Ye said in a low voice, his cheeks blushing in shame.

    This is his sincerity. He used to not care about everything in this world, but now, he has something that he cannot give up.

    That is, blank.

    Blank incomparably fiery love is what Yao Ye yearns for the most. Now, he has it, and he never wants to lose it again.

    "We will be together forever, right? Don't leave me."

    Yao Ye said anxiously.

    As long as he thought that one day Blank would leave him, and that he would return to the lonely and depraved days, Yao Ye was so scared that he was about to die.

    Blank's emotions stabilized, it heard the candid voice of his lover, and a morbid and paranoid love appeared on his face.

    Ye Er, so cute.

    "Of course, we will be together forever."

    The young man with short black hair stood in the bloody and terrifying corridor and hugged himself tenderly. There was a strange sweetness in this gloomy atmosphere.

    A month later, Rose Apartment.

    Yao Ye sat lazily on the sofa, watching TV.

    At this time, last month's terrorist attack was being reported on television.

    A vicious attack occurred in a five-star hotel in the city center. A man with short white hair slashed and wounded many people with a fire axe. Fortunately, no one died, and the white-haired man was shot dead on the spot.

    However, the strange thing is that the victims in the venue on the first floor all went mad at the same time.

    After being rescued, they screamed and roared upside down, saying that they were dead and killed by the Specter's vengeance, and they repeated their painful moans and groans in confusion.

    Many of them were sent to mental hospitals, and some from better families were sent home to recuperate, and then there was a genocide incident. The former victims became butchers, killed their own family members with their own hands, and also He kept yelling at the monsters that he killed.

    This incident has become a big rumor in Yuxun City. Everyone said that maybe these people really encountered a supernatural event and died in another world, and now they are just a body.

    The truth is unknown, but it was discovered that many wounds gradually appeared on the patients who were locked up in the mental hospital, which were very similar to the injuries they once described.

    "Phew! Fortunately, he didn't really die. Otherwise, it would be bad if someone invited a Celestial Master."

    Yao Ye leaned on Blank's shoulder, drowsy.

    "Well... so sleepy... By the way, blank, you said a few days ago that you would go back and get your ashes, did you get it?" The

    pale-skinned Specter gently stroked his lover's pale waist and smiled, "I got it."

    "...Oh, that's good, then I've seen those nasty relatives of you, hum, wait, I'll go back and avenge you, and pour chicken blood on their door... disgusting... uh they..." Yao Ye fell into a deep sleep.

    Blank looked at his lover dotingly, and replied softly, "I didn't meet him."

    On TV, the news is on again.

    It was a family suicide case. The family who were preparing for the funeral of their nephew committed suicide by hanging themselves in the middle of the night. Before they died, they all left a suicide note full of all kinds of abuses they had done to their nephew.

    Blank watched the news, smiling and stroking his lover's soft hair.

    "we will be together forever."