Chapter 83 6.3 Infant Spirit

Yao Ye got goosebumps all over, the scene he just saw was definitely not an illusion.

Such a real little baby, with its iron-blue, dead skin, Yao Ye could see it clearly.

But it was precisely because he could see so clearly that he was extremely flustered now.


Yao Ye nervously retracted back on the sofa, looking at the coffee table not far away, his eyes fixed on the place just now.

Just now, is it a ghost?

Yao Ye is really afraid of such things that science cannot explain.

"Don't scare yourself, don't scare yourself..."

Yao Ye tried his best to soothe himself.

"Maybe I just fell asleep, and I misread it..."

Yes, that's right, maybe I misread it.

Yao Ye decided to forget the scene just now. He picked up the pillow on the sofa, curled up uneasy, and looked around erratically with his bright almond eyes.

In the corner of the wall, on the TV, next to the lamp, in the shadow of the floor,

Yao Ye took a close look at every place, and he was relieved after confirming that there was no possibility of hiding anything.

But he still didn't dare to get off the sofa, so he had to send a message with his mobile phone.

- [Shili, when will you be back today? ]

——[I am the only one at home, I am so scared. ]

The message was sent quickly, but there was no response in the chat interface for a long time.

Yao Ye lowered his eyelids in despair, and a faint shadow covered his pale, delicate face.

Shi Li, what are you busy with? Recently, it has always been like this, and it took a long time to reply to the message.

Ding-dong -

Shili has returned the news.

——[Yaoyao is not afraid, take a rest tonight, okay? Something happened to the Shi family's ancestral house, I have to deal with it, I'm really sorry. ]

Shi Li's tone was still gentle and apologetic.

In the living room, the young wife looked at the information on the phone, her fingers trembled slightly, and then tightened violently until her knuckles turned white.

Ancestral home?

The place where the old immortals live?

boom! ! !

The phone was smashed to the floor with a loud bang.

Yao Ye's originally peaceful expression became distorted, his lips turned white with anger, and his breathing became rapid.

"...It's all, damn it!"

Yao Ye thought that Shili was busy so late because of the company's affairs, but he didn't expect that it was for those old people who were struck by lightning!

Yao Ye's eyes were red, and he stared viciously at the phone that he had thrown aside, his chest heaving violently.

His lungs are going to explode.

Didn't Shi Li promise himself that he wouldn't go to see those damn old immortals again? Now why is it!

Could it be that you really want to compromise with those immortals and raise a third child!

Yao Ye will always remember the ridicule and contempt he received when he followed Shi Li to visit his ancestral house with high hopes.

Those old immortals who prided themselves on being superior, simply despised him as a so-called son-in-law.

Let him bring tea and water, do laundry and mop the floor, and do some lowly chores.

God knows, before that, Yao Ye had been pampered and had never done so much housework in his own home.

At first, Yao Ye endured everything in order to marry the person he loved.

He naively felt that as long as he was virtuous, he could move these elders.

Later, it was discovered that Shi Li didn't know about all this at all, and those old people never mentioned his hard work. Instead, they emphasized his arrogance and self-will in front of Shi Li, and he was unbearable to be a wife.

Thinking of this, Yao Ye became more and more agitated. He even forgot the fear just now, and was so angry that he paced the floor.

The tall and thin young man only wore a loose low-neck sweater and a pair of men's cropped trousers, and his fair and smooth calves were exposed, dazzlingly white.

His pale and delicate feet stepped on the floor, and the blue blood vessels on the insteps were faintly visible, which formed a sharp contrast with the dark brown floor, making the skin more and more cold and attractive.

"Shili... Damn! The old guys who are immortal! Why don't you die!"

Those dross of the era still adhered to the concept of the older generation and felt that it was normal for a man to have three wives and four concubines, so they tried their best to persuade Shili. Raising a lover is something that no wife can endure.

Especially for a person like Yao Ye who is naturally possessive of love, if he hadn't been polite and upright, and he didn't have such a dirty mind, he would have wanted to take a knife and kill that old family with abnormal brains.

It's okay to take care of the elderly and take care of other people's housework!

The more Yao Ye thought about it, the more angry he became. He picked up the phone on the floor and saw that it was cracked, but it was barely usable.

He called Shi Li and wanted him to come back immediately.

He wanted to see what was going on in that ancestral house, so that Shi Li could hide it from his partner and not make it clear.

Didi -

I made two calls in a row, but they didn't get through.

Yao Ye's face completely darkened.

"Shili, you'd better never come back!"

Yao Ye gritted his teeth and threw the phone into the trash can.

It was getting dark, Yao Ye was so angry that he didn't have the heart to eat, so he turned and went upstairs.

He didn't notice that behind him, a series of small footprints appeared, like those of a baby.

Back in the bedroom, Yao Ye was lying on the bed, the gloom between his eyebrows lingered for a long time.

Why, Shi Li can't belong to him forever, it's always like this...

Yao Ye is really going to be driven crazy by himself. With a suspicious and sensitive personality, he can't help but imagine over and over again what Shi Li is doing at this time.

In which woman's arms do you enjoy pleasure?

Or hug which beautiful teenager to be intimate?


Yao Ye suppressed the jealousy and resentment in his heart, closed his eyes, and forced himself to stop thinking about these things.

It's because he is too suspicious, Shi Li is not that kind of person, he won't do these things.


! ! !

Yao Ye suddenly opened his eyes, sat up, and looked horrified.

He seemed to hear the baby's laughter.

Yao Ye's cheeks turned pale all of a sudden, and he remembered the scene just now. He nervously observed everything nearby.

There was nothing unusual in the quiet bedroom.

Is it his delusion?

A cold sweat broke out on Yao Ye's forehead. He felt that today's villa was really not right. It was terribly cold. Could it be that something unclean came in?

Yao Ye got out of bed and checked the nearby hidden places to see if some small animals had broken in.

After all, some animals also make baby-like sounds.

Open the cabinet, the neatly arranged clothes hang in the center, and everything is as usual.

Opened the curtains on the window sill, still empty.

After turning the room around, Yao Ye went back to the bed, still a little uneasy.

However, there is really nothing, everything has been checked.

Wait, there seems to be a place that hasn't been checked yet...

Yao Ye swallowed and looked at the bed under him.

The bottom of the bed has not been checked.

Outside the window, the night was thick, and the house was silent.

Yao Ye stretched out his hand, his knuckled fingers resting on the dark sheet, curled up nervously, leaving a wrinkle on the sheet.

"..." Yao Ye lay on the bed and prepared for a while, but gave up cowardly.

This night, looking under the bed, it looks like a horror movie.

He dare not.

Yao Ye chose to pretend to be dead to sleep. He retracted his hand, wrapped himself in a quilt, and closed his eyes to sleep.

It's alright, it's alright, just fall asleep, I think too much.

Yao Ye muttered to himself in his heart, and the eyeballs under his eyelids rolled uneasily.

As for his lower abdomen, a little baby who had been holding him blinked and closed his eyes, as if the corners of his mouth twitched, as if he was having a sweet dream, which looked just like a normal baby.

It's just that the little baby's livid skin glowed with death, which made people look horrified.

The next day, Yao Ye woke up very early. To be precise, he hadn't slept much at all, and he always felt a chill on his body.

"Yaoyao, you are awake."

Shi Li also just walked in from the bedroom with a gentle expression on his face.

"I'm really sorry, is Yaoyao angry?"

Shi Li showed a cautious expression. He was very afraid that his wife would get angry. When he saw his lovely wife showing anger and sadness, he felt that his heart would be broken, but there was no way, he was not very good at begging him. The little wife is happy, but it will always make her unhappy.

Yao Ye glanced at him coldly, but didn't say a word, until Shi Li humbly and humbled himself for a long time before he was relieved.

"Why did you go back to the ancestral house yesterday? Didn't you say you cut off contact?"

Shi Li heard the words, showing a helpless look.

"Yesterday, the five elders were all admitted to the intensive care unit. I was tricked by my father. As soon as I got there, I was held back and not allowed to leave."

In fact, the five elders went crazy and wanted to commit suicide, and Shi Li's parents were terrified I was afraid that something would happen to Shili, so I let him stay in the ancestral house to avoid the limelight.

He didn't believe this. Yesterday, it was because Gu Nian's parents were too old that he didn't want to turn his face. In fact, he felt that the people in the ancestral house were crazy.

Shi Li felt that this kind of thing was purely superstitious, and naturally he didn't want to scare his wife with such ethereal things.

"There is no next time, forgive me, Yaoyao, okay?" Shi Li took his wife's delicate and slender hand and put it on his face, his handsome eyebrows were full of pleading and innocent.

This prudent and indifferent CEO in front of outsiders is always so gentle and childish in front of his wife.

Yao Ye's bones were softened by Shi Li's coquettish appearance, he withdrew his hand angrily, and pretended to be angry: "You said, next time, don't come back!"

"Well, next time, I will Just kneel outside for three days and three nights and not come back, okay?" Shi Li smiled dotingly, his eyes full of affection.

Yao Ye calmed down and gave him an angry look with his beautiful eyes, which was beautiful and moving.

"Three days and three nights are not enough! You just need to cry when you kneel!"

Shi Li's eyes dimmed, and he kissed his wife's delicate eyebrows carefully, but the kiss was not enough.

"Well, Yao Yao can kneel for as long as he wants, as long as he doesn't leave me."

After hearing Shi Li's words, Yao Ye was stunned, his face flushed. Obviously, this kind of love was very appealing to him. .

"Hmph, it depends on your performance."

Yao Ye was so overwhelmed by Shi Li's meticulous kiss that the side of his thin white ears turned red.

There was a low breathing sound and a sticky voice between the lips and teeth in the bedroom, and the room was warm.

No one noticed that in the corner of the bedroom, there was a malicious gaze watching silently.

Obviously... all of this should be its... Shi Li... took away all its life...

Go to die... Shi Li... go to die! ! !

Evil ghosts spread in the bedroom.

Everything was over, Yao Ye was hugged by Shi Li and remembered what happened last night.

He looked up at his husband with a look of panic.

"Shi Li, I forgot to tell you, I think in our house, it seems like..."

Shi Li looked over, not sure why.

Yao Ye licked the corner of his lips, his husband's handsome face was reflected in his black and white eyes.

"...It seems that there is something unclean."

Shi Li looked at his wife with a puzzled expression.

"Unclean things?"

Yao Ye nodded and said uneasy: "Last night, I seemed to see a small baby at home, definitely not a human baby..."

Shi Li listened to his wife's talk quietly, no After speaking, his eyes gradually revealed some distress.

Yaoyao, are you influenced by the gossip of outsiders, so you have hallucinations?

In fact, Shi Li knew that Yao Ye cared about other people's opinions. He had asked him many times if he liked children.

Shi Li understood his wife's unease, and he was very distressed, so every time he answered that he didn't like it, as long as one wife was enough, this was his real thought, but his wife didn't seem to think so.

Shi Li thought that his wife might have had hallucinations and wanted to have a child too much, so she fantasized about a baby at home.

So, when Yao Ye looked over expectantly, Shi Li told the truth and wanted his wife to wake up a bit.

Yao Ye: "..." This dog man can't understand human words.