Chapter 91 6.11 Infant Spirit

In the corridor of the dilapidated school building, Brother Qiang was looking anxiously at the information on the smart watch.

In the space change just now, he and his girlfriend were forced to separate and could only be contacted through the team channel.

And just now, on the team chat channel, his girlfriend Xiaowan, who was discussing the solution to the puzzle with him, did not respond.

[Your teammate Xiaowan has quit the game. ]

Brother Qiang sighed, as expected, his girlfriend had already died, and it seemed that he was comforted when he looked back.

He habitually flipped through the system information and found that there was also a system notification.

[Your teammate Zhao Zheng has quit the game] The

message time was before Brother Qiang opened the door to Zhao Zheng.

Brother Qiang: "..."

Brother Qiang's face changed greatly.

He remembered Zhao Zheng who suddenly went crazy before the space conversion.

Originally, he thought that Zhao Zheng was smitten after entering the Green Mountain Villa, but he didn't expect that the goods were gone before.

What was the guy who manipulated his account to enter the villa at that time? It seems to be quite familiar with the npc wife.

Brother Qiang has been playing the game for so long, and he has never seen the weirdness in the game pretend to be so similar, without even a red name on his head.

He couldn't help but feel a little uneasy, and asked other teammates in the chat channel.

Everyone in different areas heard the words, and their faces were ignorant. I don't know if this was an easter egg set by the official "Strange Talk".

Just as the outsiders were discussing endlessly, Yao Ye, who had escaped from the classroom, had already reached the end of the corridor of the school building.

He just got off the desk and his waist hurts a little. He has to walk against the wall, and his breathing is not stable.

There was thin sweat on his fair and beautiful face, and on the thin white neck, the red marks that had been bitten uncontrollably extended to the place covered by the collar.


Yao Ye was trembling as he walked in the terrifyingly quiet corridor, but in order to get out of here as soon as possible to find Shi Li, he still insisted on gritting his teeth.

Although he doesn't know what's going on now, the only thing he worries about is his husband, Shili. No matter what happens, he must find Shili.


a series of familiar hurried footsteps passed through the adjacent corridor.

Obviously, it's that ghost baby again.

Yao Ye's breathing stagnated and his body trembled. He was still terrified of being stunned by the ghost baby a few days ago. He gritted his teeth and quickened his pace, stepping into a completely different space.

"This is..."

Yao Ye's eyes widened in surprise, he turned his head and saw that there was still a deep school corridor behind him, but in front of him had become the corridor of an ancient mansion, giving people a sense of confusion like traveling through time and space.

The dark red carved beams and painted buildings, the flying eaves and corners, and a string of wind chimes are ringing softly in the wind.

The quaint bluestone floor, the dark corridor with insufficient light, here is the Shi family mansion.

Yao Ye paused, frowning in disgust.

He hated everything about the Shijia mansion.

There are so-called old rules everywhere, and all that brings Yao Ye is pain and depression.

What is the tradition passed down from generation to generation, the background of the family, after all, it is just some old stubborn people who are out of date and stubbornly resisting.

Yao Ye loves Shi Li, but he just can't love the family he belongs to.

"Ahhh!!!" The woman's shrill scream almost pierced Yao Ye's eardrums.

Yao Ye was startled, and it took a while for him to slow down and walked cautiously towards the direction where the voice came from.

"It hurts! I hurt so much!!"

Walking through the long corridor, Yao Ye saw a long-haired woman lying on the antique big bed in the room, sweating profusely.

Beside her, several doctors in charge of caring are doing necessary assistance for her production, and the advanced equipment and facilities are out of tune with the surrounding quaint environment.



Soon, two babies were born.

"My children..." The woman hugged her two children lovingly.

The next moment, everything in the room disappeared again, leaving only two crying children.

Yao Ye hid by the window, a little helpless.

Because, he just saw the face of the woman who gave birth to the child.

Although he hadn't seen each other a few times, he could still recognize this gentle-looking woman -- Shi Li's mother.

Shi Li's mother gave birth to two children... Does Shi Li have any siblings?

There was confusion and unease in Yao Ye's eyes.

Everything is confusing, whether it is this strange space or his husband Shili.

Shi Li must be hiding something from him.

Yao Ye bit his lip, he looked at everything in the room and didn't mean to go in.

Fools know that there are absolutely no people here.


"Woo..." In the

room, the cry of the child continued, but it was much smaller than the beginning.

The environment has changed again.

An old man walked in, his old face was full of ravines and looked very gloomy.

"These two children are one soul! Now that the soul is incomplete, they can't survive!"

The woman and man who walked in showed shocked expressions.

"Grandfather, what should I do?"

"Woo! My child!" The

couple cried heartily.

"The only way is to make their souls become one!"

The way to unify their souls is to burn one of the children to ashes with flames, seal it with a porcelain altar, bury it in the ancestral tomb without erecting a tomb, and worship seven Seven forty-nine days can save a child's life.

Yao Ye outside the window trembled and covered his mouth, not daring to make a sound.

This way of dying... Could this be the origin of that ghost baby?

Yao Ye didn't dare to look any further, he staggered out of the corridor of the ancient house.


it rained on the gray sky.

The ancient house was left far behind by Yao Ye, and there was an empty mountain in front of him.

Yao Ye didn't have time to rejoice that he finally escaped from the weird space just now, when he found that behind him there was a group of mourners dressed in filial attire.

! ! !

Yao Ye hurriedly dodged, seeing the group of people walking straight past with expressionless faces, turning a blind eye to him.

Sa -

yellow paper money spilled on the ground.

Yao Ye was taken aback and saw that one of them was holding a black porcelain jar in his hand.

- Sealed with a porcelain jar.

It was the burned child.

Yao Ye swallowed and struggled for a while, but decided to follow.

It seems that there is no way to get out without solving the mystery, so he should just follow along.

Following the group, Yao Ye walked into a low-key cemetery. There were elegantly decorated tombs everywhere, with bluestone roofs and conspicuous inscriptions.

The porcelain jar was different from the other tomb owners here. It was buried in a dark mound in the far corner of the cemetery. The person who buried the jar deliberately patted the mound with a shovel, so that the tomb was flat like a Was trampled by countless people.

For Shi Jia, who attached great importance to the aftermath, such a tomb was a nightmare for all the elderly.

A tomb without even a head undoubtedly means that there will be no sacrifices after death, and you will be trapped in this tomb for life and life.

Only clansmen who committed serious crimes were subjected to such torture.

And now, a newborn baby has been convicted of an unwarranted felony.

Whoa, whoa, whoa--

Yao Ye froze in place, as if hearing a baby's resentful cry in his ears.

Soon, the funeral procession left, and Yao Ye endured the inexplicable sadness and continued to look at the tomb in the dark.

A soul... that is to say, is that ghost baby also part of Shili?

Then... if the ghost baby is eliminated, will Shili also be hurt?

After all, they are all one soul...

Just when Yao Ye was confused and uncertain, a crying baby crawled out of the grave.

The baby was ashen, howling in pain, trying to crawl out of here, but was always trapped in a transparent barrier, unable to escape.

Yao Ye saw that the pictures at the tomb were constantly changing. Many people who came to worship were in a hurry and disappeared in a flash. Only the figure of the baby was still trapped in the same place, unable to struggle. deeper resentment.


Gradually, the speed of the screen changes became faster and faster, and Yao Ye could hardly see anything clearly.

It wasn't until a figure approached that the screen returned to its normal speed.

A handsome man in a black suit placed a bunch of flowers in front of a grave, and inadvertently looked at the grave of the ghost baby.

Gui Ying's dark eyes met the man's eyes, and a resentful and excited smile emerged from the corner of his mouth.

Revenge, begin.

Yao Ye recognized that handsome man, it was Shili.

He watched the terrifying scene and finally understood why that ghost baby would haunt them after they got married.

He remembered that once after his marriage, Shi Li decided to go to the grave of his dead great-grandmother. Since he had messed up with the Shi family mansion at that time, Shi Li kindly did not let him accompany him, but chose to go alone.

It should be this time.

Yao Ye bit his finger and his face turned pale.

If only he had insisted on accompanying Shi Li, then... er, it doesn't seem to be of any use.

——If only Shi Li could have stopped him directly in the first place and prevented him from coming!

Thinking of this, Yao Ye hated the old madmen at the Shijia Mansion even more. They were really mentally retarded. Even if they wanted to save people, they couldn't choose such a cruel method, turning a normal baby into a ghost!

Just when Yao Ye cursed the group of old stubborn stubbornly in his heart, he didn't realize that everything around him was quiet, the picture stopped, and Shi Li and Gui Ying had disappeared.

"Hee hee—" A pair of pale arms stretched out from behind, hugging Yao Ye who was hiding behind the grass.


Yao Ye was really scared to death, and he looked behind him with a pale face.

"Yaoyao is so good... I saw the end~" The

pale-skinned man with the cyan color unique to dead people smiled and bit the ear tip of the person in his arms.

"So, have you found the truth? Yaoyao~" the man whispered softly.

Yao Ye was shivering and was hugged in the man's cold embrace, his teeth were fighting each other uncontrollably, making a soft collision sound.

"I...I..." What truth?

Will it be slaughtered if it is wrong?

Being held in the arms of a Specter who had the appearance of her husband, Yao Ye was so tense that he couldn't even speak.

"Are you... Shi Li?... Or a ghost baby?" Yao Ye didn't dare to move, but the man's cold lips rubbed his neck, causing goose bumps all over his body.

These ghosts... are very strange.

It made him feel like a very clingy husband, but, a husband is a human... How could he be a ghost?

Yao Ye's mind became a mess, he couldn't understand, and he couldn't break free from the shackles of the man behind him, so he could only let the man do whatever he wanted.

But the strange thing is that the resistance in his heart is not deep.

The man hugging his wife laughed softly, his chest trembled slightly, and he touched Yao Ye's cheek more and more intimately.

"I prefer you to call me Shili."

'Shili' twisted Yao Ye's chin and kissed his lips.

Then, 'Shili' looked at the red hickeys on his wife's slender neck with dark eyes.

"...Yaoyao, was touched by another guy, that disgusting guy..." There was that guy's breath.

The voice of 'Shili' was so cold that ice slag fell, and Yao Ye shivered.

"It's okay, I'll clean it up, Yaoyao must also feel uncomfortable..."

"Shili" smiled again, gentle and full of love.

Yao Ye raised his head blankly and looked at the face of the man behind him, his pupils shrunk.

No, come again?

...(omit the following content on the neck)

Yao Ye felt a tingling pain in his neck, he touched it and gasped in pain.

Although there was no bleeding, the entire piece of skin turned red.

What are you doing? What is this unfolding?

This world is the product of Shi Li's intentions!

Yao Ye lay weakly on the grass, his clothes were loosely wrapped around him, and his face was very ugly.

He didn't know whether it was a betrayal or not...

He felt like he was going to have a nervous breakdown if he went on like this.

He is obviously alone, so why make it look like he has cheated!

Although Yao Ye was not unacceptable in a rude manner, this almost punishing bed thing still made him unbearable.

"Damn it! How can I get out!!!"

Yao Ye punched the grass, his white wrists exposed outside his clothes were full of ambiguous marks of gnawing.

On the other side, the middle-aged man and his son Huang Mao also successfully converged. According to their understanding of the plot, they walked all the way to the end of the school hall corridor.

Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee hee

da da da da

da- the sound of the baby crawling over quickly, the middle-aged man was stunned for a moment, looked back and met those dark eyes.

"Ahhhh!!!" The

middle-aged man covered his bleeding eyes and rolled on the ground in pain. The next moment, the baby with ashen skin turned into a five- or six-year-old child.

'He' walked to the middle-aged man, and an innocent smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Hee hee, go to hell!"

Pu 呲 -

the scream of the middle-aged man stopped abruptly, and the next second, his limbs exploded, and the whole person melted into a pool of blood, leaving only one With a complete pouch.

"Fuck dad!!!"

Huang Mao was so scared that his soul was about to fly, and he quickly shouted: "We have found the answer! You and Shi Li are the same person!"


The five- or six-year-old boy turned into a seventeen- or eighteen-year-old boy. He tilted his head and looked at the yellow-haired youth, smiling happily.

"What are you talking about, I'm Shili."

The smile on the boy's face faded, and he turned back to the youthful Shili, his face gloomy.

"Only I am Shili."


Huang Mao screamed in pain, a scorching flame burning all over his body, burning him alive into coke.

'Shili' looked blankly at the human being scorched by the flames, then turned and walked away boringly.

[Solving the puzzle, failed. ]

The author has something to say: I'm sorry, little angels, I'm late again qaq (apology from the top of the pot), the writing is really slow.