Chapter 99 7.3 The Return of the Dead Wife

Yao Ye called the moving company after packing up the sundries, and made an appointment to hang up the phone after he came to move tomorrow.

"..." Looking around, Yao Ye looked sad.

The twilight sunlight fills the room, and the fusang-style furniture stands quietly like many times in the past, looking extremely simple and lonely.

In the past, when Rena was still around, every weekend at this time, he would kneel in the corridor by the yard, arranging flowers with his eyes down, letting the orange sunlight shine into the yard, illuminating his kimono and white cheeks.

It is undeniable that the quiet Reina is really beautiful.

His flower arrangement skills are also very good, the flowers are always bright and dripping and look extraordinarily beautiful.

It's just that when night comes, this weak and beautiful woman will turn her head to look at her husband, and the smile on the corner of her lips is full of ** color.

"Jun Yao, I like to look at me very much~" His bright red lips twitched, and the cat-like pupils would flash with strange brilliance, like the letter of a poisonous snake, which was shocking.

Before he finished speaking, the pair of white palms that were still arranging flowers would do other things. Sometimes Yao Ye struggled so hard, the vase on the small table would fall to the ground, and the carefully trimmed bouquets were scattered, delicate and delicate. The petals will crumple and the flower branches will be used elsewhere.

Some places Yao Ye hates.

! ! !

Thinking of the unpleasant memory, Yao Ye's face darkened.

He withdrew the nostalgic look just now, kicked the small table next to him into the yard, and then walked away in anger.

Kamito Reina, perverted guy, is it the normal state of Fusang country!

Yao Ye went to the kitchen, took some quick-frozen food from the refrigerator, thawed it and started to eat dinner.

Before he got married, he was also a bohemian international student, and his meals were very irregular. As a result, he has been married for two years now. Under the pressure of Reina's obsessive madman, he has also developed the habit of eating regularly. If he misses time, it will be very uncomfortable. .

Yao Ye didn't even notice that his wife Rena had left many indelible traces in his life.

Sitting in the living room, Yao Ye leaned on the sofa and watched TV boredly.

The latest news is being broadcast on TV, and the host is saying that the economic depression is coming, many small businesses are already close to collapse, and people should invest cautiously.

Yao Ye frowned and changed the stage.

He doesn't like watching business-related things, which always reminds him of Rena Kamito.

Rena's family business, Shendu Group, is a large chaebol group in Fusang. Its subsidiaries are involved in all aspects of Fusang society and have great influence.

The hereditary position of group president has allowed the family to continue its status in the upper class for a long time.

However, the family members are thin, and many children will die in the middle. Even if they survive, many clan members will die of various unexpected diseases, which can be called a curse. So much so that in the generation of Shendu Rena, there is only one direct bloodline of Shendu Reina.

When Shendu Rena died, Yao Ye inherited all the family property.

Faced with such a huge amount of assets, Yao Ye was also very surprised that he didn't have much trouble in his heart.

No, it might be more appropriate to call him numbness. The two years of marriage have tortured him to such a degree that he is emotionally indifferent, and even money is not much attractive.

"Huh!" Yao Ye yawned, his eyelids became heavier and heavier, and finally fell asleep.

He slept soundly and had a not-so-good dream.

In the dream, it was noon on the day that Rena Kanda died.

There was a creaking sound from the dining table, the food spilled all over the floor, and the greasy stained the floor. Yao Ye saw that his thin palms were clutching the tablecloth, so hard that the blue veins bulged, and he was covered in fine sweat.

In his sleep, Yao Ye frowned, moaning and moaning uncomfortable, and his cheeks were hot.

After that, Reina put on her kimono and put him in the car.

They are going to pick green, which is something to do every year on the wedding anniversary.

In the car, the embarrassed Yao Ye avoided the kiss of his wife Reina expressionlessly.

Reina smiled helplessly and indulgently, her eyebrows curved, and her cat's eyes gleamed.

"Jun Yao, are you acting like a spoiled child? It's so cute~" The

faint floral fragrance on his wife lingered in Yao Ye's nose, with a cool breath that smelled very good.

Yao Ye didn't want to admit that he was in love with his wife, so he deliberately shrunk into the corner of the passenger seat.

Reina leaned over and kissed her husband's earlobe and cheek fascinatedly, her strong palms clamped her husband's resisting hand, grinding it finely.

Then, the beautiful woman in kimono bowed her head and kissed the back of her handsome husband's hand and knuckles reverently and fervently, with bright red lips and pale palms in stark contrast.

"I love you so much, Lord Yao~"

Li Nai would always say this, like a repeated lie, and I don't know when it will be taken seriously by those who listen.

Yao Ye doesn't believe that his wife loves him, otherwise, why would he hide his true gender and marry him?

How could he look so vile and cruel in bed?

Yao Ye felt that all this was just Shendu Rena's possessiveness at work, and even if there was another person, the outcome would not change.

Kanda Rena is such a casual guy, perverted and unfaithful.

Yao Ye always suspected that Shendu Rena had cheated, but he didn't find any evidence, but he believed that he would find it sooner or later.

Because Reina, the guy who is so keen on sex, how could he be the only partner? There must be.

Guys who are loyal to this kind of ** will definitely be disloyal to their feelings.

Yao Ye has always had this view.

"I'm tired and don't want to go."

In the car, the pale-skinned husband spoke coldly, treating his wife beside him very indifferently.

His wife, who was as beautiful as a porcelain doll, burst into tears.

This is a scene that is too much in the eyes of the world, a beautiful and gentle wife, and a cold scumbag husband.

"Jun Yao... Do you want to be in the car? Hehe... Jun Yao, I'm really excited..." With

long black hair hanging down on her chest, Rena's smile looked beautiful and morbid.

"You... let it go! I didn't! Let go! Ugh!"

Yao Ye's face was shackled and his hands were shackled, he was angry and fearful, looking at his wife, his pale and handsome face flushed with anger , the window rolls up, making it impossible to see everything in the car.

The car drove out of the mansion after a long time.

This ancient house on the outskirts of Kyoto exudes the smell of old decay everywhere. Outside the long wooded path is a wide road. Rena concentrates on driving the car, Yao Ye sits in the co-pilot, and organizes his clothes with trembling hands.

"..." Yao Ye glanced at his wife beside him, the face that was flushed just now has returned to the cold white color of the past, and there is a silky smile on the corner of his lips.

Yao Ye touched his still hot cheeks and looked away angrily.

Changes often happen in an instant, and a huge roar echoes in his ears. When Yao Ye blinked again, his eyes were already bloody.

Reina's white palm pressed against his ear, blocking a piece of glass shards from flying stabs for him, dripping with blood.

"Yao-kun...don't be will be saved..."

Rena's red lips turned even redder, the blood overflowing from the corners of her mouth was like false red dye, dyeing Rena's white collar red, and the broken door iron pierced through Wearing a light-colored kimono, the bright red smudged and bloomed, very much like the red rose flower arrangement that Rena usually likes to play with.

Yao Ye's eyelashes trembled, his fingers touched a piece of warm blood.

The love and unwillingness in his wife's dark cat eyes was the last thing Yao Ye saw.

When he woke up again, he was sitting on a hospital bed with gauze wrapped around his arms, under investigation and condolences by the police station.

Reina, who died before the ambulance arrived, the driver who caused the accident has surrendered, and the dust has settled.

Just an accident.

Yao Ye listened to the policeman's words expressionlessly, as if he was listening carefully, but at the same time as if he didn't hear anything.

The funeral was held three days later.

Yao Ye took off the bandage on his arm, and carved a trace of marks on the original wound every time something went wrong.

It's ridiculous, in a car accident that killed people, he only suffered this injury.

If you are not careful, the wound will grow on your own, and it is worthless to be bandaged.

Now, there is value.

Looking at the wound on his arm, Yao Ye, who was sitting in an empty room, smiled for the first time after being discharged from the hospital.

Da Da -

the sound of clogs sounded in the room, and the handsome man sleeping on the sofa hadn't woken up yet, he was soundly asleep, his face was full of tears, his beautiful lips were slightly open, and he muttered to himself.

——"Rena...Rena..." The

pale human figure approached and heard the murmur between the man's lips and teeth.

——I'm here oh ~ Yaojun ~ I really miss you ~

huh —— As

night fell, the unclosed paper sliding door ran into the slightest coolness, and the wind chimes on the eaves of the corridor outside the door jingled.

Yao Ye frowned, he opened his eyes, and was woken up by the cold.


Yao Ye rubbed his sore neck and tutted.

There has been nothing good lately, and it must have been the funeral of Shinto Reina that infected him with all the bad luck.

Yao Ye felt a little uncomfortable on his face, and when he touched his tentacles, he found a tingling sensation on his face, which was very dry.

Yao Ye stood up puzzled and walked to the floor-to-ceiling mirror in the next room, and found that his face was clean, nothing was wrong, but his eyes were a little red.

Yao Ye went to wash his face and felt better. It was probably a pollen allergy. The roses in the yard were blooming recently.

Kanda Reina likes these flashy things the most, and the ancient fusang-style flowing water yard is full of flowers.

Yao Ye looked at the vase arrangement on the shelf, and was a little dazed.

Da Da -

A pair of clogs wearing white socks passed through the gap of the paper sliding door, walking in a hurry.

! ! !

Yao Ye was startled, he came back to his senses and looked in the direction from which the voice came from just now.

Behind a white checkered paper door, a familiar figure flashed past.

Yao Ye opened his eyes wide, took a few steps back, and fell on the tatami on the ground.

Do you have a dream day and night?

Or hallucinations?

Yao Ye cautiously leaned over and climbed over, gently pushing open a gap.

Outside the paper sliding door, there was no one in the corridor with the wooden floor.

Yao Ye breathed a sigh of relief, and felt a little embarrassed for being so cowardly, so he prepared to stand up from the ground.

However, the next second, he stopped in horror.

Because, there is a touch of cold touch around his ankle.

Stabbed -


Yao Ye was dragged back by an invisible force, he struggled with all his might, but to no avail, he exclaimed subconsciously.

"No! Ahhh!!"

What the hell!

Yao Ye's face was pale, and he was dragged into the next room. The paper sliding door slammed shut, leaving no gap.

The night became darker and darker. In the courtyard of the ancient house, the flowers closed their petals shyly, the branches of the flowers touched the hearts of the flowers, the cold wind stroked, and the flowers fell to the ground overwhelmed. reverberates everywhere.

The moonlight was obscured by dark clouds, and the night was as cool as water.

The next day, Yao Ye woke up from a dream with dark circles under his eyes.

He sat up and stared blankly at the wound on his arm. The bandage was torn and the wound was licked clean.

Pulled the quilt, there was rarely any blood.

After Yao Ye was stunned for a moment, his body began to tremble. He covered his face, and his thin waist was bent, trembling like an unbearable flower branch.

That ghastly white figure with a blurry face last night really scared him.

Not Rena, definitely not.

It's a dream, it must be a dream.

All of this was caused by his sleepwalking.

There is no blood, it must be a dream!

But how could he have such a dream?

Yao Ye held on to the sheet ashamedly, frowned resentfully, no longer his usual cold and cold appearance.

It's all, Shendu Rena's fault, he is sick now, and was tortured by Shendu Rena until he fell ill.

Yao Ye took a deep breath, his brain automatically deleted the content that was too stimulating, and automatically came up with a more reassuring answer.

In order to increase his credibility, he took the best bunches of roses that Kanda Rena liked during his lifetime, and tore them into pieces.

"It's a dream, it's not a dream... It's not a dream." Yao Ye squinted, looked at the rose in his hand, crushed it into pieces, and replaced it with another.

"It's a dream... It's not a dream, it's a dream." The

petals fell, and Yao Ye put away the flower branch with satisfaction.

It was indeed a dream.

The invisible ghost knelt aside, watching his lover crush the flowers he had carefully cultivated, keeping silent.

It held its face in one hand, looked at its lover's face fascinatedly, its still bleeding lips twitched, and smiled a little nympho.

Yaojun, really looks like a child... so cute~

The crushed roses kept a more silent appearance and were swept into the trash can.


Yao Ye went to the bathroom to take a shower. He felt that the bathroom was a little cold today, so he came out after hastily washed it.

He had nothing to do and started wandering around the house. Before, he had been trapped by Rena, and he rarely had such a free moment, so he let go of running around, tumbling around.

The ghost figure who had been following him smiled, his pale ankles floating in the air, extremely scary.

Jun Yao, it's so cute~

Every time Yao Ye makes an action, he will mutter to himself in his heart like an idiot.

Pata -

While rummaging through Reina's study, a diary fell off the shelf.


Yao Ye looked at this unfamiliar notebook, bent down and picked it up.

[October 2, Qing

went to the class reunion today and saw Tian Teng-jun, heh, he is still so ugly, he dares to call himself my first love...]

Yao Ye: "..."

Yao Ye only saw two first loves Character.

boom! ! !

"Scumbag! You really cheated!"

Yao Ye smashed the diary on the side of the paper door, his cheeks flushed with anger.

Ghost Shadow: "..."

Lord Yao, but... cute.

The author has something to say: Seeking nutrient solution qaq 嘤嘤嘤