Chapter 111 8.2 Strange Neighbors

In the morning, Yao Ye woke up very early.

He didn't sleep well, and had nightmares all night. Although he couldn't remember what the dream was when he woke up, he always felt very depressed.

"Uh..." Yao Ye sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed the back of his stiff neck.

Actually fell asleep.

Yao Ye sighed in unfortunate self-confidence.

Recently, it's really unfortunate, it's a stalker, and it's a hallucination.

Work is also very unsatisfactory. The newly-arrived related households are always looking for trouble for him, and a lot of documents are thrown to him to deal with, so that he didn't get off work until twelve o'clock last night.

Yao Ye frowned, a little irritable.

As a regular office worker, this kind of emotion is common, and sometimes it even makes Yao Ye feel that he will go crazy if he goes on like this.

But in order to survive, there is no way, even such a bad day has to go on step by step.

Yao Ye took a bottle of milk from the refrigerator and warmed it up a little after taking a brief shower.


The bread in the bread machine was also hot, Yao Ye picked up the bread, and his eyes fell to the pool not far from the bread machine.

The place where I had hallucinations last night.

Yao Ye froze for a moment, but avoided the pool.

Although it is a hallucination, the hallucination is also very scary, and it will be bad if the hallucination happens again.

Yao Ye felt that he was not ready to face it again, and secretly made up his mind to go to the hospital to get medicine today, maybe he would get better after taking the medicine.

After quickly finishing the breakfast, Yao Ye glanced at the time. It was almost eight o'clock. He went to work at nine o'clock and had to catch the subway. If he didn't leave, he would be late.

Before leaving, Yao Ye stood in front of the mirror in the entrance and sorted out his bow tie.


The slender white fingers passed through the dark and simple tie, and dexterously tied a knot under the collar, tightened it, and closed it.

Yao Ye raised his head in satisfaction and smiled at himself in the mirror.

The black-haired youth in the mirror has red lips and white teeth. The unique genes of the Central Continent blood make his face young and fair, which is different from the deep facial features of country A but it is easy to show old age. Children out of school are clean and beautiful.

The suit that is neat and without a single fold fits snugly on the black-haired youth's slender waistline. The line of the back extends a moving arc from the thin and white neck. It is thin and yet beautiful, with a kind of rigor that is unique to white-collar workers. A sense of abstinence.

The dark green eyeballs hidden in the shoe cabinet greedily wandered around the beautiful waist of the young man, fascinated.

So beautiful... dear... hee hee... today is still beautiful~

Let's go to work~ Don't be afraid, I will always be by your side~

Yao Ye picked up the briefcase at hand, and finally lowered his head to straighten the folds on his chest , his eyes inadvertently meet the other eye in the mirror.

An unfamiliar and familiar eye.

! ! !


Yao Ye took a deep breath and turned quickly to look at the place where the eye just now was - the shoe cabinet.


What... what happened just now?

Is it a hallucination again?

The shoe cabinet is so small, how could there be a person hiding in it?

Don't be kidding...

Yao Ye stuck to the mirror in a trance and panic, and his pale complexion became even more pale and pitiful.

He approached the shoe cabinet with difficulty and opened the door of the shoe cabinet tremblingly.

After the cabinet door was opened, there were only a few pairs of shoes that Yao Ye had sorted out, and there was nothing abnormal.

Yao Ye took out his shoes one by one uneasy, and finally looked at the empty shoe cabinet and breathed a sigh of relief.

It's definitely an illusion.

It seems that the symptoms are getting worse and worse, and it is necessary to take a leave to prescribe medicine.

Yao Ye weakly closed the door of the shoe cabinet and called his boss to ask for leave.

This kind of disease that there are strange things everywhere, I'm afraid it will be more serious if I drag it on.

Only one person died suddenly in the company last month, and he didn't want to be the second one.

Better to see a doctor as soon as possible.

The phone got through quickly, and the boss of Mediterranean Sea was in a bad tone and reprimanded Yao Ye for asking for leave without authorization.

In this country with strong racism, outsiders like Yao Ye are very unwelcome, and it would be a sin to ask for a leave.

Yao Ye endured his irritable anger, nodded his head and asked for leave. He finally asked for a half-day vacation and deducted his performance for the month.

"..." Yao Ye hung up the phone and let out a gloomy breath.

"Thousands of knives... X!"

Yao Ye cursed the middle-aged old man with all the vicious words he could think of, wishing him to die on the spot.

Hiss -

in the dark place that Yao Ye didn't notice, in the cracks in the ceiling, dark green eyes stared at the thin red on his face from anger, fascinated by his lover's rare emotional outburst. .

Ah~ so cute~ my dear is so angry, it seems that I am really pissed off. Hee hee hee~

It's okay~ Immediately, the person who made my dear angry will disappear, don't be afraid~

Yao Ye is already used to the boss's behavior Oppressed, he calmed down after scolding for a while, tore off the tie that was tight around his neck, changed into casual clothes, and went out with the necessary documents, preparing to go to the hospital to see a doctor.

He usually goes to regular medical examinations, so he is very familiar with the process of seeing a doctor, and he has all the required documents.

In this warm and cold society, only his own body can be trusted. Yao Ye didn't want to die quietly in this exotic metropolis one day.

That's too bad, even a social animal who follows the crowd doesn't want to be reduced to this level.

Pa-da -

just after closing the door, Yao Ye heard the sound of opening the door next to him.


Yao Ye looked over subconsciously, and a beautiful and profound young face came into view.

Yao Ye froze for a moment, then smiled and said hello.

"Hey! Good morning."

"Good morning~" The

black hair lay on the top of the boy's docile head. He looked at Yao Ye and laughed, his milk-colored cheek skin was flawless, just like in Western murals angel.

Yao Ye wanted to leave after saying hello. Although he liked the child's face, he still couldn't interact with people too much, and he always felt embarrassed.

"Ah, please wait a minute, Mr. Yao."

The young man behind him stopped Yao Ye, Yao Ye paused, and looked at the wheelchair young man behind him in confusion.

"Your wallet fell." The

boy stretched out his hand, revealing the leather wallet in Bai Nen's palm.

Yao Ye was stunned for a moment, and quickly looked at the wallet in his pocket, and sure enough, it was gone.

"Thank you, uh, Ellen."

Yao Ye approached the boy with a smirk, stretched out his hand and took the wallet from Ellen's hand.

It's really embarrassing. I was in a hurry to leave just now, but I had to pick up my wallet and return it to me.

Yao Ye was embarrassed that he was about to commit cancer, so he didn't dare to raise his head.

The young man named Ellen felt the warm fingers of a living person running across the palm of his hand, and his long eyelashes trembled slightly.

He raised his head and looked at the embarrassed young man in front of him with a sweet smile.

"You're welcome, next time you have time, Mr. Yao can come to me at any time. I really want to be friends with Mr. Yao!"

"...Uh, okay, okay."

Yao Ye inadvertently met the boy's eyes , was stunned by those dark green eyes, and nodded with a strong smile.

Dark green... It's a coincidence, just like in the hallucination just now.

Although he knew that the young man in front of him should be innocent, Yao Ye, who had experienced two frightening hallucinations, still didn't want to have too much contact with the young man, and there was always a subtle sense of unease in his heart.

He said goodbye hastily and walked towards the elevator.

Behind him, Ellen sat in a wheelchair and watched Yao Ye leave gently.

Yao Ye could still see Ellen's gaze from standing in the elevator. He avoided that line of sight, pretended not to see it, and glanced at the wall in the elevator.

It's really strange. Yesterday, I thought that these eyes were very beautiful and I wanted to be close, but after being frightened by the hallucination today, the intimacy disappeared, and instead, there was a sense of rejection in the face of danger.

Yao Ye couldn't understand what was going on with his feelings, but he chose to trust his intuition.

Anyway, it is a social fear, it is better not to get too close to people.

Yao Ye sighed and leaned wearily in the corner of the elevator, putting aside the idea of ​​wanting to get close to this neighbor boy last night.

It's already tiring to engage in intriguing colleagues in the company. Don't think about it when you go home. Although he is disabled, he is at least a local. He is much better than a Central Continent who can only stay on a work visa. Go to him to care about people.

Work for a few more years, save more money, double the money you earn from studying abroad, and then you can go home.

At that time, I can comfortably buy a few houses in my hometown, marry a virtuous wife, and live a happy life.

Thinking of the good days in the future, Yao Ye finally regained some energy. He regained his energy, rubbed his aching neck, and walked out of the elevator.

Ding dong—

the elevator door behind him slowly closed, and the elevator door was so clean that it could reveal a human figure, reflecting a vague ghost image wrapped around the black-haired youth.

After Yao Ye left the apartment, he took the bus to the hospital.

The doctor at the hospital didn't find any major problems, but said that he had been under a bit of work pressure recently, so he had hallucinations, and it was best to rest for a while.

Yao Ye smiled bitterly. He had to pay the rent for the house every month, and he had to save money to go home to buy a house. How could he have the capital to rest.

However, there is no need to tell the doctor this kind of thing. Yao Ye took the drug prescribed by the doctor to relieve stress and walked out of the consultation room, holding the bill after the checkout, his face aching.

With just a few bottles of medicine, half a month's salary is gone, which is very expensive.

Yao Ye was sitting in a dejected public seat outside the hospital, struggling with the money he could have left over this month.


after a long time, Yao Ye took a few deep breaths and silently advised himself not to care too much about money, life was more important, so he didn't continue to struggle.

"..." Yao Ye sat on a chair and looked at the surrounding lawn.

Many families in country A took advantage of the sunny weather to go out for a picnic in the spring. The children laughed and laughed, which formed a sharp contrast to the loneliness around him.


A ball hit the leg of the chair at Yao Ye's feet, bounced at his feet, and rolled under his eyelids.

Yao Ye raised his eyes and saw a blond child running over, timidly looking at the ball under his feet.

Yao Ye smiled, picked up the ball and handed it to the child.

So cute, will his future children be so cute?

However, to his surprise, the child did not accept the begging, but stared straight at him with a pair of dark green eyes.

Yao Ye's smile froze on his face, showing a strange look.

This kid's eyes are so scary, they don't blink, and the color is very strange.

"Hee hee...Brother, you look so lonely, it's alright, I will accompany you." The

child's golden hair was scattered between his brows, and there was a shadow over his tender facial features, which looked extremely gloomy.

Yao Ye's pupils shrank, and he felt cold all over for some reason.


Yao Ye asked subconsciously, and the hand holding the ball trembled.

The child holding the ball looked at the big brother in front of him timidly with a pair of innocent sky-blue eyes.

Eye color changed.

A cold sweat fell on Yao Ye's forehead.

Another hallucination?

This disease is really getting worse.

The blond child ran away when he saw that Yao Ye didn't speak.

Yao Ye wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, feeling a chill attacking his body.

He picked up the medicine he just bought, opened it directly, put it in his mouth and chewed it according to the doctor's orders, and didn't even drink water.

The bitter taste permeated the entire mouth, making Yao Ye awake a little bit. He leaned on the back of the chair as if in prostration, with the back of his hand on his forehead, praying that his hallucinations would get better soon.

Not far away, the blond child ran back to his mother.

Mom asked where he was.

The blond kid pointed timidly to the public seat in the back.

"There! The two big brothers are there!"

Mom looked over and saw a young man with delicate and beautiful features and a very exotic style sitting on a chair.

"Don't lie, there's only one big brother!"

"...No, I didn't lie! Mom, look! A green-eyed brother and a black-eyed brother are sitting there!"

Mom looked again Look, I still only see the young man with black eyes.

"The green-eyed brother came over, ah, he made a gesture, giggle, mom, what does this mean? Is the big brother saying hello?" The

blond child smiled and stroked his neck with his palms sideways.

Mom looked at the gesture, and suddenly seemed to understand something, her face turned pale.

"No, it's not interesting, let's go! Let's go!" The

mother took the child away in horror and quickly left.

Yao Ye didn't notice the accident not far away. He looked at the time displayed on his mobile phone and considered whether to go to the mall to buy some daily necessities.

It's been a long time since I went to the mall, so I could just take advantage of the time to buy something.

Yao Ye didn't notice that in the crevice of his neck, a green-eyed head was kissing his cheek sweetly, obsessed and sickly.

Now, no one bothers us~ Hee hee~ dear, you want to date too, so happy~

dear, let's be together forever~ we will all become very happy~