Chapter 113 8.4 Strange Neighbors

Yao Ye endured his unease and pushed open the door.

Everything is calm inside the door, the closed curtains, the dimly lit entrance and living room.

Yao Ye took a deep breath and walked into the room, looking frustrated.

Sure enough, it was a thief, but the little thief should have left.

Yao Ye's luckless idea was shattered when he saw the warm food on the table.


Yao Ye looked at the creamy soup and pasta on the table in shock, and the steaming dishes indicated that the person who made this delicious table may have just left the room.

Ordinary thieves will not leave a table of meals for the original owner, and can make these things leisurely in other people's homes, I am afraid that only perverts can do it.

And the pervert that has recently appeared in his life is only the guy who followed him in the middle of the night.

Pa-ta -

the key in Yao Ye's hand fell to the ground.

He looked around in horror, and felt that he had really had bad luck recently. He was still being followed at first, but should he touch his house now?

Yao Ye knew that some celebrities' illegitimate meals would spy on the celebrities' private lives because they were overly infatuated with the celebrities themselves, and even sneak into the celebrities' homes to do a lot of contemptible things.

This stalker behavior is outrageous.

Yao Ye never thought that one day he would also encounter such a dilemma.

He thought that the stalker wouldn't be able to get in, but he didn't expect to find a way to get in in just one day.

And obviously, the guy even knew exactly which room he lived in. God knows what the pervert did other than this table of food, maybe even put a few peeping cameras.


Yao Ye looked at the table, and after a moment of silence, he spit out a dirty word.

He was really fed up, his work was annoying enough, the hallucinations became more and more serious, he was about to die suddenly, and now he was bothered by a stalker to this point.

Yao Ye's breath was trembling, and he picked up the cup of creamy soup and was about to throw it into the trash can.

After just going out to buy something, the pervert actually prepared a table of dishes. When looking back, one day that guy doesn't like him, wouldn't he be able to stand in front of his bed with a knife in the middle of the night?

Just thinking about it makes me shudder.

These meals were simply provocations to him, Yao Ye seemed to be able to imagine the pervert laughing and laughing in the dark, mocking him for being unable to resist his intrusion.

So, absolutely can't eat it.

Yao Ye didn't have that big heart yet, he poured out the creamy soup with a gloomy face, and then prepared to continue pouring out the other meals.

Seeing his lover pouring out all the dishes in such anger, the ghost who was sitting at the dining table waiting for his lover to eat seemed a little helpless. He glanced sadly at his carefully prepared meals, and a trace of apology appeared on his pale face. .

It got up, hugged Yao Ye, caressed Yao Ye's cheek with its cold palm, and kissed his earlobe obsessively.

Ghost Shadow felt that the food he cooked must be bad, so my dear will be angry, then, please apologize, my dear will not mind this mistake, and it will be better in the future.

! ! !

Yao Ye was still looking for traces of stalkers in the room, but suddenly he felt a chill behind his ears, and a gloomy voice sounded beside his ears.

Yao Ye felt that he was going crazy, but he actually felt that someone was talking in his ear,

"Dear, don't you like this?"

"Dear, what do you like? Next time, I will do it~"

Ghost looks like a virtuous wife, looking forward to his lover's answer.

Is this sound a hallucination?

Or where is that stalker hiding?

Hearing the ghost shadow's questioning, Yao Ye's breath stagnated, shaking his hands, biting his knuckles, and he was in shock.

He opened his eyes wide, and his eyes wandered around the room, but to no avail, the eerie and terrifying voice still lingered beside him, like a maggot on the tarsus, which would not disperse.

"What... what's going on..."

Yao Ye was so frightened that the fright he received in the department store just now had not yet recovered, and now he was hit by a double crit, and he was about to collapse.

"The must be another hallucination!"


Yao Ye screamed while covering his ears, wanting his head to become normal and no longer have this kind of hallucination.

The ghost figure was still attached to his lover intimately, rubbing against Yao Ye's neck sweetly.

Ah, my dear is acting like a spoiled child again, so cute~

In order not to make my dear more troubled, I will stop talking for the time being~

The ghost figure saw his lover's thought that he didn't want to be disturbed, and he chose to stick it silently behind his lover's back. , did not speak any more.

The dim room returned to its former calm after a scream.

The sound disappeared.

Yao Ye waited for a while, making sure that he couldn't hear those voices before slowly letting go of his hand, and lay down on the single sofa in the living room in a daze.

Shrinking on the soft sofa, he wiped the sweat from his forehead as if in prostration.

"Really... those medicines are just deceiving people!" The

hallucinations aggravated after taking the medicine, but it's okay!

Quack doctor! Candid life!

Yao Ye silently complained about the medicine he was taking, and decided that he must go to another hospital next time, and he would never go to this one again!

After a while, Yao Ye got up and started to prepare his own lunch. It was already eleven o'clock. If he didn't cook, he would delay his work in the afternoon.

Usually, he bought the bento at the company and made do with it, but this time at home, he still didn't want to make too much effort, he just warmed up the hamburger he just bought in the mall, and warmed a glass of milk.

Sitting at the dining table and eating lunch, Yao Ye could still smell the ingredients that he had just dumped in his nose.

It's delicious, but it's a pervert.

Yao Ye ate his lunch numbly and thought about it.

It would be great if a girl did it, he would definitely not have a drop left, but unfortunately for more than 20 years of being single, no girl has ever taken a fancy to him.

It's incredible, obviously he's not bad, how can he only attract that pervert?

Thinking back to the dull days of the past twenty years, Yao Ye couldn't help but sigh, then returned to reality and continued to eat the hamburger in his mouth.

After eating lunch soon, Yao Ye put on a work suit, tied his bow tie, and prepared his briefcase.

Looking at the time, it was only twelve o'clock, and I started work at two o'clock in the afternoon.

Well, it looks like I should be able to take a nap and rest.

Yao Ye rubbed his brows and lay down on the single sofa tiredly. He didn't go back to the bedroom to rest. He planned to take a nap to relieve his tense nerves.

Today is really a lot of trouble. First, I saw a child hallucinating, and then I bumped into someone committing suicide. When I got home, there was a pervert who made a table of dishes to stimulate people.

God, when will his peaceful life return to normal...

Yao Ye was exhausted, curled up on the soft single sofa, he felt that the sofa was really comfortable, every arc fit his stiff limbs, let People are so comfortable that they want to groan.

Thinking of this, Yao Ye closed his eyes and raised the corners of his mouth, rubbing against the sofa under his cheeks.

This sofa was newly bought when he moved in a few days ago. He really bought it right. The high-end sofa is comfortable.

No one noticed that a vague human figure appeared inside the single-seat sofa, and the vaguely like arms slowly closed, hugging the living person on him.

The human figure hidden in the sofa intimately caressed every skin of the living person, and relieved his fatigue just right.


after a long time, the vibration and ringing of the mobile phone woke Yao Ye from his deep sleep.

He picked up the mobile phone in his pocket in a daze, and found that it was twelve forty and it was time to go to work.

"Hmm!" Rubbing his sleepy eyes, Yao Ye forced himself to wake up from the confusion just now and was much more awake.

Picking up the briefcase, Yao Ye sorted out the folds on his body and hurried out the door.

However, he forgot to close the door.

The wooden door was hidden, revealing the light outside.

Pattap -

the door that was not closed shut, and there was a soft sound in the silent room.

After arriving at the company, Yao Ye received a reprimand from his boss.

Yao Ye, who had asked for a morning off, was completely unforgivable with his boss, not doing his job properly.

Yao Ye stood in his boss's office with his head drooping, looking like he was very guilty, but his lowered face was full of disgust.

This old Mediterranean man is just jealous of the bright future of young people. He can't find endless troubles all day long, tsk, why not die!

Yao Ye cursed fiercely in his heart, but his cowardly nature still kept him silent, acting as a punching bag for his boss.

The ghost figure attached to Yao Ye's back stared at the human in front of him with dark green eyes without blinking, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, cold and terrifying.

This person is bullying my dear, don't be afraid~ It will disappear soon, dear~ The

Mediterranean boss scolded dryly, he took a sip of water, looked at the little staff in front of him with disdain, and waved his hand: " All right! Go out! Call your colleague over here!"

"Okay boss." Yao Ye replied meekly, his fingers curled up behind him and clasped together.

The Mediterranean boss was even more disdainful. He knew that this young man was bullying the soft and afraid of the hard. He would be itchy if he didn't teach him a lesson for a day. Well, he deserved to be mixed up in the company like this.

The boss in Mediterranean knew that this little employee named Yao Ye was cowardly and easy to bully. He was drinking water and thinking in his heart that if he was to be counted in the next layoff, he might not even have to pay the dismissal fee. little lover buys necklaces.

Yao Ye heard his boss's disdainful snort, and he was silent for a while, not knowing what his boss had in mind, but walked out of the office.

For work, he can endure all the humiliation. As long as he can make money, he can scold him if he wants to. He is used to it.

Yao Ye walked to the work station of colleague D and conveyed the news that his boss had called him over.

"Me?...Me?" Colleague D was a weaker guy than Yao Ye, and when he heard Yao Ye's words, he trembled and sweated profusely.


Yao Ye didn't know him well, so he just glanced at him blankly and turned back to his work place.

He has just been assigned a lot of work, and I'm afraid he will have to work overtime until twelve o'clock tonight, maybe one or two o'clock.

Sitting at the work station and typing for a while, Yao Ye picked up the water glass beside him to drink water, and just saw his colleague D walk out of the office covered in blood.


Yao Ye stared in surprise, choked on a mouthful of water, and coughed.

"Cough, cough, cough!!!"

In the space where Yao Ye was coughing to the core, the screams of colleagues also sounded one after another.


"What's wrong? The boss is dead! Ahhh! What are you doing!"

"Damn! A lot of blood! D killed! Ahhh!!!"

Colleague D's face was covered in blood, His expression was stunned, and he was holding a blood-stained ashtray in his hand.

Everyone around looked at Colleague D in horror. Colleague D suddenly laughed like a madman and shouted loudly: "He deserves it! He wants to quit me! He deserves it! Go to hell! I've had enough!!!"

After speaking, Colleague D laughed and ran out of the workshop. Everyone hurriedly followed him out. The one who called the police called the police, and the one who called an ambulance called an ambulance.

No one noticed that the black mist on Colleague D's body slowly dissipated, and those resentments that could magnify a person's ** several times dissipated in the air.

Yao Ye stared blankly at this farce, and the water glass in his hand almost fell.

He got up and walked to the door of the office crowded with people. He saw a corpse with its intestines torn out lying in front of the desk, its head was smashed into a big hole, and the twisted shape made people have to believe that this person of death.

The clean black tile floor was stained by the blood and internal organs gushing out of the broken flesh and blood. The cigar in the hand of the Mediterranean boss was still lit with unextinguished sparks, and it was slowly extinguished after being soaked in blood.


The guy who was still alive a second ago and reprimanded him for such a tragic death really made people feel...

extremely happy.

Yao Ye covered his mouth, his beautiful black eyes trembled slightly, and seemed shocked, but his lips covered by his fingers were lifted up excitedly, and his teeth were clenched tightly to prevent the smile between his teeth from attracting attention.

Yao Ye's bad mood today was swept away.

The fact that this damn boss is really dead makes Yao Ye feel extremely comfortable.

——Hee hee hee~ I'm so happy dear~ Then, will there be a reward? dear~

Ghost Shadow sensed his lover's joy, kissed his lover's cheek happily, and happily tightened the pale arm that was wrapped around his lover's waist.

A strange and gloomy voice came from his ears again, Yao Ye was startled, looked around, and found that no one was looking at him, and no one was talking to him around.


Yao Ye became melancholy after being frightened for a moment.

He avoided the surrounding colleagues, hid in the bathroom, bowed his head and frowned.

I have hallucinations again, what should I do, and how can I make money if I go on like this, I will be wiped out by expensive medical expenses.

Miser Yao Ye thought so.