Chapter 119 8.10 Strange Neighbors

Darling has been silent.

Ellen looked at her petite lover in distress, stretched out her hand, and wrapped her arms around her lover's waist.

Because I don't want this other person's body to get close to my lover, I just put it on it, and put my dead blue-white ghost hand on my lover's waist, just borrowing the perception of this body, let the limbs connect The touch is more real.

Looking at the silent lover, his lips were close to his lover's white and tender auricle.

"Why don't you talk?"

The tall blond man leaned down and whispered in his ear, like a murderous madman whispering in his ear.

A little sweat broke out from the tip of Yao Ye's nose, and he replied tremblingly, "...Uh, what a coincidence, you also take the subway..."

This bastard is definitely here to block people!

Yao Ye knew very well how rich Alexander's family was. He heard that he had a close relationship with the upper management of the company. He would not be reduced to the level of crowding the subway if he changed the luxury car.

So it's only possible that he's here because of him.

'Alexander' stared at Yao Ye with his inorganic eyes for a while, then tilted his head and said, "Do you like it?"

It came at this time, my dear must be very moved~

Yao Ye automatically put the " Do you like it?" It became "Do you like me stalking you?"

He was silent for a while, and said dryly: "Haha, the boss is really joking."

Perverted... more perverted than the stalker before...

Yao Ye's palms were sweating, Be silent.

Speaking of which, the previous stalker didn't seem to show up yesterday, and he didn't even cook breakfast. Could it be that he was taken away by this guy Alexander?

Yao Ye didn't know.

He only knew that Alexander was nothing at this time, and it was terrible to pretend that nothing happened yesterday.


Just when Yao Ye was confused and didn't know what to do, he finally felt an extra hand on his waist.

He froze in horror, and when he looked down, it really belonged to Alexander.

Yao Ye's hand holding the briefcase was slightly tight, he raised his head stiffly, and looked at Alexander.

'Alexander' blinked innocently, the corners of his mouth were slightly hooked, his large and generous hands were still around Yao Ye's slender waist, but in order to prevent this body from really touching his lover, he replaced it with his own real hands.

A pair of pale ghost palms stuck to Yao Ye's waist under the cover of the living palms.

If Yao Ye observed carefully at this time, he might have been horrified to find out who the hands on his waist really belonged to.

Are you shy dear?

It doesn't matter, we are a couple anyway, and it doesn't matter if we are close at all~

Ellen rubs her lover's head with her chin happily.

The lover's pale face that was about to faint was regarded as shy and helpless.

Sexual harassment in the workplace! ! !

Yao Ye's face was pale and his breathing was short.

He originally thought that this guy just wanted to kill people to vent his anger, but he didn't expect that he might have to accept an unspoken rule before he died.

Is there something wrong with Alexander's head?

Although there was no news of having a girlfriend before, I heard that there are many ambiguous objects!

Why is it so good all of a sudden?

The big hand on the waist was placed on it in a regular manner without touching it, but the sense of presence was still too strong.

Yao Ye didn't dare to act rashly out of fear of Alexander's force, so he could only accept this kind of harassment with a stiff body.

Dozens of ways to kill quickly ran through his mind, but they were all suppressed.

He still has to work, and he must not go to jail for this damn guy and ruin his life.

Yesterday's push was too much, and coming again today would probably completely arouse Alexander's anger, which would only do him harm and no good, so Yao Ye chose to continue to endure.

For social animals, patience is an innate talent, and he is full of talent anyway.

Don't you just touch a small waist? It's all men who are afraid of something. As long as the boss can calm down and not kill, he can endure it!

So Yao Ye gritted his teeth and kept quiet.

'Alexander' felt the lover in his arms quiet down and put his other hand on it contentedly.

It's all played like this on TV, too shy lovers are too embarrassed to be too intimate in public.

'Alexander' thinks his shy lover is really cute.

Yao Ye's face darkened as he endured 'Alexander''s progress.

What is there to touch a man's waist, this pervert!

Ding -

After a long while, the subway finally arrived at the station, Yao Ye couldn't wait to follow the crowd and rushed out of the subway door, and 'Alexander' behind him finally let go.

Just as Yao Ye wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, he found that 'Alexander' stretched out his hand and took his left hand.

! ! !

Yao Ye's face collapsed.

groove! so gay!

Yao Ye seemed to feel that the office workers around him were casting strange glances at the two of them, and his hair immediately stood on end.

"Boss, what, it's almost time for the company..." Pay attention to the impact! x's!

'Alexander' didn't speak, his fingers spread out, clasping Yao Ye's fingers, but he was more forceful.

Yao Ye: "..." This guy doesn't understand human language.

Yao Ye started to vomit again.

Yao Ye, whose palms were sweating, touched the palms of 'Alexander'. The palm of the other's palm was cold to the point of strangeness, but the feeling of rubbing against each other was sticky and disgusting.

Yao Ye hated this kind of excessive intimacy, so he walked with 'Alexander' for a while with a blank expression on his face, and finally he couldn't bear to let go of that hand.

"Let go! Let go!"

Yao Ye noticed that there was a company not far away, and if he didn't let go of his famous name, he would really be finished, so he began to shake his hand viciously.

In the process of throwing his hands, Yao Ye vaguely saw a bluish white, he blinked, the bluish white disappeared again, Yao Ye, who thought he had been frightened and hallucinated, collapsed even more, and he struggled harder and harder. .

'Alexander' frowned hurt and slowly let go of his lover looking so bored.

My dear is so indifferent recently, obviously they already love each other deeply...

Yao Ye didn't care what strange things 'Alexander' was thinking about, and immediately ran to the company after he regained his freedom, and he ran there in a short while. In front of the elevator, anxiously waiting for the elevator door to open.

The elevator door opened quickly, Yao Ye was afraid that 'Alexander' would catch up and do some disgusting things that made people feel uneasy, so he squeezed in immediately, and then looked at 'Alexander' who had just entered the company lobby, and heaved a sigh of relief.

call! Escaped.

After getting out of the elevator, Yao Ye was sitting at his work station, and only then did he realize that he was sweating all over, completely frightened.

It's all the fault of Alexander's brainless thing!

Yao Ye frowned in anger, panting.

Just when Yao Ye was cursing fiercely in his heart, an uninvited guest came to his work place.

"Hey! Dear Yao! You seem to have left a lot of work yesterday! Here it is! It's yours! Hurry up and finish it, it will be handed in before ten noon!"

Colleague Bob smiled and handed it to Yao Ye A large stack of documents.

Seeing this, Yao Ye looked slightly startled: "Ah? Mine? But I already..." All was done.

"Tsk tsk tsk! Dear Yao, we young people need to be flexible in doing things, you know? That's what Jessica asked for. Yesterday you refused, and today it will be doubled!" Bob interrupted Yao Ye 's defense, smiling with malicious sarcasm.

Facing the schadenfreude in Bob's eyes, Yao Ye pursed his lips, remembering that he had rejected the old woman's request from Jessica when he was too flustered yesterday.

Really, this old woman is too vengeful! My heart is smaller than the tip of a needle, and I can't wait to have a seizure after only one night!

Yao Ye took a deep breath, knowing that if he refused this time, he would only usher in more and more arduous work, so he could only stretch out his hand with difficulty to pick up the stack of documents.

"Got it, I'll finish it..." Who can finish this! Before ten o'clock! Barely before ten o'clock at night!

Yao Ye felt the weight of the palm of his hand and the dense text data on the document, his face was gloomy.

Seeing Yao Ye's ugly face, Bob smiled greasy.

He just likes to watch this Chinese-American little white face shriveled. Although his education is higher than his own, he doesn't have to struggle to survive at the bottom of the company like him, which is really pleasing.

Yao Ye saw Bob's twisted psychology, but he couldn't do anything. As an ordinary employee, he had to endure being bullied in the workplace. Who made him useless.

Thinking like this, Yao Ye's face became more and more gloomy. Since these days, everything has been going badly.

It's all the perverts' fault, whether it's the previous one or the current Alexander! Why don't you all die!

he x's!

boom! ! !

Everything happened in an instant, Bob's wrist was suddenly twisted into a twisted angle, and the documents were scattered all over the place.

"Ahhhh!!!" Bob screamed in pain, tears and snot rushing out.

Before Yao Ye could react, he still kept his hand in the gesture of receiving the document, staring blankly at the ugly Bob in front of him.

"It hurts!!! Let it go!! Ahhhh!"

Yao Ye took a while to react, looking up at the initiator.

I saw a slender and broad hand tightly pinching Bob's wrist bone, looking up along the muscular forearm, a handsome and deep face came into their eyes.

It's 'Alexander'.

"Boss?" Yao Ye and Bob were shocked in unison.

No one thought that the boss who was supposed to be sitting in the office blowing the air conditioner would come here and screw people's bones so ruthlessly.

'Alexander' pinched Bob's wrist expressionlessly, twisting it into a shuddering angle.

"Do your own work."

'Alexander''s magnetic voice was so cold that it was slag. Bob nodded again and again in horror. The severe pain in his wrist made him cry for his father and mother, and he almost knelt down and begged for mercy.

"I know, I know, woo woo! Boss, please forgive me! I will never dare again! Woo woo—" With

a click, Bob's wrist was completely twisted, and he almost fainted in pain,' Alexander' uninterestingly let go of his hand.

Holding this disgusting guy makes it feel uncomfortable, tsk, such an ugly soul, why don't you commit suicide?

It simply pollutes the air around my dear.

'Alexander' looked at Bob with the eyes of a dead man, his eyes cold as if he could freeze a person into ice cubes.

Bob's facial features were twisted in pain, and at the same time, he was frightened by the look of his boss. He didn't dare to be presumptuous in front of his boss. He curled up his injured hand to pick up the documents on the ground, and ran away whimpering.

After Bob left, 'Alexander' took a deep look at Yao Ye, and then returned to the office.

Only Yao Ye was left sitting at the work station with a blank expression on his face.

Yao Ye stared blankly at the back of 'Alexander' leaving, and a terrible guess came up in his heart.

'Alexander' was not venting his anger just now, was it?

Impossible... Is that guy playing for real?

Yao Ye didn't dare to think about it any more, he came back to his senses, put away this terrible guess in his mind, and suddenly felt that the surrounding atmosphere was not quite right.

He looked around, only to find that the colleagues around him were quietly peeking at him, with strange expressions.

Yao Ye swept around sharply, and then his colleagues calmly retracted their gazes.

But Yao Ye knows that the most gossip colleagues in private are definitely discussing in their own small groups. They are the most enthusiastic about gossip and can arrange anyone's scandals, only they don't think about it, nothing they dare not think about. .

From Alexander's abnormal behavior just now, he must have seen something! Otherwise, who would look at him with such weird eyes...

What would they discuss?

Yao Ye didn't dare to think about those filthy and dirty imaginations.


Sitting on the seat, Yao Ye bowed his head in pain, feeling that he was already ruined.

In the office, Ellen, who watched her lover through the crack of the door, smiled sweetly.

Honey, don't be too moved~ It's okay~ Because it's my dear~ So, it should be done... Ah, my dear will definitely give you a reward tonight, right?

At the work station, Yao Ye fought a cold war for unknown reasons.

He felt that this group of unscrupulous colleagues must be arranging something, so it became more painful.

How to do? Alexander, this bastard, is it possible that he wants to let him die socially? And then find a chance to end his life completely while he's isolated?

No, no, this is too much trouble. If you want to kill you can kill at any time, it is too much to go around in circles... After

thinking about it, Yao Ye also started to feel confused. He didn't understand what this guy wanted to kill. He still misses him.

If you really want to be sexually harassed in the workplace, it's not unbearable, but if you want to kill someone after sexual harassment, then it's over.

Yao Ye's worried hair fell out several times.

The author has something to say: I'm sorry that the previous description made the little angels a little unhappy qaq has been revised, and the body will be changed in the next chapter, I'm really sorry.