Battle for house

It was almost mid-day and the sun was almost on my head.

The shade from the large trees didn't let much sunlight pass but I could feel the harsh rays of the sun on my eyes. It took me a long time but I was able to find a good-looking place.


There was only one problem with this.

It was a small cave of a [Flame poison spider].

A purple-orange-colored giant spider with long white fangs.

Purple acid was dripping from its mouth wherever it walked.

It was an (Orange) ranked energy beast with lethal poison and fire attribute skills.

I didn't want to go anywhere else and this was the best place I would get here.

I could close the entrance totally at night so I would be safe here.

And luckily this spider was living here by itself.

'But, it's still impossible to kill this by normal means. I had to do thorough preparation if I wanted to take it down while being safe.'

Fighting a much stronger opponent was something I strictly wanted to avoid at all costs.