
(Ice mirror)

A mirror of ice appeared on the ground and I looked down at myself.

My short golden-blond hair was now jet black and my eyes were now obsidian black.

Looking at myself in the mirror, I nodded with a bright smile.

This was perfect.

"I don't feel it's taking any concentration or Mana at all," I said, looking at Celes, who was dancing before me.

[{ The master is strong! }]

She cheerfully shouted and circled me.

"I'm not. You might have seen many more strong beasts in this jungle than me.

You know I'm nothing compared to them..."

Not being discouraged by my own words, I smiled as I said that.

It tickled my inside to hear that I was strong from her, but it was still true that I was nothing compared to mother snake, that eagle, or that son of a boar.

But she shook her wings in denial.

[{ No! Master is stronger than them, mentally! I know this is a simple use of the but not even they can stay in a changed form much longer if they use my skill!