Unlucky duck

After spending the night recovering from the fight, I came out as soon as sunlight passed through the narrow cracks of the door.

The ground was a bit dark, unlike previous times when everything was cleaned up after a fight.

I knew this was going to be like this because the ghost was just a pack of energy that didn't have any actual mass.

Looking at the spot where the ghost 'died', I spotted something shining in the early sunlight.

A small smirk spread out on my face as many great thoughts passed through my mind.

As the ghosts were just pure masses of energy, the chances of getting a core were the highest of them.

I had some hope that it would be here, and I was lucky this time.

Walking closer to a somewhat black area, I picked up the small round orb.

It was smaller than the demon's core, but the energy inside them was the same.

It was a core from the ghost, almost at the strength of a (Yellow) ranked beast.

This core was small enough to stay in my feast.