Ancient Willow (3)

[{ Good. Now, child. I do not have anything more to say. If you want, you can rest here for the day. }]

The willow tree offered with a warm voice but, I had to decline this offer.

"No. I can't waste any time now that I know where I have to go. But..." I hesitated for a moment and after gulping a mouthful of saliva, I continued.

"Now that I have received the fruit... I know it's rude but, can I have the nectar, flowers, and that soul drop thing if you possibly have it?"

I scratched my head, but then I heard a burst of quiet laughter from behind me.

{ "You sure are something, little monkey. Even after receiving the greatest gift from my master, you ask for small things like them?" }

Ace, the black panther that was quite far away from the start, walked close and laid down before the tree.

[{ Hohoho. Ace, this is indeed surprising to me, too. }]

This would indeed be surprising to hear, but then again, I should get whatever I can.

And I knew the willow tree won't deny it.