Fallen (2)


The thing before me was not a lowly slime anymore... not that it was ever since I laid my eyes on that gruesome pool of blood.

It was confirmed.

I was magnificently coursed.

The creature that had a jelly-like blood red membrane around a bone skeleton was now fully something that I can call a demonic beast.

Its size had reduced, and it now had a body of black, white, and red flesh.

This thing was something like the carnage.

The big white thing that looked like eyes were covering half of its face.

The long, sharp, endless teeth in his mouth and that long tongue... this was no slime.

But they were definitely smiling... a delighted, mindless smirk would be more appropriate.


If not for being calm and thinking straight, I might have already thrown up just from looking at that disgusting thing.

It has shrunk down but now, there was something of big muscles on his body, that might be something that he threw this blade with.