
"Me?" she asked as if this was a troublesome question to answer.

We had set here and chatted for quite a long time.

She was the third person I had told about myself and almost all the things that had happened to me.

Strangely, she was the first lady to have heard my story.

When compared, Celes was the same age as I was, and Fern was younger despite her hundred years of life.

Oh... Celes…

[{ Mastaaaaaaaaaar!! M-master~ }]

She was still sad I locked her in that mark.

I knew just how difficult it would be to sit back and just feel the eternal pain I was going through.

She couldn't even see what was hurting me so much and had no choice but to do the helpless praying.

It was sad, and I was angry at myself for making her feel such things.

She couldn't shed tears but she could cry, grumble and mourn for the things that happened to me so I left her on my head so that she could continue her eternal melody of woe.