Cheerful butterfly

Hmmm~ hmm~

Riding on the winds, flipping my beautiful wings, I strolled the new forest master, sister Zoe, and I were thrown to.

Master was worried about this new person that used magic and a powerful weapon and killed many creatures in this weak forest.

And even though I had said countless times that I was now stronger, he would still worry over nothing~!


Master did believe that I was strong but, he worried a lot.

He worries a lot, and he worries a lot, lot, lot.

Even if we were against some little bunny or powerful dogs, he worries a lot.

He thinks too deeply about situations like this but, I couldn't blame him.

I knew about his past after he told me and after knowing those heartbreaking things, I could finally feel what that emptiness, coldness, and darkness deep inside him were.

But all that was towards others of his own kind.