Her problem my solution

She was seriously serious.

I could feel the desperate need in her eyes and this was the most sincere I had seen her today.

I didn't know what someone from a core duke's house was doing here, but whatever it was; I don't know why, but I wanted to just help her.

If it was within my power, that is.

Looking straight into her beautiful eyes, I nodded.

"If I can, I will be happy to help you however I can. But..." There was also something I wanted from her.

It was simple actually, so I knew she will be happy to do it.

"I was away from my family for a long time, you know that, right? 

Practically, we don't know a thing about the capital or even the main city here. 

Will you... escort us to the capital if you have time?"

A bright smile covered her face on these words, and she nodded happily.

"Of course~! It would be my pleasure to escort a hero~!"