Her shock...

"You are Hexa-elemental?!!" 

-Ba-dum. Ba-dum. 

My heart suddenly started beating wildly as I looked at Eon with horrified eyes.

A cold sweat ran down my back, fear surged throughout my soul, and my loud voice surprised everyone present.

'No. no way. If it's true... then. No!'

It can't be possible.

Being a Hexa-elemental mage was practically a curse!

Those who had an affinity with all of the basic elements are practically destined to die.

Which mean...

No. He can not die... I don't know why but, he can't!

Even though I knew this reaction was too much, those words seriously horrified me.

I was standing without knowing, my eyes fixed on Eon and nothing else.

I didn't know what was suddenly happening to me, but I knew one thing... I didn't want this person to go away.
