It 'was' a good morning

Grandpa Zhen had shown up out of nowhere when our talk was nearing the end and informed us of breakfast and quickly vanished, leaving us alone in peace.

Then we finished the long chat, and she knew I now know about her more than she wanted me to know, and even after knowing I know those things, she didn't know just how the hell she ended up telling me that.

And for this act of utter one-sided info 'sharing', she actually threw me from the roof.

And that could have been painful... yes, it could have been.

But thankfully, I had anticipated something like that, so I adjusted my falling path and ended up on a tree.

But… things didn't end there. She used her 'chains'.

Those dark chains... that was a really powerful ability.

It was so powerful even when I tried using Solnova, there was no effect. As if it not only restricted my movements but also the whole energy flow in the surroundings, those dark chains remained unmoving.