The test

Back in the underground training ground that was repaired overnight and even fortified even further, we stood on the ground and the families were on the stands like last night.

I was the only one with the headmaster in the arena, and even grandpa Zhen was on the pavilion with my family this time.

Aside from them, this place was empty and just like yesterday, there were countless barriers covering this stage.

But, this time, there was something different aside from the increased number of barriers.

A pure white barrier covered the stage, and this barrier was something I had only seen in books before.

(Protection of white light), a (tier-8) defensive barrier of the light attribute. And as its name suggested, it was a barrier of white light.

And he was the one to set it, so, the thought I had that things can't be as bad as my grandma, was crushed to pieces.