
This creature was small, cute, had four tiny pows, a somewhat translucent fluid green body with white stripes, and golden eyes, and she was looking at Rein with confusion.

Yes... naturally, this was a kitten.

A damn cute one.

And she was the spirit Rein summoned.

And just the fact that this spirit had a certain fixed form and not an uncertain form or just a blob of element showed just how special this being was.

A spirit's growth potential, intelligence, and learning capacity greatly depended on what form they have and the abilities they can use depended on their colors.

And this adorable, confused thing that looked at Rein with innocent and worried eyes looked so cute... I now wanted something like this one, too.

But the kitten, without looking at anything else, was just looking at her summoner, Rein, with a troubled gaze, asking her what was wrong.