That night...

"Eon... care to tell me what is going on with you? 

You are acting a bit weird since we were in the market…

Even at dinner. Everyone was worried about you, you know?

Even with your spectacular acting, your mom and I could easily tell something is worrying you.

Everything was alright till we went out of the adventurer association and even till the time we were seeing the garden.

I know you don't want to worry any of us like that and try your best but, at least tell me...

I don't like seeing that look in my darling friend's eyes…"

She was genuinely worried, and I could feel her hesitation in those words that were normal sounding.

I knew she was worried as well as the fact that I was not being myself since we crossed paths with those rakshasas on the food street.

They weren't even the ones that had killed those innocent weak people in the morning that Celes had started following.