'That' person... (2)

He had prepared everything, and he even got his hands on this strange statue after days of finding and boring killings.

His great preparation and devotion... everything was ruined by this one MF that appeared out of nowhere!

The mage was angry, doing his best but, when he saw the split second that boy had disappeared from his place and was now standing in front of him with his sword held in both hands... he knew something was wrong.

His spells were shot at him in all directions this time, even at the back, and he still slipped past them and was now preparing a great attack that might really be a problem.

His eyes widened as soon as he spotted him and seeing his closed eyes and this sudden pressure was something unreal in itself.

But... before he could do anything at all, he saw a flash of black-white light, and the very next second, the world inside this cave started spinning in his eyes.