Gift search

"Grandpa Zhen...? What happened? Where's everyone?" 

The garden was empty, and he was the only one greeting us here with some other butlers of his shadow squad.

They were handling the gate, so they were naturally the mage ones.

But he was alone here, with a complicated expression, no less.

He had this complicated expression that was wondering how to tell what was on his mind. 

He wasn't worried, and it didn't seem like anything had happened while we were gone, so I wasn't worried.

Just that my whole family wasn't home. Not in this home, at least. 

I had already used (: Scan) and they weren't in this entire estate at the very least and… now that I was looking at him, there was also something in his hand. 

A piece of paper? Maybe a latter?

Did they have somewhere they just had to go, so they weren't here or something?

If so, then... well, I can understand.