Grandmother's gift

­"A... divine stone..."


As soon as I opened the box, a blinding light escaped the box, and the light was truly blinding, but Rein and I could see the thing laying in the box finely.

An egg-shaped small stone almost Anna's palm size was securely sitting in this special box.

The blinding light that escaped the box was rainbow-like, a mix of countless different colors.

This stone... I knew quite a lot about this one and this was my first time seeing one myself like this.

[{ Master... this... }]

[{ "Yes. A stone of concentrated pure energy. A phenomenal mineral that contains the ability to strengthen the origin connection of those with the powers of [Origin skill] and their respective origin." }]

It was natural Celes would sense what this was. It was something like her, after all.

A mineral created by mother nature himself.