Defeating knights

'Good. Asta is the best~.'

She was the best partner weapon for me. Maybe Ronna will be as good as her, or maybe better. But Asta had a separate place in my heart that couldn't be replaced by even a godly divine artifact.

Ronna already had such a separate place in my heart, but we hadn't properly had any interaction yet.

I could definitely feel her, but even she knew she was of no help to me right now... I was too weak to even manifest her after all.

She was far more awesome for a weak child like me. I was still too weak and undeserving of her.

So, for now, Asta was everything.

The bow I was using right now was also special and his name is Neem.

He is also one of my nine core bows and something I have actively practiced with when training with my master.

This one, unlike the others, is an old grandpa. Just like that ancient willow tree.