Her words... (2)

With a victorious smile on my face, I served her the pre-made coffee, and it was a sweet one with good quality milk, just the way she liked it.

There was also a foam heart on the surface of this one, and her anger didn't grow after seeing this one. 

Still, the anger was there, just as it had been.

And I would never complain about this cute anger when I could see her rare red blush of anger.

From our time together, I have concluded this lovely friend of mine has a total of six major kinds of blushes.

A light pink of love and embarrassment, A gentle pink which would be the most normal pink everyone thinks about when hearing the word 'pink'. And this one is for genuine embarrassment.

And the darker pink that only I knew about because that was the blush she has whenever I call her 'old'. 

She was old, no doubt about that, but whenever I called her 'old', it was something very different.