The great spar

In a large open training ground just behind a large estate building similar to a castle and between two large buildings which were knight and mage houses…

Some strong-looking barriers were covering two people, and these two people had a fire burning in their eyes.

A young man with light indigo hair, strong muscles, and a tall body covered in light armor was standing with his peculiar blade in one hand, his sharp gray eyes locked on the boy on the other side.

This was a saber sword. A single-edged blade with a curved shape at the frontal part of the blade.

This was a saber and a blade that can be used in both thrustings, cutting, slicing, and quickly attacking opponents at a high speed.

The blade itself looked ferocious and the clear blue metallic surface of the blade, the finest making, the golden handle, and the guard, was enough to tell that this was a high-level blade.