Conclusion of a great birthday

'It's because of you.'

'No? You were the one that was just lost in thoughts while looking through my photos.'

'Should I remind you who was lost in this little girl's photos more?'

'...still, you were too busy looking around mom's treasure room.'

'What the hell? Was I the one that took their sweet time observing all the artifacts? Shut up and apologize bastard.'

'Haven't I already done that?! She's just standing there, glaring at us for the last five minutes and not even saying a thing!'

'Calm down, little boy. She doesn't look that angry so it should be alright.'

'But look at her! How can she make such an angry face before me?! It's my birthday too!'

'Yes, yes... calm down. She is just a little grumpy that we are late. It can't be helped anyway, right? We were just too absorbed in those photos that it took a while. Let's wait until she says something. It shouldn't be that great of a deal.'