
[< "I'm just a normal human. Not some divine beast." >]

I chuckled at the way the mother golden furball talked. She was definitely cute~.

[< No! How can that be!? A great being like that majestic butterfly could only serve a noble being of nature!

You also have the legendary blessing from all six elements!

That natural aura is not something a 'normal' human could possess at the very least! >]

She was shouting with great confidence in her voice as if she had great knowledge about beings with all six elemental affinities.

She was firm with her words.

I can also understand that from her point of view… I could only be a great presence like divine beasts to hold this much affinity with nature.

Well, I couldn't do anything about this one aside from doing my best to convince her. But before that...

[< "Can I have your name?" >]